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Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
12.7 cm
24 hrs
31 °C
No Smell
425 PPM
48 %
26 °C
0 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.66 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.66 mll
08 Jul 2021 Today I decided to go ahead and start the diary for my 3 little Blueberry Muffin clones. I originally cut the branches off just before flipping their mom to flower on May 29th. All of my previous attempts at cloning (except 1) have failed! The one success I didn’t even think of as a clone, but it was, and I was able to save it till harvest. I have to thank Growman2020 for pointing my 1 success out to me! I was doing some research into cloning because all my previous (except for the one mentioned) had failed. I was using cloning powder, starter cubes, and humidity domes both constructed and bought, and nothing! Then I read an article that said the easiest way to produce clones is to just cut them and put them in water and wait. And wait. And then maybe wait some more. So I tried that! As I mentioned above, I cut the branches off on May 29, 2021, but didn’t notice any roots until June 27th. Almost a full month, but BOOM!! Out of the 7 Blueberry Muffin branches/stems, and 5 Blue Ox branches/stems I cut off, only 3 developed roots. All 3 Blueberry Muffin. Sadly, none of the Blue Ox branches rooted, but we have to celebrate success when we get it, so …… Today starts my Blueberry Muffin Trio grow diary! It is going to be slow going for a while because I don’t want to get them really going till my others are harvested, so this diary is going to be a slow going project. Let’s get to it!! I’m not going to give them any nutrients until way later in the process, so for now they are only going to get properly pH’ed water. All of them are inside my smaller Spider Farmer 27 x 27 x 63 inch tent, with my SF-1000 multi-spectrum light positioned 26 inches overhead. I took off all the older yellow leaves and left only green healthy leaves to keep absorbing the light. So far, C1 is 4 inches tall, C2 is 4.5 inches tall, and C3 is 5 inches tall. Temperature was 76.5F, and humidity was 43%. I am hoping to try some different growing techniques with these babies in order to expand my skill set and acquire some much needed experience. Hopefully I don’t mess them up later when I get into all that. For now, I only wanted to start the diary, and introduce my new babies (and their diary) to the growing community. Follow along if you’d like! I’m always open to advice, suggestions, criticisms, and anything that a more experienced grower thinks I should know. So I hope to hear from some of you over this next project. Happy growing!! 10 Jul 2021 Just a brief note today.. like I know how to write a brief note! 😂 My lovely Blueberry Muffin Trio are doing well today, but I’m thinking about giving them just a tiny bit of nutrients to help them along. Some of the lower leaves, the clipped ones when I cloned them are a little yellow, but I’m assuming that they won’t survive for long. They are all showing new leaf growth, so I’m hopeful that they’ll start coming along shortly. I decided to keep a little better records from now on just to be thorough. I fed them all approximately 165ml of water each. The initial pH was 8.6, so I added 3 gtts of pH down to adjust it to 6.5. The TDS going in was 98 ppm. The tent temperature was 83.3F, and humidity was 49%. The runoff was measured independently: C1 - pH 6.9, TDS 323 ppm C2 - ph 6.8, TDS 244 ppm (May have been written down wrong due to its comparison with the others). C3 - pH 6.7, TDS 353 ppm They are all looking quite well, and I have high hopes for them all. Just now trying to think of how I can document all 3 in one note. 🤷‍♂️ I’ll figure it out eventually. 12 Jul 2021 Today I thought I’d do something crazy! Not really, but it might end up being crazy anyway. I decided to follow my 6 part feeding chart, and to give my 3 little girls the seedling/clone nutrients. In order to do this I followed the mixture for a gallon so that all the levels would be uniform when feeding the plant. All 3 received 8 oz., or 1 cup of water with the following nutrients: FloraMicro 2.5ml, FloraGro 2.5ml, and FloraBloom 2.5ml. The initial ph was 6.7, and was not adjusted. The TDS going in was 425 ppm. I measured the runoff from all 3 cups together to get the levels. Whether that’s the best way to do it or not, it is the easiest. Runoff pH was 6.2, and TDS runoff was 446 ppm. That’s promising considering the TDS level going in. They seem to be doing ok, but I wouldn’t say they’re doing great, but it’s still early.
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
15.24 cm
24 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
425 PPM
41 %
26 °C
0 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.66 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.66 mll
15 Jul 2021 Today I decided to look in on and water/feed my 3 little babies, and to see how they’re doing. I can see some more spots on some of their lower leaves that may be just from being a seedling/clone, but it’s still too early to tell. They are all developing some new upward leaf and stem growth, but minimal so far. I’m assuming that they are busier developing their roots before their tops. I can only hope that they do well enough to become good adult plants of their own and maybe even give me some more clones of their own! Today I fed them a cup (8 oz.) of the same solution as the other day: 2.5ml’s of FloraMicro, FloraGro, and FloraBloom in a gallon of water. The initial pH was 6.7, and was not adjusted. TDS going in was 425 ppm. The TDS runoff today was 475 ppm, and the pH was 6.3. The tent temp was 81.9F, and humidity was 54%. So far so good for my Blueberry Muffin trio. 18 Jul 2021 Today I looked in on my little group of Blueberry Muffin seedling clones, and they’re looking pretty good. Each of them has grown a bit taller, although I didn’t measure the growth. They’re seedlings, and are progressing well enough. I did some defoliation of all the remaining discolored, clipped leaves from when I cloned them, leaving full leaves only to keep growing. Their new leaves are nice and green, and I’m beginning to think I should put the light down a little closer to them, but I’m still not sure. My vegetative light is a Spider Farmer with a dimming switch, but I can’t tell any difference when I lower or raise the power of it. I’m sure the plants can tell better than I, but sadly they can’t talk to me, and I’m not good enough to know what they really need right now, so I’m basically doing my best not to hurt them. They can continue as slowly as they want while I still have their mother and her tent mate to attend to. Today I’m still giving them the solution that I mixed a few days ago. It’s supposed to be good for a week or so, so I’m still using it. They received 8 ounces of water with FloraMicro 2.5ml, FloraGro 2.5ml, and FloraBloom 2.5ml. The pH was 6.7, and TDS going in is 425 ppm. Runoff today for pH was 6.4, and TDS runoff was 500 ppm. Tent temp was 83.7F, and humidity was 52%. So far they’re just growing up, but I’m hoping that their branches start to fill out soon as well. 20 Jul 2021 My three smallest girls are looking lovely and GREEN today. I put green in all caps because I’m happy to see some nice, new, green colored leaves growing! Not that they’ve been doing poorly, but they all just look a little greener than previous days. I decided to measure each one of them today, and while they are growing a little taller, their branch development is next to nothing still. C1 was 6.5 inches tall. C2 was 5.75 (5 3/4) inches tall. C3 was 6.25 (6 1/4) inches tall. The light is 25 inches above, and centered over their tray. Feeding is still at the seedling stage because they’re seedlings, duh 🙄. They were each given 8 ounces of water with FloraMicro 2.5ml, FloraGro 2.5ml, and FloraBloom 2.5ml. The pH was 6.7, and TDS going in was 425 ppm. Runoff pH was 6.4, and TDS runoff was 536 ppm. Still suffering a heat wave here, so tent temperature was 85.5F, and humidity was 41%. The main stem on all 3 plants is still purple, but their mother was the same way when I got her, and she has turned out quite nicely. I still have high hopes for these ladies, but I’m not all that preoccupied with them right now. But I will be soon.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
704 PPM
47 %
25 °C
0 L
0 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 5
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.004 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.506 mll
22 Jul 2021 Today starts week 3 in my Blueberry Muffin trio grow. The cloned seedlings are looking very vibrant and green today! Very pretty to look at up close. ❤️ I’m very pleased with how everything is going so far with these 3 little ladies! I was looking at the light distances for seedlings to see if I should move the light closer or not. So far I haven’t found anything particular concerning the issue, but from today’s observations, I think I’m going to leave it where it is for now and let them grow slowly till I’m truly ready for them. I’m continuing to give the seedling strength of nutrients, so today they got the same that they’ve been getting. FloraMicro 2.5ml, FloraGro 2.5ml, and FloraBloom 2.5ml. pH in was 6.7, and TDS going in was 425 ppm. Runoff pH (still combined from all 3 plants) was 6.5, and TDS runoff was 558 ppm. The temperature was a little better today at 81F, and humidity was 40%. So far so good! 25 Jul 2021 This is a catch up log for the 25th. I fed all of my plants on Sunday, but was going out of town for a day trip to go see a MLS game I got tickets for. It was hurry up, feed, write down your logs in the book, then go. I really hadn’t gotten to them till today after I fed them again. Anyway, OB Sunday, 7/25/21, I continued to give them the solution I’ve been giving them from the beginning of the week. Each plant was given 8 ounces of water with FloraMicro 2.5ml, FloraGro 2.5ml, and FloraBloom 2.5ml. The pH was 6.7, and TDS going in was 425 ppm. Runoff pH was 6.6, and TDS runoff was 620 ppm. Temperature in the tent was 82.6F, and humidity was 51%. 27 Jul 2021 Today I decided to advance some things along, and change another. I’ve decided to move my plants along in the feed stage to the Early Growth stage which changes a few things and adds something new. According to my General Hydroponics 6-part feed chart, I’m moving to step 2. I mixed a gallon of water with CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 5.7ml, FloraBloom 2.8ml, and adding Floralicious Plus 1ml. The initial pH was 7.1, so I added 5 gtts (.5ml) of pH DOWN which adjusted the pH to 6.8. The TDS going in was 704 ppm. Each plant was given a total of 8 ounces of nutrient solution. Each had sufficient runoff which was collected and measured together. The runoff pH was 6.7, and TDS runoff was 877 ppm. The temperature in the tent today was 82.3F, and humidity was 47%. I also decided to drop the light down to 16 inches above the tops of the plants, and switched the light schedule to 18/6. I’ve never done that before, so I don’t know what to expect from the change. Trying new things to advance my skill and knowledge in the world of marijuana! Happy growing everyone!! I’m harvesting their momma in the morning!
