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Sweet Seeds Black Jack - Newbie DWC

Approved by Sweet Seeds
3 years ago
4 years ago
Wasn't planning on making a diary for this (my second) run so not a ton of pictures the first several weeks. Growing along side another bucket with a Dutch Passion Strawberry cough (separate diary, same grow methods) Black Jack (feminized)! Taproot shot right out after floating in a shot glass of tap water for a couple days, tossed her into a trimmed rockwool cube as soon as the cotyledons popped. Starting the abuse early... I accidentally nicked off half a cot when transplanting, hope she likes it rough. There is no gram per gallon setting here (wtf?) so nutrient mix will be in the comments, for the first week from start of seed germination she only had tap water with phosphoric acid (EC ~0.4, pH=6) Sprinkled some Great White in the rockwool cube before transplanting
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
1000 PPM
65 %
23 °C
21 °C
40.64 cm
Transplanted to netpot on empty bucket with custom, top of the line, 2-liter bottle humidity dome (11 days after starting seed) She's growing but got a bit frizzled, likely a combination of the cotyledon abuse, heat, high strength nutes, too much light and a bit of laziness on my part. Hand feeding to keep the rockwool from drying out, nutrient mix (per gallon): 3g Jack's 5-12-26 2g Calcium Nitrate 1g Epsom salt small sprinkle of Great White EC=2.0, pH=6 Light set to ~40% @ 16"
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
1000 PPM
60 %
23 °C
21 °C
40.64 cm
Nutrients 3
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White 0.13 mll
Silica Gold - True Plant Science (TPS)
Silica Gold 0.528 mll
Filled bucket with nutrient solution and started the air pump (just a tetra whisper 100 between 2 buckets which turned out to be underpowered for this go) Roots started to hit the water this week, turned lights up a little but then backed it down again to 50% @ 16" because of leaf deformation. Overall growing strong even with slightly droopy leaf tips. Humidity dome was left on until the middle of the week when ambient humidity increased, using carboard and white tape to reflect some of the light off the netpot lid. Nutrient solution in EC=0.4 tap (per gallon): 3g Jack's 5-12-26 2g Calcium Nitrate 1g Epsom salt 2ml Silica gold 2ml Fulvex 1/2 tsp per bucket of Great White Phosphoric acid to get to pH 6 EC=2.0, pH=6
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
1000 PPM
60 %
24 °C
22 °C
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White 0.13 mll
Silica Gold - True Plant Science (TPS)
Silica Gold 0.528 mll
Nothing much done except for topping her early this week. She's growing so bushy that may have been a mistake. Kept lights around 50% @ 16" to reduce heat and try to get her to stretch out a little. Ambient temperatures were getting hotter causing the reservoir to heat up, there wasn't enough air running through through the nutrient solution which made it even worse. Low O2 and dangerously high temperatures for sure. This was starting to cause her to droop, her first true leaves were getting chlorosis and a bit of necrosis, pruned those and a few more low branches/leaves off. She's growing slower than she could due to the issues causing me to run low light to play it safe. Hooked up a more powerful air pump and started the AC more at the end of the week. Nutrient solution in EC=0.4 tap (per gallon): 3g Jack's 5-12-26 2g Calcium Nitrate 1g Epsom salt 2ml Silica gold 2ml Fulvex 1/2 tsp per bucket of Great White Phosphoric acid to get to pH 6 EC=2.0, pH=6
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
1050 PPM
60 %
23 °C
20 °C
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 6
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.264 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.66 mll
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A - J.R. Peters, Inc.
