Poor weather continued this week. Rain and cloudy almost all day everyday. When it’s not rain it’s 90+ temp. Most rain in this month then ever recorded. One plant seems to be about a week ahead of the others. LST one three plants is going ok. Of the two I’m not LST one is still growing at a good pace while the other is more into budding then vertical growth. Taller plant 25” shorter is 16”. Found what I think is a plant hopper. Started nutrients. Only watered once (with nutes) because of all the rain/moisture.
@hepoberman,no extra light. I’ve had terrible weather last 2 weeks. 5 days 92,4 days rain, 3 days 95, 2 days rain. In desperation during 4 day rain I used seedling light and work light. I cover during heavy rains. First grow so don’t know what to expect. Battling what I believe to be caterpillar problem. Just hoping to make it to harvest with something.
Que maravilha ✌️
Boa sorte no cultivo e aproveita o desenvolvimento 👍
E no final que tenhas uma grande colheita 🌱🌱
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