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
26.67 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
704 PPM
48 %
24 °C
0 L
0 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 5
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.004 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.506 mll
30 Jul 2021 Feeding time for my little girls today! I’m sitting here in the floor looking at them after I fed them while writing this. They look absolutely lovely. Such pretty little plants! I harvested their mother 2 days ago and her super sweet smelling buds are hanging to dry in my other tent. I know I want to try some different growing techniques with one or two of these ladies, but honestly have no idea where to start right now. All of them have been slow in their branch development which is weird seeing that their mother was super branchy! Oh well, I’ll figure it out eventually. On another note, I’ve already identified a nice lower branch on C2 that I plan to try and clone when it gets a little bigger. Perpetual Blueberry Muffin sounds pretty good to me! I’m keeping with the same nutrient level with these ladies for the time being. Today they received 8 oz of water and nutrients mixed as follows: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 5.7ml, FloraBloom 2.8ml, and Floralicious Plus 1ml. The initial pH of 7.1 was adjusted with 5 gtts (.5ml) of pH DOWN to 6.8. TDS going in was 704 ppm. Runoff as usual was mixed together for the reading and measured for the website entry, but today I decided to measure them individually as well. Well, except the pH for C1. I didn’t decide to do it individually until I had already poured her contents into my big bowl. Runoff went as such: C1 - pH (unk), TDS 1000 ppm. C2 - pH 6.7, TDS 944 ppm, C3 - pH 6.6, TDS 1038 ppm. All three mixed together: pH 6.8, TDS 963 ppm. It’s still hot as fuck here, so tent temperature was 85.9F, humidity was 47%. Today starts week 4. Thinking about transplanting them into their final homes in a couple of days. 02 Aug 2021 Feeding time in The_Good_Twin grow room today! My 3 babies are still looking wonderful!! I can tell that they are getting too big for their solo cups, so I’m going to plan to transplant them to their final homes as soon as I get my Blue Ox plant harvested. Keeping them in these cups for now to control their size, because I learned from experience that their mom grew quite rapidly once she was transplanted. So, I’ll just keep them here for a little while longer and then I can get them into their new homes. Today they’re getting the same solution as the other day: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 5.7ml, FloraBloom 2.8ml, and Floralicious Plus 1ml. Initial pH 7.1, which was adjusted to 6.8 by adding 5 gtts (.5ml) of pH DOWN. The TDS going in was 704 ppm. Runoff is as follows: C1 - pH 6.0, TDS 851 ppm C2 - pH 5.7, TDS 871 ppm C3 - pH 5.8, TDS 930 ppm All together - pH 6.1, TDS 882 ppm Plants are looking great! The temperature in the tent was 83.5F, and humidity was 41%. 04 Aug 2021 Today marks the end of week 4 of my little Blueberry Muffin Trio grow. They are looking as lovely as can be! Beautiful little plants that have grown a little bit since the last time I checked. C1 is now 11 inches tall, C2 is 10 inches tall, and C3 is 10.5 inches tall. I’ve realized through some reading that the techniques I wanted to try really aren’t easy to do with clones since they are already bigger and more developed than seedlings. So I decided that I am just going to let these lovely ladies grow naturally. I’ve used a net for my 3 previous grows, but I think I’m going to forego the net with them unless their buds/branches need the support. Today they got the same as they have been getting the past week. 8 ounces of water from a gallon with the following nutrients: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 5.7ml, FloraBloom 2.8ml, and Floralicious Plus 1ml. The initial pH was 7.1, with 5 gtts (.25ml) of pH DOWN to adjust the pH to 6.8. The TDS going in was 704 ppm. I measured the runoff individually for this note, and together for the website grow log. C1 - pH: 6.2, TDS: 885 ppm C2 - pH: 5.8, TDS: 877 ppm C3 - pH: 5.8, TDS: 954 ppm Mixed together - pH: 6.1, TDS: 867 ppm The weather here seems to have cooled a bit and given way to thunderstorms for the past few days. Temperature in the tent today was 76F, and humidity was 48%. I finished flushing my Blue Ox today, so I’m going to give it a few days to drink up the water I just gave her, then it’s harvest time! Once I get her cut down and trimmed for drying, I’m going to transplant these lovely ladies to their forever home (till harvest) and move them to the big tent. I can’t wait!!
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
33.02 cm
18 hrs
31 °C
No Smell
834 PPM
50 %
26 °C
0 L
0 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 6
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 5 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.004 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.506 mll
07 Aug 2021 Since I’m going to harvest my other plant on Monday, I plan on transplanting and moving my Trio to the big tent once it is done. I’ve also adjusted the new week to fall on the weekend instead of the middle of the week. It’s just easier to plan that way. My babies are growing and starting to spread out a little bit. Each of the plants have grown a bit, so I adjusted the light to be 16 inches away (as it was) because when I checked today, it was just between 11-12 inches above the plants. They are looking pretty good, but some of the leaves are a little pale. Hence moving the light up. They are really wanting, and needing bigger homes! I feel that they’ve become root bound in their cups, and will absolutely explode once they get more room. Today they got the last of the feeding solution that I made earlier in the week with: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 5.7ml, FloraBloom 2.8ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml. The initial pH was 7.1. I added 5 gtts (.25ml) of pH DOWN which adjusted the pH to 6.8. TDS going in was 704 ppm. Runoff was measured independently as follows: C1 - pH 6.5, TDS 806 ppm C2 - pH 6.2, TDS 852 ppm C3 - pH 6.5, TDS 852 ppm Temperature has been a little lower due to rain, so today the tent was 76.9F, and humidity was 54%. My little girls are looking great so far, and I think it won’t be too much longer till I flip them to flower. Once I get them transplanted and moved that is. Happy growing everyone!! 11 Aug 2021 I have been a busy grower the last few days. So busy, that I haven’t fed my babies in 4 days. 😳 I’ve been meaning to transplant them to their final homes as well, but my lazy ass hasn’t gotten around to that either. Suddenly my hobby is beginning to feel like a job, and that’s never good. Currently I’m curing two different harvests, and have another hanging to dry. Then there’s these three. Lovely little plants that give forth so much goodness. They must be cared for, and I’m their caretaker. All people should have such problems, don’t you think? I’m continuing with the early growth step two on my Flora-Trio 6 part feed chart. Except, I increased the CALiMAGic from 2 - 5ml’s. I’m seeing some discoloration in a few of their leaves, so I’m being a little proactive in fighting it before it becomes any real issue. This is all they got today: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 5.7ml, FloraBloom 2.8ml,, and Floralicious Plus 1ml. The initial pH was 6.9, so I added 5 gtts (.25ml) of pH DOWN which adjusted the pH to 6.6. The TDS going in was 834 ppm. Each lady got 8 ounces of solution. The runoff was as follows: C1: pH - 6.6, TDS - 1206 ppm C2: pH - 6.6, TDS - 1191 ppm C3: pH - 6.7, TDS - 1230 ppm The rain has stopped and the heatwave returned, so it’s a little warm in the grow tent at 86.9F, with a humidity of 50%. They’ll get their new homes tomorrow, then the fun will really begin. Happy growing everyone!