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A 0.951 mll
'I'm a little Cannabis, short and stout...' Bushy as, but healthy and starting to get into her growth stride, nice green new-growth and no new issues on older leaves. That said, leaf tips clawing down was happening, and older growth was probably a bit too dark green. Did a res change the first day of the week, taking a guess there's too much nitrogen, I backed off the calcium nitrate in the usual Jacks formula ratios. Reduced epsom a touch as well because TPS Silica gold has 1% available Mg from magnesium sulfate (I'm assuming it's also heptahydrate). Extra touch of phosphorus tossed in for the first week or two of flower. Nutrient mix (Per Gallon) (ml/gal on growdiaries nutrients = g/gal): 3.6g Jack's 5-12-26 2.2g Calcium Nitrate 1g Epsom salt 2.5ml Silica gold 2.5ml Fulvex 1/8 tsp per bucket RAW phosphorus 1/2 tsp per bucket of Great White Phosphoric acid pH down Currently mix NPK ~ 7-4.5-9 @ EC2.2, got a little higher concentration than I was shooting for, going to top her off with just pH'ed tap water for a bit to dilute. Took off a couple more older fan leaves and low branches, waiting to see how she stretches to figure out what else I want to prune. No practical way to start LST yet. Flipped to flower on day 32 from seed, half way through the week, and cranked light to 80% @ 16", time to stop babying and see what she can do with real light. d33 - pruned, topped off res, started LST d34 - LST, responding well to it so far but there's not much I can do, she's just stacking nodes on nodes, hope some jack genetics kick in soon for the stretch 😄
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
1000 PPM
55 %
23 °C
21 °C
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 5
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.198 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A - J.R. Peters, Inc.
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A 1.057 mll
She's loving the bush life and stacking nodes, just starting to realize the light schedule change now I think. Ramped up light over several days to 85% @ 17" shooting for ~ 33-34mol DLI, left the lights too lower overall in veg but that's alright. D36 - 1 week since res change, should be able to make it another week no problem. D37 - added another couple tie downs but still can't do much, just starting to get as wide as the bucket. Pruned a few old fans from underneath. Topped of res with feed water. D38 - had a long conversation with her about growing up, opened and pruned blocking leaves I couldn't tuck, back down to ~ 6.5" tall, branch diameter is a ~13" - taking it easy on her light for last 5 hours of day. D39 - Didn't do much, gave her a vacation from me 😝 starting to back down RH on average to get vpd >1,1 D40 - topped off res, pruned a few more fans - Spent some time with excel making an elemental ppm recipe calculator, 90% sure my formulas are correct but jack's own cannabis nutrient schedule calls for a bit of a strange mix (4g part A, 1.5g Cal Nit, 0.25g epsom + 0.3g MAP(don't have any MKP). want to do a res change soon and hit her with a bit more P for start of flower, but i'm not sure if I want to go off on my own or stick to 3.6g/2.2g/1g Top-off feed water mix: 4g Jack's 5-12-26 2g Calcium Nitrate 0.75g Epsom salt 2ml Silica gold 1ml Fulvex
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
20.32 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1000 PPM
60 %
22 °C
20 °C
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 6
Monoammonium Phosphate 0.132 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A - J.R. Peters, Inc.
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A 0.951 mll
Thanks for taking a look! I still need to get used to the delay between light switch and actual flower, thought it might be quicker with good hybrid genetics for some reason. Taking a couple leaves here and there in an attempt to keep her a little open, need to do more but don't want to freak her out right now. d42 - the usual minor adjustments, tucks and minor pruning. Roots look good but I would expect more at this point, not sure what I did to cause that, is commensurate with canopy though. d43 - res change, see pictures for recipe and estimated ppms d44 - pH jumped up 0.3 from where it was after sitting for a day in the mix bucket, added ~ 2-3ml phosphoric which means i'm higher on P than I wanted. d45 - pH stable, had to take off a few more top leaves, come on and stretch out little bush d46 - looks like she's flipping, still no pistils but it's close, next run I will be changing out to a high P solution shortly after light change.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
33.02 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1000 PPM
60 %
23 °C
20 °C
1 L
40.64 cm
750 PPM
Nutrients 7
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.132 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.56 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Thanks for taking a look! The Pruning Supervisor gets a treat for every like this entry gets 😁 (F numbers in images = days since flipping to 12/12) I've been calling her Bush Jack now😂 She's doing well, consistently growing ~0.5" (1.27cm) per day this week while stretching. Setting up to grow some real dense inflorescences. Still pruning here and there removing small branches and trying to keep fan leaves from blocking bud sights but... I have no idea what to do with this plant. Unless I don't like the bud i'll be growing this strain again in hopes I get more phenos that grow like this so I can learn how to do it right. D49 - 10" (25.4cm) tall D50 - didn't measure D51 - 11"tall D52 - 11.5" tall - adjusted LST a bit - - res change to flower formula (see image) D53 - 12" tall