Beginning of week..
Some pistils are already beginning to turn!.. She still needs to fatten up a bit.. But this would be the last week of feeding if I'd like to do a 2 week minimum flush.. So yeah, going down a bit on damnnear everything.. Except the Hydroguard.. Which probably isn't even doing anything too important at this point.. Anyways.. She is pretty frosty.. Not smelling any blueberries.. But she still smells nice and DANK! She is gonna make a great few tasty joints! Been slipping up on harvesting timing lately.. Took an auto about 3 or 4 weeks longer than I should have.. I think I may have harvested 2 ETHOS strain a bit too late.. I didnt think 1 week could make THAT much of a difference.. Meh.. Just excited to see how she turns out! I think I'm going to start only watering right before lights out using ONLY CoLd refrigerated rainwater (and finish up this week with the light nutes.. But still with cold water at night to help bring out any colors she may want to produce! 🤞🤞🤞 Also can't wait to see if using Silica (ArmorSi) in flower makes any difference(s).. I guess I always felt like the flower would come out like plastic or the little silica beads or some shit lol.. Guess we shall see! Would be nice to use silica in flower to help combat with heat stress and other issues I usually come across in my grows..
Mid week..
She's got some pretty bad light burn in one general area.. One leaf is really bad.. I kinda want to leave it to watch and document a little on how it fast it progresses and what it takes to finally kill off the leaf... I know it isn't photosynthesising once it loses its greenness.. But still just want to leaf it, for now.. Lolol 😆
Thanks for your genetics! I can't wait to see what this girl has to offer! Other GDs look amazing! So excited! Thanks for the comment too!
Lol thanks! i know its a small space... But I have yet to run into any issues with this little box I made.. And I'm glad that you read all my babbling lol.. I get a little high and cant shut up.. Like now hahaha. Thanks again. First time with your genetics and cant wait to see what she produces!
Thanks.. She has already taken on a different morphology than I'm used to seeing.. Kinda cool and pretty.. She already has fat stems from the leaves.. She looks like she could take a punch lol
Good luck with your grow I hope you get the best taste of buds and healthy plants! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Greetings from L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟
Thanks L.S.T.! I'm excited! My first Blue Berry strain! Just hope it tastes like it did in the early 2000s.. If not, I will keep searching! But still excited to see what she produces!
I love growing in this little box.. Of course, I still run a 2x4 or 2x2.. Depending on time of year which one I use due to heat from the 2x4 light.. But yeah I have gotten up to I believe it was 38 grams growing in this little box with these little bs lights.. Just sucks how close you gotta keep them.. They do tend to burn some leaves.. I need to get that dialed in a little better.. Maybe have them spaced out a little more and just 1 - 2 inches higher.. And more training I guess lol.. But yeah this little nano box is so fun.. People hate on using foil, but it has served very well.. Im sure its probably because these LEDs are only pulling 20w.. Great for seedlings too.. Literally just the 3 bulbs rigged up to make a decent footprint of photons.. 2 computer fans.. One for exhaust and one for intake.. Sometimes I add a 3rd inside the box if the colas are too huge.. Growing medium and seed and all that jazz and I have always gotten great results in this little thing.. I love it! Lol.. Sorry Im stoned so I just typed a whole novel here 😂😂😂
Hi @Professor_Chaos, nice diary dude... thats lookin as frosty as ........ frost! proper xmas vibe.... Hope Ethos sponsor you. If they do can you ask for a Purple Thai??? Ive 3 beans but no space for a coco medium for at least 2 more indoor runs. Really want a smoke report as I was sent a sample of friends peat moss grow last week and its an absolute tasty champ and great anti anxiety effect for me. 👊 👌 👊
Hell yeah.. That would be pretty cool if ETHOS sponsored me lol.. And that Purple Thai auto has caught my eye a few times.. That would be pretty cool if they sponsored me.. Thanks grow bro!