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
33.02 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
95 PPM
53 %
25 °C
9 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.053 mll
13 Aug 2021 Happy Friday the 13th everyone! I’m not a superstitious person, but I hope everything I did today turns out well. Today was a big day in my grow room. I finally cleaned up my big tent and got my three little Ladies transplanted into their new pots, as well as set up their new home to maximize their environment. I moved my Spider Farmer SF-1000 light into the big tent so that each of my girls has their own dedicated light, but that the spillover from the other two will be 3x as good! I leveled the lights 18 inches above the plants for even light distribution over the entire grow area. I also got a new standing oscillating fan for improved airflow and took out the other two I have been using. I can always add them back later if needed. I also repositioned my carbon filter and exhaust fan which opened up the whole top of the tent to place the 3rd light. I changed a lot of stuff in my grow room today in order for it to be neater, more organized, and basically more efficient as a grow space. Now if I can just get rid of all the damn boxes! That’s an inside joke with my wife. Now to my ladies… As I mentioned above, I transplanted my trio into their final homes today. I filled the pots with the same soil that they are currently in, Fox Farm’s Ocean Forest Potting Soil. I opened a small hole in the middle, then extracted each plant, one by one from their solo cups. I broke up the root ball of each plant so that the roots cover more area in their new home. Then I surrounded the root ball with more fresh soil and made sure each was secure in their positions. I then defoliated each plant of all their dead or dying leaves and then carried them upstairs to the grow room. After placing each plant into position, I labeled them all so I, and I’ll assume all of you, can keep track of which is which. They’re still C1, C2, and C3. Today I didn’t want to do anything really crazy, so I just watered the plants with two gallons of properly pH’ed water in order to get the plant roots and fresh soil wet enough to stay moist and consolidate a little better into one mass. I also wanted plain water so that I could see what the TDS levels were like from just the soil and water considering that the soil has some nutrients all by itself. So, each plant received approximately 3/4 of a gallon of water from 2 separate gallons. One with a pH of 6.4 and TDS going in of 89 ppm, and the other 6.7 with TDS of 98 ppm. Each plant had a decent amount of runoff from the water given. The runoff results were as follows: C1 - pH 5.7, TDS 628 ppm C2 - pH 6.2, TDS 532 ppm C3 - pH 6.1, TDS 622 ppm As you can see, the TDS going in was under 100, but the runoff was significantly higher. I think I’ll wait until their runoff TDS is lower before I recommence giving additional nutrients. I’ll just have to see how it goes. Temperature is hot outside again, so the temperature was a little elevated at 84F, and the humidity was 55%. Now the fun of caring for 3 big plants at once. 🙄 I thought two was tough! What have I gotten myself into! Happy growing everyone! 15 Aug 2021 So today started the fun of feeding three plants at once. I’m still just giving properly pH’ed water to try and use the nutrients in the soil first instead of adding additional nutrients to a pot that is already full of nutrient rich soil. I may do this one or two more times before starting the nutrients in the water solution again. I’m going to document each plant properly here in the note, but I can only put one on the updated weekly report for the website. I’m going to alternate between the 3, so today I’m going to start with C1. Each of the plants seem to be adjusting well to their new pot, as well as to their new environment inside the big tent. I took a couple of pics of each plant today to add to the diary for your viewing pleasure. The gallons of water (3 of them) were filled with tap water and then measured and treated independently as follows: C1 - gallon had initial pH of 7.7. C2 - initial pH of 7.7. C3 - initial pH of 7.8. I added 5 gtts (.25ml) of pH DOWN to each gallon which adjusted the pH to 6.2 in all three gallons. TDS going in was as follows: C1 - 94 ppm C2 - 98 ppm C3 - 91 ppm Runoff was also measured independently, and all 3 had very low runoff pH levels. Very low!! C1 - 5.2 C2 - 5.4 C3 - 5.3 TDS runoff was: C1 - 597 ppm C2 - 577 ppm C3 - 647 ppm As you can see, the TDS runoff is still pretty high due to the soil. I’m going to be looking after them carefully over the next week or so to see if any deficiencies can be seen and address them to prevent any issues from becoming a problem. So far so good. Stay tuned to see how this all ends. Happy growing everyone! 20 Aug 2021 It has been nearly 5 days since I’ve fed my ladies. I’m not proud of that fact, but it is what it is. They are all looking a little drawn out and dry, and a few of the leaves on C2 have gotten some pinkish/red borders on some of its leaves. I don’t really have any reason other than pure laziness! Today is the last day that I plan on giving plain pH’ed water, but I’m going to ease into nutrients on the next feeding by using half quantities till I see how they do. Today they each were given a gallon of water. The initial pH of each gallon was 7.3. I added 3 gtts (.2ml) of pH DOWN to each gallon which adjusted their pH levels to: C1 - 6.7, C2 - 6.6, and C3 - 6.7. Their TDS levels going in were: C1 - 90 ppm, C2 - 95 ppm, and C3 - 92 ppm. Runoff pH and TDS levels were: C1 - pH 5.8, TDS 422 ppm C2 - pH 6.0, TDS 529 ppm C3 - pH 5.8, TDS 489 ppm The temperature in the tent was 82F, and humidity was 53%. The plants still look pretty good, and are continuing to grow and adjust well to their recent changes. I’ve decided to just let these ladies grow naturally to see how it goes. What I mean is that I’m not planning on using any LST or HST methods to train them. I do plan on topping them at some point, but not yet. I’ll just have to see how it goes. Happy growing everyone!
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
40.64 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
653 PPM
62 %
25 °C
11 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.004 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.189 mll
22 Aug 2021 Today I’m starting to give some nutrients to assist my ladies in their development. I have been using plain pH’ed water to use the nutrients in the soil before giving anything extra. My girls are looking bleached out and weak. Maybe trying to reduce the nutrients by using the soil for the first week or so in their new homes isn’t paying off. I was hoping to see them flourish, but they aren’t. Growing is all about trial and error, and I’m hoping that my error isn’t going to hurt them in the long run! I’m starting the “Late Growth, stage 4” on my Flora-Trio 6 part feeding chart, but in the beginning I’m going to give them only half of the recommended amount to hopefully prevent any nutrient burn that they might experience. If there are no negative impacts seen, then I’ll adjust the amount as necessary. Today I’m giving them a half gallon of water with the following nutrients: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 4.5ml, FloraBloom 2.5ml, and Floralicious Plus 1ml. The initial pH was as follows: C1 - 6.4, C2 - 6.3, C3 - 6.3. I did not need to adjust it, so I didn’t. The TDS going in was: C1 - 636 ppm, C2 - 634 ppm, C3 - 653 ppm. I was originally planning on giving each plant a gallon of water, but I received enough runoff after only half a gallon. I guess they still haven’t developed an extensive root system enough to require the additional water. It just made it to where I don’t have to worry about making more to give them in a couple of days. The runoff pH and TDS were as follows: C1 - pH 5.7, TDS 498 ppm; C2 - pH 6.0, TDS 562 ppm; C3 - pH 5.7, TDS 707 ppm. It’s always funny to see how plants in the same type of soil, and given nearly the same solution still have such varying pH and TDS runoff levels. 🤷‍♂️ That’s all I have to say. It’s a mystery, but not an overly important one as long as they’re healthy. The heat in the tent today was somewhat warm, but not as bad as it has been lately. The temperature was 81F, and the humidity was 56%. I’m hopeful that adding nutrients today will improve their color and get them to start developing their branches some more so I can flip them to flower in a little bit. We’ll have to see how it goes. 25 Aug 2021 Today I gave my ladies the second half of the gallon that I prepared a few days ago. They received the first half gallon on the 22nd, so I’m not going to repeat everything here again. To see what they were given read the note above. I am going to note the runoff levels and the temperature and humidity because they are important to note. Runoff was as follows: C1 - pH 6.0, TDS 610 ppm C2 - pH 6.1, TDS 546 ppm C3 - pH 6.0, TDS 765 ppm Again, it just weird seeing plants with different pH and TDS levels when they’re given nearly the exact same solution. 🤷‍♂️ The temperature in the tent was 81F, and humidity 62%. Overall, my little ladies are looking better since starting the nutrients. They no longer look bleached out, and the green is returning to her leaves quite well. I decided to measure them today as well to document their growth. C1 is now 16 inches tall, and C2 is 15 inches, and C3 is 16 inches. C1 and C2’s lights were adjusted to be 19 inches away, and C3’s light is at 18 inches to keep the light canopy level. The difference in the light and size is due to the size of the pot C3 is in. She stands taller because her pot is half a gallon larger, but also because the pot has small legs on which it stands on so it sits higher. They’re looking better, so that’s all that I care about in reality. Good luck, and happy growing everyone!!