D54 - 12.5" D55 - 13" (33cm) **Issues** -My previous bud-set formula was not dialed in, not bad but I THINK the thinner, slightly yellowing base of new growth was a phosphorus excess antagonizing iron uptake. Should be fixed with flower formula? or when she settles down? waiting to see -Pruning, what the hell do I do with this bush? The nodes are SO tight than fan leaves and branches are just coming out everywhere, and a lot of branches are just not worth keeping. I left way too much on during veg, I know that for certain now. -Lights, I've been holding back light almost the entire grow now trying to get her to grow longer internodes... That didn't really work, it has be time to start blasting her soon right? maybe when her stretch starts to slow? or after a bigger defoliation next week, *shrug* -Need to get accurate white-balance set up for photos, new growth is an issue but isn't nearly as yellow as pictures. -Red petioles, not an issue just an observation. I had a little bit starting out but haven't seen much of it this run until now. Only effecting some of the tops where she's getting the most light so pretty sure we're good. **Nutes / pH** -She was slurping up EC 2 bud-set solution like a champ, Res even dropped to EC1.9 a few times before top-off. With the new solution and less leaves the res EC is increasing a little bit as she drinks. Going to target ~EC1.8 -Is this still and iron deficiency? new formula doesn't seem to be helping, not going to do anything drastic yet but will monitor. Maybe spike it with a little GH Micro since I want to avoid more phosphorus. -Anyone use nitric acid in DWC? Looking at getting 500ml of ~1M I took an educated guess on the available P from pH down, seems to be right to some degree now, which means I'm basically always going to be pushing higher P than I want. Been thinking I would like to have the option to adjust using half phosphoric/half nitric to give me even more P breathing room, there's plenty in the 5-12-26 and the extra N means I don't have to step up calcium so hard. **Training/Lights** -Lights are 85% @ 16" estimate DLI~ 37mol Other plant is starting to realize there's more light to have if she grows over this one 😑 I don't want to scorch that plant and would love this bush to stretch up a bit more so, there's been reduced light for nearly the entire run so far, thinking that was not the right call. Either way, full send when the stretch is over.. -Tweaked LST slightly but I think that's about all I can do as far as spreading, main branches are now quite hard and packed with nodes.
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
38.1 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
23 °C
20 °C
1 L
40.64 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 7
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.132 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.56 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.793 mll
Thanks for taking a look! Would love to hear any comments or questions you might have. Bush Jack is living up to her name, kept plodding along growing ~0.5"(1.25cm) per day with no drama this week. Some big fan leaves in direct light have developed striking red petioles. Defoliated the first day of the week, didn't slower her at all and now I'm already thinking she's ready for a little more under-canopy pruning... Loves the flower formula at EC2(including EC0.4 tap water), greened up real quick after I changed the bud-set formula out. Day 11 on this res, thinking I could go another week if I wanted but will do a change in a few days at 2 weeks. pH is rock stable. The trichomes have begun, seeing a good deal on fan leaves close to the flower, which is good because she loves growing those. Getting a spiced, woody, hempy, touch of lavender kind of smell from the resin, hope that stays because it's very pleasant. Adjusted LST a little bit but the branches are like hardened steel, canopy ~1.5'x1.5' (45x45cm) wide. It's still fairly flat so I'm okay with that, good size to bring the light super close if I wanted to absolutely blast her with photons. Running an estimated DLI of ~35mol now, slowly increasing that going into next week.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
900 PPM
60 %
23 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
38.1 cm
750 PPM
Nutrients 7
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.132 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.56 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Thanks for taking a look! Would love to hear any comments or questions you might have. No more pictures of the senior pruning supervisor or management, plants are getting sticky so they are banned from the tent room. Another no-drama week from Bush Jack. Which is good because my other plant is a drama queen and took most of my attention. Res change on day 65 (2 weeks from last one). It was still quite stable, I had just started to noticed EC trending a little higher and there was no reason to push it any longer. Cutting of silicic acid in next res. Vertical growth slowed down after the defoliation, grew back a nice thick canopy over the week which I'm starting to prune again. The top is staying nice and level at about 22"x21" (53x56cm) Everything, even the fan leaves, are starting to get covered in trichomes, this is going to be one sticky plant. Resin has a really nice dense smell, super spicy, lemony, woody and a little flowery, I can't wait. She's a crazy pheno though, she's so afraid of heights that instead of growing any taller, she grew a big fat flower on a fan leaf that is caked in trichomes... wonder how many of those we'll see. Estimating a DLI ~34mol, she's telling me I can push harder so over the next few days I'm going to do just that.
