Meh , Banana Blaze AUTO in her third week of flower and she started to atvher 4th week of veg to boot she has been very needy hence my deficiencies in the leaves .
Strawberry Nuggets (MEPH) on the other hand has been a spectacle growing only 8 inches tall with stem like the thickness of a marker & only 5 complete stems counting the main.
Banana (Meph) started flowering at 4 weeks but very slow & now in
her second week of flower.
The Green Crack (IH) is one month old clone and so is the
Critical Orange Punch DP 👊
@@@@@@TenderBuds, Its a character named Krieger that says Yep Yep Yep all the time .
I've made my grow title Danger zone........frasing used in the Archer Series. Coincidence