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
40.64 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
661 PPM
53 %
26 °C
9 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.004 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.189 mll
28 Aug 2021 I have been feeling like crap for the last few days! No fever, so it’s not anything serious, but I am exhausted, worn down, tired! Enough about me. My plants are doing wonderful!! They have turned green, and their leaf development is finally getting started. I was contemplating topping them today, but I decided to wait a couple of days. They took a little more water each today in order to get a decent amount of runoff without over watering them. The last two feedings they just took a half a gallon, but today all three of them took about 3/4 of a gallon. I’m still keeping the nutrients at half strength while using the late stage growth step 4 of my feed chart. Today I mixed CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 4.5ml, FloraBloom 2.5ml, and Floralicious Plus 1ml into a gallon of water. I did this for 3 gallons; 1 for each plant. The initial pH for all 3 plants was 6.4, and didn’t require any adjustments. My TDS meter decided to stop working after testing the first gallon for C1. The TDS going in for that gallon was 661 ppm. I couldn’t get it working again to test C2 or C3, nor for any of the runoff measurements. Oh well, I guess I need to get another one. As I mentioned above; all 3 plants took about 3/4 of a gallon of water, so by looking at their appearance and how much bigger they’ve gotten, I believe that the roots are starting to develop a little more. The runoff pH for each plant was as follows: C1 - 5.8, C2 - 6.1, and C3 - 5.9. The temperature was high when I first checked in on the plants at 90F, but I ventilated the tent with a fan on the outside to lower it to 86F. The humidity held stable at 52%. I’m hoping to flip them to flower in a week or so. I need a break! Happy growing everyone!! 31 Aug 2021 I fed my plants again today. This is going to be a super short note because I did the bare minimum today. I gave my plants the same level of nutrients as the other day, so if you’re interested, look at the note from the 28th for more details. I topped all 3 plants today, and I’m going to start flowering in a day or two. All 3 plants are looking absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait to finish them so I can take a break.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
43 %
24 °C
9 L
4 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 7
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.74 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.872 mll
03 Sep 2021 I am going to flip the light schedule today and start the flowering stage for my trio. They are plenty big enough now, so it’s time to start producing some bud! I’m going to start the Early Bloom level on my feed chart (stage 1), but I’m only going to give them half strength till I know they can handle it. Here’s what they’re getting today: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.8ml, FloraGro 3.3ml, FloraBloom 3.3ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. My TDS monitor is still not working properly, so I only have the pH to worry about till I can get another one. All 3 plants had an initial pH of 6.4 and were not adjusted. Runoff pH was as follows: C1 - 5.8, C2 - 6.0, C3 - 5.7 The temperature was 84F, and humidity was 50%. I’ve adjusted the timers to switch to a 12/12 light schedule for flowering to start tonight! Harvest should be in about 45 days, then I’m taking the rest of the year off. Well, maybe not the whole rest of the year, but close. Happy growing everyone!! 08 Sep 2021 So, we’re nearing the end of the first week of the flowering stage and the plants are doing wonderful! I last fed them 5 days ago before going out of town for the weekend, which was also the day that I switched them to start flowering. So far they have started to stretch a bit and develop their branches a little more. I measured each plant today, as well as check the distance from the lights. C1 is 19 inches tall and is 16 inches away from the light. C2 is 20 inches tall and 15 inches from the light. C3 is also 20 inches tall, and 15 inches away from the lights. Some of the leaves are showing the fact that they hadn’t been watered/fed in 5 days, but they mostly look good. They are all looking green, healthy and bushy! I plan to do some defoliation tomorrow to thin them out a bit. I’m also planning on trimming off all of their lower leaves and small undeveloped branches to make them more manageable. I kept with the same feeding levels today as the other day. Each plant took nearly the whole gallon of water mixed with nutrients today, and still had plenty of runoff. I still haven’t gotten a replacement for my broken TDS meter, so I don’t have any TDS data today, just pH. Each plant was given CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.8ml, FloraGro 3.3ml, FloraBloom 3.3ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The initial pH for all 3 gallons was 6.4. Normally I don’t adjust this pH level, but since the runoff pH has been low (between 5.7-5.9) when feeding this level, I decided to adjust a little today. I added 1ml of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted each of them to 6.7 going in. The runoff pH for each plant was as follows: C1 - 6.3, C2 - 6.2, and C3 - 6.0. This level is much better than before, so I’ll keep adjusting to near the same levels in future feedings. The temperature in the tent was 86F, and humidity was 43%. 10 Sep 2021 Today I mainly just did plant maintenance. I defoliated and trimmed the living daylights out of my Trio! They’re practically nude!! It’s a great flowering start point. At least in my opinion. I also pruned about 12 smaller branches for clones. I’m not doing anything special with them, except cutting them off, trimming off excess foliage and sticking them in a solo cup with water and a tiny bit of FloraMicro and FloraGro with the ends cut at a 45 degree angle. This is the method I used to get this Trio, so I’m hoping that some of the 12 grow roots to have a perpetual Blueberry Muffin grow going. It’s an awesome strain!! After doing all the maintenance, I wanted to water/feed them, but the clock was against me. The lights go out at 8 pm, and it was already 7:40 pm. So what I did was prepare 1 gallon with the proper nutrients and pH for the 3 of them to share. Each of them received 5 1/3 cups I fed them CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.8ml, FloraGro 3.3ml, FloraBloom 3.3ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The initial pH was 6.4, and I added 1ml of pH UP which adjusted the pH to 6.6. I added 2 cups to each plant in turn twice, then 1 cup in turn for a total of 5 cups each, then split the remaining cup between the 3 plants. Each got 5 1/3 cups of the solution and none of them had any significant runoff to measure. I trimmed and defoliated each plant to provide equal and plentiful light exposure all the way through each plant. I cleared off all of the lower branches for clones, and to provide clearance at the bottom of each plant. All 3 are growing with their branches in a Christmas tree formation seeking the light with good spacing. I’m hoping that I didn’t over for it today, and that each plant responds the way I want them too. Time will tell. Happy growing everyone!!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
59.69 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
65 %
26 °C
11 L
4 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 7
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.634 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
11 Sep 2021 Today starts week 2 of the flowering stage and week 10 of life for my lovely Ladies. I did some massive defoliation and pruning the other day and all three of my babies are looking amazing afterwards!! Absolutely beautiful! I have a short video log (I’m not cool enough to call it a vlog), and a few pictures to upload to start this week. I must admit that I really thought I may have overdone the defoliation and pruning, but so far it’s turning out exactly as I had hoped. There are budlets forming at every node, and all three plants are looking healthy and strong. I decided to look at my feed chart and to count backwards from the date that they should be ready for harvest and to arrange their feeding schedule. I made a plan where I can provide a good steady level of nutrients in the proper stage of growth, and schedule time for the flush to be done by the time harvest time arrives. So today I started the Mid-Bloom stage 4 of my Flora-Trio 6 part feeding chart. I’m still giving half the nutrient level until I know there are no issues, then I will adjust to full strength if necessary. At 50% strength each plant was given: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.4ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml mixed into a gallon of water. The initial pH for all three gallons was 6.3. I wanted to adjust them up, so I added 1.2ml of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted them as follows: C1 - 6.7, and C2/C3 were both adjusted to 6.6. I still don’t have a replacement TDS meter, so only pH was measured in the runoff. Runoff pH was as follows: C1 - 5.9, C2 - 6.1, and C3 - 5.8. The runoff levels of C1 and C3 are still lower than id like, but still manageable. As I mentioned several times above; my plants are looking great, and I plan to keep growing them as they are until this method needs to be adjusted or changed. I’m just letting them grow wild. Granted, I’m trying my best for them to grow the way I want, but I’m not using a support net at all (yet). I say (yet), because once the buds start to bulk up, they may need support to stand upright. If that day comes, I’ll use the net. Time will tell. The temperature in the tent was 82F, and the humidity was 45%. So far my trio is growing beautifully! Enjoy everyone! I am!! 14 Sep 2021 I ended up using only about half of each gallon the other day, so today I gave the rest of each gallon to the perspective plant it belonged to. None of the plants had any real runoff from the amount given today, so I’ll probably start feeding every two days instead of every 3-4. It happens with each grow. The trick is to identify how much they need, and how often. It seems to change with every plant. So as I stated above; each plant received about 1/2 gallon of water and nutrients that was prepared a few days ago. Each plant received CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.4ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The pH going in was: C1 - 6.7, C2/C3 - 6.6. As I said above, there wasn’t enough runoff to measure, so I don’t have runoff data today. The temperature in the tent was 84F, and humidity was 57%. I measured each plant and adjusted the lights according to their growth. C1 is now 23 inches tall, C2/C3 are both 23.5 inches tall. I adjusted the lights to all be 15 inches over each plant. Light spill off is still awesome for all three plants, and each one of my lovely ladies is looking absolutely amazing! 15 Sep 2021 My plants are doing AWESOME!! I looked in on them a little earlier today and just sat in my floor and looked at them. They are doing amazing! Absolutely beautiful!! I have used a support (scrog) net for each of my grows so far; till this one. At least so far that is. I may end up putting it in to support the branches once they are loaded with bud, but for right now I have just let them grow as they naturally want too. Of course there are some exceptions to that last statement. At the end of my first week of flower I decided to defoliate and prune them down. I did so much defoliation and pruning that I thought I may have hurt my girls, but nope! They have responded even better than I had hoped. I trimmed off all of the lowest branches that weren’t already long enough to get full light exposure, as well as most of the small intermediate branches growing off of more established branches. The result… every node growing on every branch is developing buds! All of them are getting full light exposure, and ventilation from the fans inside the grow room. These three are looking better than any of my previous plants thus far. I am very pleased with how they’re doing! I’m feeding again today because what I gave them yesterday just didn’t seem sufficient. None of them had any runoff to measure; so I’m going to make sure that they do as well as possible! I’m sticking with the mid-bloom stage 4 of my Flora-Trio 6 part feeding chart at 50% of recommended levels. My plants are doing great at 50% strength so far, so if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it! No deficiencies have been seen, so I’ll keep on keeping on that. Each plant received a mixture of a gallon of water with the following nutrients: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.4ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. C1 and C2 didn’t take the whole gallon, but about 3/4 of it. C3 took the whole gallon, but that may be because it is in a bigger pot. The initial pH of each was: C1 - 6.4, C2 - 6.5, and C3 - 6.3. I added pH UP to each as follows: C1 - 2ml, which adjusted to a final pH of 6.7. C2 - 1ml, which adjusted to 6.9, and C3 - 1.5ml, which adjusted to 6.6. I still haven’t gotten another TDS meter, so no TDS data to report. Runoff for all three plants was lower than I expected. C1 was 5.8, and C2/C3 were 5.7. I really expected them to be near 6.2 or thereabouts, but nope. I’m going to have to keep an eye on that. The humidity today was 65%, which is pretty good. The temperature in the tent was 84F. It was over 90F outside today, so hot outside = hot in the tent. 🤷‍♂️ They’re still looking great! Happy growing everyone!