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
900 PPM
55 %
23 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
35.56 cm
650 PPM
Nutrients 7
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.132 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.56 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Thanks for taking a look! Not much to report, didn't get to spend much time with the ladies this week. Bush Jack is far from a fussy plant though, seems super happy even with the increased light. She's done with her stretch now, filling up with flowers and sooo many trichomes... sticky, STICKY plant, I defoliated a bit mid-week without gloves, last time I make that mistake. The base of just about every fan leaf left is carpeted with trichs. Kept top-off feed solution around EC1.7, sticking with the same flower formula as before, just diluted a bit. Both plants seem to love it. She doesn't drink a ton so res stays pretty stable, EC might raise up 0.1-0.2 after a full day, before topping it off. I think I gave her a couple liters of ph'ed tap once this week to dilute a touch. 12 days without a res change, will probably do one sometime this coming week but no signs that I need to rush it.
1 comment
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
41.91 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
900 PPM
55 %
23 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
33.02 cm
650 PPM
Nutrients 7
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.132 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.56 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
I was not prepared for the absolute forest that is Bush Jack, put on some gloves and dug in late this week, got a bit concerned about humidity/airflow. The Freaky Fan Flower is almost ready to pick off, dry and smoke 😁 Didn't give her a ton of time early this week, noticed some leaf necrosis and toned down the lights from 95% to ~80% at the same distance. Res change mid-week after 13 days, was still stable but EC was starting to stick a little high, she seems to prefer ~EC1.8, got up to 2-2.1 after drinking a couple days worth, wondering if that contributed to leaf damage? Another big prune session on D82, should have been done sooner. Went to take care of a few leaves and ended up doing a small defoliation, there were a TON more lower buds than I thought. One of the main colas has a seriously dense branch off it near the canopy, due to humidity concerns I snipped it, removed some of the lower popcorn as well. She's still producing PLENTY of flower. Pretty much into the plump phase now, smelling intense and is so GD sticky.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Absurdstarted grow question 3 years ago
This plump lil flower growing on a fan leaf is getting picked off and smoked when I see the first amber trichs, should I put it directly in a small jar with a 2way humidity pack? Trichomes seem to be aging faster than on normal inflorescence, touch slower than the ones on fans.
Other. Harvest - Drying
Other. Harvest - Curing
ManicMineranswered grow question 3 years ago
Haha, imagine the size after dried😎 Nice picture for contests although!
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
55 %
22 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
38.1 cm
650 PPM
Nutrients 7
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.132 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.56 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Well, I burned the shit out of her 😐 Caught it and adjusted too late and the damage really showed up this week. Light is up a few inches and down to 75% power now. Snipped off some of the worst leaves, top of the flowers look okay and vast majority of foliage is fine so, it is what it is, lesson learned. Aside from that she's still just doing her thing. Changed res mid week after 7 days because she started taking up less nutes, keeping res around EC1.6 now, still very stable pH. I think the freaky fan flower is ready to harvest.
1 comment
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
850 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
19 L
2 L
38.1 cm
450 PPM
Nutrients 5
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) 0.132 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.56 mll
Fulvex - Botanicare
Fulvex 0.528 mll
Finally the Freaky Fan Flower Finished, it's Fit For a Feast. Jarred for a quick dry with some tester nugs. Smoke report next week probably. Bush Jack is plumping up, skunky superglue is in the air, another week or two? Fan leaf tips are still getting a bit burned but the sugar leaves are done baking from the light. I keep pruning any that have bad surface damage. Light is running at ~80% No res change for 10 days now, should be able to get a few more days at least if I want. pH is dropping a little bit between feeds so I'm able to refil the res with whatever ratio tap water/nutrient solution to raise pH and lower EC, perfect. I picked up some more photography gear and dusted off the ol canon, planning on getting back into photography a bit. I am LOVING the stacked macro shots, so expect more of those. Phone shots under grow lights (or even worse, with direct flash) don't do this girl justice, not to mention my constant issues with white balance and blown highlights. There will still be color variations for a bit as I work on my post-process, this is good practice though, exactly what I need. Less photos too, she's done growing so it's all about the flowers now.
