Plants are growing rapidly, specially the tallest one which gained about 15cm in a week. Increased water intake to almost a liter per plant - they are very thirsty.
Vegetation going pretty smooth I'd say. The difference in height between the 3 plants I have to attribute to the strain difference and genetics. Correct me if I am wrong.
Topping was applied to the left and middle plants.
@GreenBuzzNutrients, thx everyone at Gren Buzz Liquids! I'm posting a new and final week entry with professional photos taken just before the harvest and some photos of the drying / curing process any minute now.
Hi, it is like you say, the difference between the plants is the different genetics. even if you get from same strain, every plant is differnt, and likes to be treated individual.
so always listen to the plant greetings , and keep it green