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
58.42 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
66 %
25 °C
9 L
4 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 7
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.004 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.004 mll
18 Sep 2021 Today starts week 11 of the grow, and week 3 of flowering. I gave the plants what was left of the feeding solution from the previous feeding yesterday, but didn’t do an entry for it 🤷‍♂️. The plants needed to be fed, so I gave them what I had ready. It was about gallon split between the three of them, so just a snack really. Today I’m moving along in the feed chart and upping the level to the Mid-Bloom, step 6 on my feeding chart. As with the previous weeks, I plan to start using only 50% of the nutrient level because all 3 of my Ladies are doing exceptionally well with what I’ve been giving them so far, so I’m going to keep doing it. So far there has been zero nutrient burn, and I’d love to keep it that way! Ok; so not everything is going to be right at 50%, but close enough. I’m going to start feeding them CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 2.2ml, Floralicious Plus 2ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. Each plant will be given the above nutrients mixed into a gallon of water. The initial pH for each is as follows: C1 & C2 - 6.3, and C3 - 6.2. I added 1.5ml of pH UP to adjust them up a bit. C1 was adjusted to 6.6, and C2 & C3 were both adjusted to 6.7. The runoff pH still isn’t where I want it to be, but the plants are doing wonderful, so I’ll just keep an eye on it. If everything continues to go well, then nothing need be done. If problems develop, then I’ll address them as they arise. The runoff pH was: C1 - 5.7, C2 - 6.0, and C3 - 5.6. The temp was 82F in the tent at around 2:00pm when I fed them, and humidity was at 69%. I’ve noticed that the humidity in the tent is higher now than it ever has been in previous grows, but still doing great! My plants are looking stellar! I’m extremely happy with where they are now, and with how they’re maturing. I guess I’ll just keep on keeping on. Happy growing everyone!! 20 Sep 2021 Hello everyone! Hopefully you all have been growing some great weed out there on the big blue marble called Earth! It’s feeding time again in The_Good_Twin grow room! Today I gave C1 and C2 what was left of their gallons the other day, but C3 was looking a little parched; so I decided to feed them all all over again. Just a little different. Instead of giving each of them their own gallon; especially since C1 and C2 had already had a bit, I decided to make 2 gallons and split one between those two, and one for C3 by herself. I kept with the same feed levels as the other day, so each gallon received: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 2.2ml, Floralicious Plus 2ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The initial pH for both gallons was 6.3. I added 1.8ml’s of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted the pH of both gallons to 6.8. The runoff pH differed a little. C1 was 5.8, C2 was 6.1 (from the same solution), and C3 was 5.7. It seems no matter how I adjust the pH going in, it always seems to be much lower in the runoff water. The plants are doing great, so I’m not going to worry until it seems to be a real issue. It may be nothing. The temperature was moderate outside today, and the tent temperature was commensurate with the outside at 77F. The humidity was at 56% today when I fed them, but was about 65% about 2 hours earlier when I checked in on them. Like I said; my plants are doing great so I’m not worried about anything right now. I’m thinking about upping the nutrients to full strength next time to see how they react. If I get some nutrient burn then I’ll lower them back down. If not 🤷‍♂️, I’ll keep feeding them the full strength. We’ll just have to see how it goes. May all of your ladies give you big, fat, sticky buds!! Happy growing everyone! 22 Sep 2021 So today is the day! My lovely ladies are going to start receiving full strength nutrients for the first time in this grow. I’ve been keeping it at half strength till now, but their bud formation looks to be in full swing. I want to give them plenty of help right now, so their buds can get fat and sticky!! Today all three of my ladies took the full gallon of solution, and had a sufficient amount of runoff. Today they received: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 3.8ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 2ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The initial pH for all 3 was 6.1. I added 2ml of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted the pH of C1/C3 - 6.6, and C2 - 6.7. Runoff pH for C1 was 5.7, C2 was 5.9, and C3 was 5.6. I’m not really happy with the runoff pH, but I haven’t been this whole time. All three of my plants are doing awesome, so I’m not going to worry about it until I see cause too. Tent temperature was 81F, with humidity at 66%. My plants look amazing! I believe (so far) that they are the best plants I’ve grown yet. Sadly, none of the clippings I took from them for clones made it. So my Blueberry Muffin run will end with two diaries, and 4 plants. Each of my Trio has long, white haired buds forming in clusters around every node on their branches. All three of them are looking strong and healthy. I’m super happy with their progress to date. Hopefully they respond well to the full nutrients and burst with improved growth. Time will tell. Happy growing everyone!
1 like
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
58.42 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
47 %
26 °C
9 L
4 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 7
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.004 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.004 mll
25 Sep 2021 Today I’m starting Week 12 of this grow, and I couldn’t be happier. My 3 Ladies are looking great! I’m not seeing any negative signs that they’re not loving the increased nutrients. 👍🏻 so far, so good. I’ve moved up to step 7 of my 6 - part Flora Trio feed chart. It doesn’t change anything, so I figured I might as well. They will be getting the same amount they received the last feeding. They received: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 3.8ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 2ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The initial pH of all 3 gallons was 6.2. I added 2.2ml of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted the pH to 6.7 in all 3 gallons. The runoff ph was different for each (of course). C1 was 5.8, C2 was 6.0, and C3 was 5.7. 🤷‍♂️ Everything is going great, so…… If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. I read an article about “popcorn buds” yesterday, and the importance of pruning them to get the main colas to fatten up better. I figured I’d give it a try, why not. Most of the popcorn buds go into the trim bag anyway, so why not, what do I have to lose? Hopefully not my perfectly healthy plants! The worry is hurting the plants more than helping them. I trimmed all of the small, lower branches off, as well as many of the smaller branches in the middle that don’t really receive any direct light. The stack was quite big once I was finished. You can see it on the video log I uploaded today. The temperature in the grow tent today was 84F, with humidity at 54%. I have the best of hope for a wonderful grow, but I just hope that they respond well to all of the trimming I’ve done today. We’ll have to just wait and see. Happy growing Growmies! 28 Sep 2021 What’s up Growmies! I have good news…. My plants are still alive and doing well! I was a little nervous after the last feeding and pruning session, but my babies are doing quite well. The last three days have shown an absolute explosion in pistil development all over all 3 plants! Some of the nodes are showing white and pink pistils, and their growth is lovely. They seem to be responding well to the full nutrient levels, but there are some mild signs of nutrient burn, but only on a few leaves. Most of the plants are still looking marvelous. I’m very happy with how they’re growing and to how they have responded to my trimming 3 days ago. I haven’t changed anything in their feeding from last time, so I’m just going to list it out here for you all to see. They each received the same amount in their own gallon of water. Each plant took the whole gallon, and the runoff was as expected. Each plant received: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 3.8ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 2ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The initial pH for all 3 was: 6.2, so I added 2.2ml’s of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted the pH to 6.7 for all 3 as well. My new TDS meter will be here Friday, so all I have for the runoff is the pH. C1 was 5.8, C2 was 6.0, and C3 was 5.6. I’m going to stop fretting over the runoff pH because it really doesn’t seem to matter a whole lot. However, I’ll still keep track of it nonetheless. The temperature in the tent today was 84F, and the humidity was 48%. See you in a couple days. Happy growing! 01 Oct 2021 Today I finally received my new TDS meter, and it stopped working after the first use! I was like, “Damn! WTF!!” For real, no bullshit. It sucks. Anyway; I just felt like sharing my woes with you all. Most likely it’s just me typing to myself. Today my lovely ladies got the same that they’ve been getting for the past couple weeks. CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 3.8ml, FloraGro 3.8ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 2ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml. The initial pH of all 3 was 6.2. I added 2.2ml’s of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted the pH to 6.7 for all 3. The one time my new TDS meter worked, the TDS of C1 was 711 ppm. It stopped working after that. The runoff pH was C1 - 5.8, C2 - 6.1, and C3 - 5.7. The temperature in the tent was 84F, and humidity was 47%. My girls are looking wonderful, but there is some nutrient burn as I mentioned the other day. It hasn’t increased, which is good, but some of the larger fan leaves look like they’re losing a little color. The pistils all over the buds are growing even more, and the light pink hairs are now becoming numerous. They’re very pretty and look healthy. I’m smoking their Mother right now, which gives me happy thoughts for a wonderful harvest of her children soon to come. 😍🤞 I moved them all out of the tent briefly today for some cleanup and repositioning. They look good standing alone as much as when they’re together. I moved the fans around to give them more space and to improve ventilation and light distribution. I also did some LST on C1 and C2. I tied some of their longer, yet lower branches up to make them look up to the light instead of being toward the side. 🤷‍♂️ we’ll see if it makes a difference or not. Today is the last day of week 12. See you in 13. Take care, and happy growing.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