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
750 PPM
52 %
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 3
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.528 mll
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A - J.R. Peters, Inc.
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A 0.845 mll
Jack's Nutrients Cal Nit Part B - J.R. Peters, Inc.
Jack's Nutrients Cal Nit Part B 0.396 mll
Almost there! I think she's going to get chopped in this next week, just starting to see some amber on the flower trichs but still a fair amount of clear ones too. Res change at the end of the week after 16 days, she really liked that last flower formula I was using but I didn't want to push it. Other plant seems fine with my late flower formula so I switched to that at ec 1.5 Just an obscene amount of trichomes on ol Bush Jack here, see the 5th picture, even a cut stem on one of the buds is coated, crazy. Tester nug was okay, didn't dry well or long enough so it's hard to judge what the final flower is going to taste like, but it did get me some fucked up.
1 comment
Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
52 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 3
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.528 mll
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A - J.R. Peters, Inc.
Jack's Nutrients 5-12-26 Part A 0.845 mll
Jack's Nutrients Cal Nit Part B - J.R. Peters, Inc.
Jack's Nutrients Cal Nit Part B 0.396 mll
Uneventful week, no res change no drama. Didn't have enough cloudy trichs to chop yet, although I seriously considered it. No res change, topped off mostly with water. She approves of dilute late flower mix, glad this worked out. As of the last day of this week it's only been 63 days since I first saw some preflower and 83 since flip to 12/12, feels like longer. When breeders suggest an average flowering time, is that from 12/12 or first signs of florets? I know people use both without definition, so that's been irking me.
Week 16. Flowering
3 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
800 PPM
52 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.264 mll
This week was just tap water with enough pH down to keep things under control. Lights out for ~20 hours before she got the axe on day 19 since the last res change. Upper leaf tips with sunburn really started to die back after the lights out. Trimmed some of the few remaining fan leaves, probably trimmed too much. 32 days from seed to 12/12 lights, 90 days from light schedule change to chop. Just sparked some of the scissor hash which was mostly from this plant, oh my... is good, is all good. Shout out to all my growmies stopping by and leaving warm comments, much love everyone. I will make a harvest entry as soon as I trim and start the cure. Sorry for the sub-par flash photos of the harvest, was pressed for time and that's all I got.
Week 16. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This pheno grew perfectly for me, short and squat, easy to maintain flat canopy with SUPER short internodes. Nice colas with dense buds and super frosty sugar leaves. She was always happy with jacks 321, routinely went weeks during flower between res changes with very little pH drift, could have gone longer if I wanted. She didn't even complain when I had WAY too much P in solution after changing the light schedule. The only mistake that phased her was going overboard on the lights and giving her a nasty sunburn. F me if this plant wasn't the stickiest I've ever seen. All in all, such pleasure to grow. She got quite stanky in flower and the buds still pack a big punch of smell. It isn't really my thing, too pungent and I get this kind of epoxy hardener smell that overpowers what could be some nice piney lemon, but so far I'm the only one who thinks that. Smokes great either way, nice clean taste not like the smell at all, It's not a narcotic high but also not super active sativa-esk, not bad for an active evening but it does give me some brain bubbles. Packs a THC punch for sure.