67.31 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1464 PPM
50 %
26 °C
11 L
4 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 6
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.321 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.963 mll
04 Oct 2021 Week 13 started on Saturday, but I haven’t fed them till today. I was going to feed my Ladies yesterday, but got unexpectedly busy and missed the chance. Humboldt Seed Co. lists the flowering period at 45 days from the switch. In my first Blueberry Muffin grow I didn’t pay attention to that because the plant didn’t look ready at the 45 day mark. If you read my first Blueberry Muffin diary you saw that that was MY mistake, and in fact it was ready at that time. This time around I’ve been paying attention, and have been following the feed chart so that I can get through every step in the Trio’s grow. Keeping the schedule meant that today we have started the Ripening Stage!! The end of the 45 day flowering period ends (or arrives, depending on how you look at it) on October 17th. I may take it a week longer or so if needed, but I wanted to complete every stage correctly this time around. The last time I had to harvest and never got past the mid-bloom feeding stage. Today they received a whole gallon each with the following nutrients: CALiMAGic 6ml (I meant to put 5ml, but grabbed the wrong bottle when I was putting the other nutrients in and accidentally put in another ml by mistake), FloraMicro 5ml, FloraBloom 15ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Dry KoolBloom 0.5 tsp. The initial pH for all 3 plants was 5.5. I ended up adding pH UP on three separate occasions. The first time I put in 3.4ml’s which rose all 3 gallons to 6.0. Then I added 2.6 more ml’s for a total of 6ml’s. That adjusted the pH to 6.3 in all three gallons. So I added 1.5ml more to each for a total of 7.5ml’s in each gallon. All of that only rose it to 6.4 in each gallon, and I wasn’t adding anymore after that. So each plant was given the nutrients in a water solution with a pH of 6.4. I also coaxed my new TDS meter into working, but I have to take each measurement slowly and make sure that no moisture remains on the probes between uses. The TDS going in was as follows: C1 - 1614 ppm, C2 - 1737 ppm, and C3 - 1751 ppm. The runoff pH for C1 and C2 were both 5.9, and C3 was 5.7. The TDS runoff was C1 - 1867 ppm, C2 - 1860 ppm, and C3 was 1960 ppm. The temperature in the tent was 82F with a RH of 52%. My plants are developing very well this grow and I’m very happy with their progress. The buds are building their trichomes up very well, and they are super sticky!! The smell is getting to be lovely as well! I had to turn up the speed on my exhaust fan because you can smell a little fruitiness when you come into the grow room. I’m looking forward to a wonderful 3 plant harvest in the coming weeks. Happy growing everyone!! 07 Oct 2021 Hello everyone! Hopefully you all have had a pleasant and productive day, or at least a good one. It’s feeding time again, so let’s get to it. I’m keeping with the Ripen feed stage, and I must say that my girls are responding well!! Today I’m only going to upload a single pic of a bud from each plant, and a group pic so I don’t end up with too many of the same type. I’ll upload some trichome pics next time because the buds are forming very well and are developing some nice crystallization on their sugar leaves. They look great, and the smell 👃🏽 is awesome! Today my girls received a gallon of water with 2ml’s of CALiMAGic, 5ml’s of FloraMicro, 15ml’s of FloraBloom, 1ml of Floralicious Plus, and 0.5 tsp of Dry KoolBloom. The initial pH in C1 & C2 was 5.5, and C3 was 5.4. I added 8ml’s of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted the pH to 6.4 in all 3 gallons. TDS going in was 1390 ppm for C1, 1425 ppm for C2, and 1464 ppm for C3. Runoff pH for C1 & C2 was 5.9, and C3 was 5.7. TDS runoff was 1926 ppm for C1, 2090 ppm for C2, and 2027 for C3. Tent temperature was 81F, and RH was 50% about 15 minutes after I opened the tent. My dumb ass forgot to check it as I was opening the tent. 🤷‍♂️ Oh well. The buds are forming very fast as I hinted at earlier. So much so, that I am probably going to need to prop some of them up. I found some poles specifically designed to do that in the Home Depot garden center today, so I plan on implementing some of them tomorrow. My Blueberry Muffin Trio is growing and maturing splendidly, and I’m very happy with their progress thus far. Fingers crossed 🤞 that they keep doing as well as they currently are! Good luck, and happy growing everyone!
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
66.04 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
1440 PPM
48 %
26 °C
9 L
4 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 6
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.321 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.963 mll
10 Oct 2021 (start of week 14) Tragedy struck in the grow room today!! We lost a beloved companion in the form of a whole branch from C1. A picture has been uploaded to show the gory details. Sad day; sad day indeed! Imagine my surprise today when I look into my tent and see not one, but two branches on C1 just laying over to the side. 😳 Now imagine that when you start to lift them up and secure them in place that you notice that one is no longer totally attached to the core, but just barely hanging on, and that the end is no longer moist, but dry. The only thing to do is remove it. A whole branch, gone to soon, but probably far enough along to trim, dry, and cure! I’m trying to see the light here, but in reality I’m sad. That isn’t the only issue either. Many of the branches are getting to heavy to support themselves, and I had to do a lot of maintenance to keep everything else going as planned. All of my gardening support posts I bought the other day have now been successfully employed. The only problem that I see is that I’m going to need more! Oh well. 🤷‍♂️ Keeping with the ripening stage right now, so they all three received the same level of nutrients in a gallon of water as they did the other day. CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 5ml, FloraBloom 15ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Dry KoolBloom 0.5 tsp. Initial pH was 5.5 for both C1 & C2, and 5.4 for C3. I added 8ml’s of pH UP which adjusted all 3 gallon’s pH to 6.3. I didn’t adjust them any more. TDS levels going into each plant was as follows: C1 - 1442 ppm, C2 - 1363 ppm, and C3 - 1378 ppm. Runoff levels were as follows: C1 - pH 5.7, TDS 2161 ppm. C2 - pH 5.7, TDS 2265 ppm, and C3 - pH 5.5, TDS 2391 ppm. Other than losing a branch due to weight, and having to support many others, the plants are still doing very well. Hopefully I don’t lose any more branches!! This should be the last week of nutrients, then to the flush, and harvest. Almost there, but not quite yet. Happy growing everyone! 14 Oct 2021 I had planned on defoliating the older, larger fan leaves on all 3 plants today, but some issues came up and I wasn’t able to do as much as I had hoped to do. I removed some of them, but couldn’t do it as much, or as well as I had hoped. The end of the 45 day flowering period is this coming Sunday, but I’m still using the ripening stage of nutrients this week. I’ll start flushing them in a few days. Today my lovelies received 2ml of CALiMAGic, 5ml of FloraMicro, 15ml, of FloraBloom, 1ml of Floralicious Plus, and 0.5 tsp of Dry KoolBloom mixed into a gallon of water. The initial pH for C1 was 5.5, and C2 & C3 was 5.4. I added 8.4ml’s of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted the pH in all 3 gallons to 6.4. The TDS levels going in was 1440 ppm for C1, 1464 ppm for C2, and 1503 ppm for C3. Runoff levels were as follows: C1 - pH 5.8, TDS 2194 ppm. C2 - pH 5.7, TDS 2477 ppm. C3 - pH 5.7, TDS 2439 ppm. The plants are still developing well, and the buds look awesome! The smell is very strong and amazing. So far they are doing very well, and we’re almost at the finish line. Tent temp was 82F, and humidity was 48%. See you all in a few days. Happy growing!
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
66.04 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
86 PPM
42 %
27 °C
9 L
4 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.053 mll
17 Oct 2021 Today is the 45th day of flower, and according to Humboldt Seed Company, my Ladies should be ready to harvest!! I took several trichome pics of each plant today to check and see if they are ready; and they are!! Awesome! I’ll upload all the pics today for your viewing pleasure. Week 15 officially kicked off yesterday, but today is the first entry of the flush in order to get my girls ready for harvest. Each of my plants received a gallon of water with properly adjusted pH. The initial pH for C1 was 6.9, C2 was 7.0, and C3 was 7.1. I added .2ml of pH DOWN to each gallon which adjusted all of them to 6.4. The TDS going in for C1 & C2 was 85 ppm, and C2 was 84 ppm. Runoff measurements were as follows: C1 - pH: 5.8, TDS: 1796 ppm. C2 - pH: 5.7, TDS: 2086 ppm. C3 - pH: 5.6, TDS: 1979 ppm. The tent temp was 82F, and humidity was 42%. My plants are doing great, and I’ll be flushing with fresh water for the remainder of the grow until it’s time to harvest in a week or two. Hopefully they’ll be done in time for the Diary of the Month contest, but in reality, I’ll just be glad when they’re done! Happy growing everyone!! 21 Oct 2021 I have been a lazy bastard lately. I wanted to water my plants two days ago, but didn’t. Then I wanted to water them yesterday, but again, I didn’t. There isn’t any reason really other than just plain laziness. Today I’ve decided to stop being lazy and to continue the flush of my lovely plants! Each plant is getting a gallon of properly pH’ed water and nothing else. The details for each gallon are as follows: Initial pH for C1 & C2 was 7.0, and C3 was 7.1. I added 0.2 ml of pH DOWN to each gallon which adjusted the pH of all 3 gallons to 6.3. That’s what they were given; a gallon of fresh water with a pH of 6.3. The TDS level going in was 58 ppm for C1, and 86 ppm for both C2 & C3. Runoff levels were as follows: C1 - pH 5.9, TDS 1234 ppm. C2 - pH 5.8, TDS 1326 ppm. C3 - pH 5.7, TDS 1182 ppm. The TDS level for all three plants fell significantly from the first flushing a few days ago. Hopefully the levels will continue to drop quickly so the harvest can commence! My ladies are all starting to show their age now by looking at their fan leaves. Some of them have begun that late flower stage dry out, but not many. The plants are still looking great and their buds are starting to weigh down some of the branches. I’m going to get a few more support sticks to keep them from being weighed down too much and breaking. I’d hate to lose anymore branches before I cut them off on purpose. We’re almost at the finish line fellow growers!! Best of luck to you all, and happy growing!
Week 16. Flowering
3 years ago
67.31 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
84 PPM
43 %
26 °C
11 L
4 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.053 mll
24 Oct 2021 Week 16 began yesterday, but the first watering of the week was today. I’m keeping up with the flush, starting the 2nd week today. Hopefully I’ll be able to harvest in a few days. My Trio is looking really lovely. Their buds are covered in trichomes that glisten under the lights. They are starting to darken in color in some areas like their mother did. They may take on some pinkish/purple hues before it’s all done. Some of their leaves are turning purple as well. The sugar leaves are somewhat dark, but still green. All three of them are very nice to look at, and their smell is super strong! It’s really nice in my grow room! Yesterday I went out and got some more of those support sticks from the local home store and provided support for all of the branches that needed it. Which was a lot! I got 7 new support sticks and used them all. All of the branches are now supported and flourishing! Today each of my girls received a gallon of properly pH’ed water, and each had a sufficient amount of runoff from which to gather measurements. The process went as follows: C1 & C2 had an initial pH of 6.9, and C3’s initial pH was 6.8. I added .2ml of pH DOWN to each gallon which adjusted the pH to 6.4 for C1, and 6.3 for C2 and C3. TDS going in was 88 ppm for C1, 86 ppm for C2, and 84 ppm for C3. Runoff measurements were a little weird. The runoff pH for C1 was 5.9. The TDS was (at first) 600 ppm. I thought that was an incredible drop from the other day, so I did it again. It was 603 ppm the second time. Ok, moving along nicely! The runoff for C2 was pH - 5.8, and TDS was 1101 ppm. 😳 That’s a lot more than C1. C3 had a pH of 5.6, and TDS of 1212 ppm. Which is even more; so I measured a little more from C1 again, and the 3rd time it measured 736 ppm. 🤔 That seems weird to me, but I’ll keep an eye on it. If it continues to be that low then I will end up harvesting it before the others which won’t be so terrible. I’ll just have to wait and see. The temperature in the tent was 81F, and humidity was 47%. My ladies are looking lovely and growing better than I could have hoped for. This grow has been awesome, but I can’t wait to be done. Happy growing everyone! 27 Oct 2021 Feeding/flushing time again! I was somewhat perplexed the other day when I got the runoff reading for the TDS in C1. It was 500-600 ppm less than C2 & C3 respectively. Since I was having some issues with the TDS meter I thought that IT may be the cause. I made a note to check on it today, and there seems to be no problem with the TDS meter at all. Keep reading for details. My plants are still looking as lovely as I could ever have hoped for! C1 has started showing more color changes than the other 2, and the only thing I can say the difference is, is that I defoliated some of C1’s larger fan leaves last week, and wasn’t able to do the same for the other 2. That is the ONLY thing I can think of that has been different between all 3 plants this entire grow. Regardless, all 3 plants are looking wonderful! Today each of my lovely ladies received a gallon of property pH’ed water with an expected amount of runoff for testing. The preparation went as follows: C1 & C2 had an initial pH of 6.9, and C3 was at 7.0. I added 0.2ml’s of pH DOWN to each gallon which adjusted the pH of all 3 gallons to 6.3. TDS going in for C1 & C2 was 85 ppm, and C3 was 84 ppm. Runoff levels were different for all three plants. C2’s runoff pH was 5.7, and TDS was 1041 ppm. C3’s pH was 5.6, and TDS was 1059 ppm. Last time C1 was significantly lower than the others, and I thought that maybe it was a TDS meter issue. Evidently it wasn’t. C1’s TDS today was 526 ppm! 😳 still much lower than the others, and pretty much ready for harvest. The temperature in the tent was 81F, and humidity was 43%. Although harvest time is much closer, I don’t believe it will be done in time for this month’s grow diary of the month contest. So sad, but that’s life. Happy growing everyone! See you again soon. 29 Oct 2021 Today is the last day of week 16. I was planning on continuing the flush today, but remembered something that I had forgotten about…. I remembered the branch that had broken off of C1 back on October 10th in week 14. She had held on for well over a week in a can of water, but finally her leaves started to droop. I hung it up all by itself in my small tent to dry. Until today that is! I took it outside and trimmed it on my deck. Even outside, in a pleasant breeze, the amazing smell of this branch was easily detected. It’s kind of windy, rainy, and chilly here today, but still …. That sweet blueberry muffin smell was there. Her buds; still covered in the dried, crystallized trichomes were super sticky! I must admit that they are the stickiest buds I have grown to date. I weighed the dry bud to add to the grand total of C1’s harvest later. Then I ground it up and smoked it. All I am going to say is that from my reaction to smoking it; I have decided that no additional flushing is needed. After all, what I smoked today broke right before I started flushing, and I could taste nothing other than what I would hope to taste. So my fellow Growmies; I am ending this week right here. The next report you will see will be the harvest report!! Stay tuned!
1 comment
Week 16. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
🏆🏆 I want to thank the folks at Humboldt Seed Company for the top shelf genetics used in producing this strain! 🏆🏆 it is their top strain and I can see why. These plants were very easy to grow, and strongly resistant to insects and nutrient deficiencies. Their structure was allowed to grow naturally with minimal training, and developed nicely uniform Christmas tree shapes. They responded very well to pruning, and defoliation on several instances during both stages of growth. The flowers grew large and dense and were covered in trichomes at the end. I needed to use support poles to keep them from snapping under their own weight. I lost 1 branch to this at the end of week 14. An extended period of darkness just before harvest allowed all three plants to develop some beautiful colors as well. Dark purples, with some pink edges mixed with some green on the leaves. Purple and green colored buds covered with trichomes and orange hairs. Very pretty plants, but their smell is what sticks with you! Fruits and berries galore!! OMFG! The smell is absolutely wonderful to the point that it isn’t disheartening that the whole house smells like weed, when the weed smells like this! Very pleasant indeed!
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Spent 113 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
242.39 g
Bud wet weight per plant
57.93 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Euphoric, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Depression, Pain, Stress
Medical effects
Berries, Earthy, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
As with a lot of things in life, the harvest did not go as originally planned. I stated in my last entry in week 16, that I was going to continue the flush till I remembered and tried the dried, broken branch of C1. So I decided to harvest the plants on October 29th. Their last watering/feeding/flush was done on 10/27/21. I already had plans to take a day trip to see a MLS fútbol ⚽️ game I had tickets for on Saturday, 10/30/21; then I didn’t think parents would want to bring their kids near a house that wreaked of weed on Halloween, so not the 31st either. Then I had an appointment in the afternoon on Monday, and I didn’t want to get a late start, so not on 11/1/21 either. My wife had an appointment on Tuesday morning. Fortunately, her appointment was over by noon, so I got the chance to finally start the harvest on November 2nd. I turned off the lights halfway through the 12 hour light schedule on Sunday morning (10/31), so my ladies received varying periods of darkness before the harvest was begun. I harvested one plant per day for three days beginning 11/2/21. The day I started the harvest, I took all three plants outside for some pictures and to make a short video before cutting them up. The extended darkness before harvest made all three plants change their colors and become absolutely beautiful! I was very pleased with their final presentation. 02 Nov 2021 - C1 C1 was sitting in complete darkness for just under 48 hours when I took her outside to chop her up. Her buds were large, mixed with purples, blues, and pink. The trichomes glistened in the overcast sunlight and covered every bud like a protective blanket. I took some pictures of her by herself before starting her destruction. I started by snipping her branches and laid them out on a foil covered cookie sheet. Then I took them inside and started trimming, trimming, and trimming. Her buds are very dense and super sticky! The smell is absolutely divine! It took several hours to complete the trimming, and once I was done I had no desire to continue with the next plant. After I finished trimming all of C1’s buds, I got my wet weight on the branches before hanging them up to dry. 03 Nov 2021 - C2 C2 sat in complete darkness for nearly 72 hours before I took her out to harvest her flowers. The sun was shining, but it was windy and cold. I took some pictures of her in the sunlight and she was marvelous! Deep purples, with some pink edges mixed with some green in her foliage. She was truly a sight to behold. Then I cut her up into pieces. Wonderful, tight bud structure. Very dense. Trichomes a plenty and glistening! I truly love growing weed. My house by this time is absolutely saturated with the sweet, berry, fruity scent of these wonderful buds. You might think it unpleasant, but it wasn’t. I trimmed C2 for a long while because my hands are sore from two days of scissor snips and carefully holding and manipulating branches of sweet smelling, beautiful bud. The things we do for frosty buds! Once I finished trimming I got the wet weight and hung it up to dry along with C1. 04 Nov 2021 - C3 C3 sat in darkness for approximately 96 hours before finally getting harvested. It had been over a week since she had any water, and she was still beautiful and vibrant! The weather was not being friendly when I took her outside to cut her up. It started to rain lightly, so I wasn’t able to get any pictures of her before chopping her up. Sad, I know. I was in such a hurry to beat the downpour that I didn’t even think about it till it was too late. 🤷‍♂️ Oh well. As with the other two; I cut off her branches and laid them out neatly on a foil covered cookie sheet and took them in to start the trimming. As you may well imagine, I was sick and tired of trimming by this time, but I took my time to make sure that they were done well. Once done; I got my wet trimmed weight and hung them up to dry. Fast forward 4 days. 08 Nov 2021 C1 had been hanging to dry for 6 days, which is how long their mother took to dry. However, it was the end of summer when she was drying, and the relative humidity was between 50-60%. November is different! The humidity in my grow tent was very low at 39%, and not only was C1 super dry, but both C2 and C3 were also dry and ready for curing. Starting with C1, I took each plant out of the tent and got the dry weight on the branches for direct comparison to the wet weight before hanging to dry. Then I separated the buds from the branches and weighed the loose bud to get the actual smokeable harvest weight. I hope you all followed that. Here’s how all the weights turned out by plant. C1 - Wet trimmed weight: 8.566 oz. Dry trimmed weight: 2.214 oz. Actual harvest weight: 1.826 oz. C2 - Wet trimmed weight: 8.332 oz. Dry trimmed weight: 2.392 oz. Actual harvest weight: 1.992 oz. C3 - Wet trimmed weight: 8.750 oz. Dry trimmed weight: 2.763 oz. Actual harvest weight: 2.312 oz. Blueberry Muffin Trio: Hanging wet weight: 25.648 oz. Complete harvest weight: 6.130 oz. I am very happy with how this grow turned out! This Trio represent the only clones that I have ever been able to take root, and made it possible to get 4 complete grows from 1 plant. This grow was a success at the beginning, and with the experience I gained from my first three plants, the entire grow was wonderful! I hope you all have enjoyed this journey with me. Happy growing everyone!!


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spydercommentedweek 14 years ago
good luck with the grow.....enjoy.
spydercommented3 years ago
@The_Good_Twin, sweet,,nice job...👍
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@spyder, You wished me luck during week 1 of my grow. It’s finished now if you’re curious and like to see how it turned out. I must say that I am pleased with how it turned out. Good luck to you and your future grows.
Jackweed77commentedweek 14 years ago
Buona crescita amico 💚🌱
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@Jackweed77, Thank you. I hope they do well.
Cannabeast40commentedweek 14 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 👊😎
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@Cannabeast40, It has been a while, but I wanted to let you know that the diary you commented on 4 months ago in week 1 is now finished if you’d like to check out the finished product. Happy growing my friend!
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@Cannabeast40, Thanks.
Cannabeast40commented4 years ago
@The_Good_Twin,i agree, learn by doing is by far the best way 👌😊 i will cross my fingers for whatever project you have in mind 🙌
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Mr_Cannuccia19commentedweek 143 years ago
Fiori stupendi amico, danno l idea di essere buonissimi e dolcissimi 🤩😁😋
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@Mr_Cannuccia19, My Blueberry Muffin Trio diary is complete now if you want to check out the finished product?
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@Mr_Cannuccia19, They smell like their name, Blueberry Muffin(s). The resin that sticks to my fingers is a bouquet of deliciousness!!
FishOilcommentedweek 64 years ago
Nice to see another Blueberry Muffin on here!
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@FishOil, This is my second Blueberry Muffin grow diary. These 3 are clones of the first one that I harvested on July 28th. That diary is fully complete if you’d like to see a full grow from seedling to harvest. It’s an awesome smoke!!
MrJonescommentedweek 14 years ago
Hey good luck with this project!
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@MrJones, Thank you. Look back in from time to time with some criticism, suggestions, comments, or all of the above. Im always up for potential knowledge!
Bootlegelkkcommentedweek 14 years ago
I’m about 3-4 weeks into my blueberry muffin from a seedling in a 2x2 grow tent and I’ve also got a plant growing outside at the moment. I can’t say how much this plant has won me over just by the way it grows so uniformly sound. It is also very heat hardy with this Hot Cali weather we’re having it’s striving still. Anyways back to my point I also seen you had a previous grow and was gonna see if you have any advice I could get from you. And have you had any chances to finish this strain yet? Good luck and happy grow hope all stays healthy and happy with it!
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@Bootlegelkk, Sure. I just started flushing my larger Blueberry Muffin plant today. I ignored the seed company’s flowering time at my own peril. Once you flip them to the flowering stage, it is very important to know that Humboldt Seed Company says that the flowering time is only 45 days. Her buds are so different from my other plants that I didn’t think it was ready till I looked at her trichomes with my microscope. She was ready for harvest just as they said, and I checked on her 46th day of flower. So my advice would be to keep that in mind for when you flip yours. As far as nutrients, I’d suggest you look at my Blueberry Muffin diary for more details. I wish you the best of luck in your grows!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 74 years ago
Wow! Good luck with all your grows I hope u get the best taste of buds and healthy plants! Have a good day!😃
Legendaryseedthumbcommented3 years ago
@The_Good_Twin, i Will😍
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, My Blueberry Muffin Trio diary is complete if you’re curious to see how it all turned out.
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate that. Also, thanks for taking a look at my grow diaries! Good luck to you, and may all of your plants grow as you well as you want them too!
TheCannaProphetcommentedweek 123 years ago
Really great diaries! Nice to see someone who puts the insane amount of time into their work... Grow Strong! 😎🤙💚
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@TheCannaProphet, I’ve completed my Blueberry Muffin Trio diary if you’re curious to see how it ended up?
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@TheCannaProphet, Thank you. I’m new to growing, but like most things worth doing, I did research before starting in order to better prepare myself. I started my first grow (Dark Star Diary) before I found out this site existed. I think I was already 12 weeks into it when I started here. I was keeping my logs on my phone for myself then, but starting doing it here once I was informed of the site. I still do. I’m not much of a site surfer, so I’ll most likely never get beyond the “Apprentice” level, but that’s ok. I document my grows for myself mainly, but I admit that I write my logs as if they’re going to be read by other growers. To me, that’s the whole point of this site. To share knowledge and experiences with like minded people like you, and anyone else that cares to take a look. Don’t get me wrong; I look at lots of other diaries, but I don’t like anything, or comment unless I have something I want to address, or to praise their skills. I’ve met one person on here that commented that “no one wants to read your trash.” The good thing is that I write to document for myself. If others find it useful, awesome. I know this is a long reply, and I’m sorry. I can’t seem to do anything short. Thank you for looking through my diaries. I hope some of my successes and failures can be of some help in your future grows!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 34 years ago
Lovelly Blueberry Muffin!!!
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@DoDrugs420, You took the time to comment on my grow in week 3 about 4 months ago. I’ve since finished my Blueberry Muffin Trio diary if you’re curious to see how it ended. I'm very happy with how it all turned out.
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, Thanks. I’m going to try some new techniques with these three to get some new skills. I haven’t decided what, or how yet, but I have time.
Godesskatcommentedweek 163 years ago
Everything is better with a beg of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, Thanks. The grow diary is completed now if you want to see the finished product.
MrNObody_Growscommentedweek 153 years ago
Awesome looking plants my friend! Nugs for days! Happy growing and stay high #420
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@MrNObody_Grows, Thank you. I can’t wait to harvest them! If they’re anything like their mother, I should be able to stay nice and high for a while.
Streinze_Monadirecommentedweek 153 years ago
Wish u all the best😍
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@Streinze_Monadire, Thank you. May your grows be bountiful and sticky as well!
Bootlegelkkcommentedweek 54 years ago
Started a trio awesome man. I thought about taking a few clones of my blueberry I have become to fall in love with this plant but there’s nothing like a good seedling compared to a clone. Good luck with this. How did the other blueberry treat you? Have you gotten to smoke it yet? Keep it up peace love and grow my friend
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@Bootlegelkk, I ended up doing the smoke report earlier than planned. My Blueberry Muffin harvest report is complete, to include the smoke report. You should check it out!
MrJonescommentedweek 34 years ago
👍Rock On! What Can You Say Your Grow Looks Great!👍
The_Good_Twincommented4 years ago
@MrJones, Thank you very much.
Greenwolvesfarmercommentedweek 44 years ago
Yajuu ! Felicidades ! Quee sea exitoso su trabajo ! Te deseo lo mejor , mis sinceros buenos deseosss ! ...te invito a mi perfil ;) ...saludossss!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 163 years ago
Loooks amazing congratulations!!!😍🎉
The_Good_Twincommented3 years ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thank you very much!
PapaNugscommentedweek 162 years ago
Excellent information! Congrats on your harvest
Itslegalnowcommentedweek 163 years ago
So far my favorite strain. Very good smell and taste. Might have to order these beans next. Great job on these.
the end.
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