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Spent 114 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
120.7 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I'm almost sad she's done, this pheno was such a pleasure to grow. Took longer than expected to finish but that's probably on me. Quite happy with the end results, smokes fantastic and kicks my ass without gluing me to the couch. Although, pretty sure if I sat on some of these buds I would get stuck from the resin. Through the run I stayed pretty mild with the light dial. Could keep it real close in due to the super flat canopy. The one time I cranked it up I gave her some serious sun burn in a week so I'd venture to say I averaged ~125watts from the wall over her life. Dried flower for this plant = 120.7g. 30.4g of sticky ass trim, 2g scissor/trim hash. A little less than I was expecting before harvest, but I am quite happy with it given how many mistakes I made and how low maintenance she was. I am packing up the tent for a while but will still be checking out other diaries, feel free to leave a comment or message me if you have any questions.


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Absurdcommentedweek 44 years ago
Thanks everyone! Week 4 is looking good, got high hopes for this lady.
Fredddcommentedweek 34 years ago
Looking nice, I thought I was looking at one of my own grows! You did the right thing by not panicking at a bit of older leaf die off, also I think the early topping is the smart move for a healthy plant. She'll always tend to be more bushy and stocky in hydro, but you get a better branch structure by topping at the third node.
Absurdcommented4 years ago
@Freddd, agreed on the bullshit in the community, you want to have a 2400% markup from ingredients just start a cannabis nutrient line with a stupid name. Do people really think that first shot looks better? I do see shots like that too but figure they just didn't care when they took it, can't make out any detail because the highlights are all blown out from the undiffused flash on the trichs.
Fredddcommented4 years ago
@Absurd, also there is much bullshitting going on in the weed community, done through photos. For example I have just uploaded to more photos to Lemon Pie, take a look at the last two, the final shot show 3 pretty nice looking colas, but the shot before them is the same colas shot at the same time. One is shot on my new iPhone with standard lens and colour correction done with Camera M, and the other is shot on a D70 with a moderate tele and auto flash. The ones shot with the flash look completely and totally different, they look way more packed, but it's all an optical illusion the correct shot is the one on the iPhone, but if I had to put them bot up in a cola competition I'd use the shot that is less accurate but looks way better.
Absurdcommented4 years ago
@Freddd, as far as I understand you got it right, all you want are the gland heads, not even the stalks, so the whole goal for the best hash would be as little friction as possible of the plant matter so it doesn't break into pieces small enough to fit through the final filtering screen. Frenchy goes on about letting almost all of the ice melt so there's just a tiny bit left to hammer the plant when he turns on the washer to agitate. That's why I freaked out at first at that dry ice video because it looked like he was really going at it with super dry crumbly plant, thought it was going to turn into the kief I get out of my grinder. That said, I agree his results look WAY good enough to justify saving a shit ton of time and effort doing the cold water Frenchy method. 500% more work to get that extra last 5% of quality kinda thing 😄
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CapeGrowscommentedweek 34 years ago
Good luck with your grow. 💪🏽
BioBudscommentedweek 34 years ago
Nice going!!! Good luck and have fun with your grow!!!
Verbalistcommentedweek 54 years ago
Nice diary! Comparing your progress to mine as we both on 5th week and just started flowering 🙏
Absurdcommented4 years ago
@Verbalist, oh yeah, whole life cycle is endlessly fascinating but I agree. 👍 Just learning how to train plants so I'm in there all the time right now checking up, trying to imagine how their structure is going to turn out.
Verbalistcommented4 years ago
@Absurd, ikr the conditions hella different and whole different strains. 😅 But the thing was its nice to compare someone elses proggy to your own which is basicly at the same stage - at least close to each other. Even tho yours probs going to mature faster cuz u growing in hydro. Anyway both on early stage/pre-flowering stage right now which is IMO the most interesting part. You start to get the picture what kind of ladies u pull out 😎
Absurdcommented4 years ago
@Verbalist, Thank you! I've been doing the same thing looking at all the other black jack and hydro grows. I guess just keep in mind we're growing different genetics in 100% different conditions 😛 You got some real nice growth with that veg light in soil, one of these days I need to try some northern lights, hear nothing but good things. Hoping for continued good health to all our ladies! 👊
Fredddcommentedweek 74 years ago
Looking tip top, I likes me a plant that is not too hectic down below.
Absurdcommented4 years ago
@Freddd, thanks bud! She seems to be taking quite well to the bigger lollipop/defol I did this week(8) too, can only imagine what kind of upside down head of lettuce this would look like without all the pruning.
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 44 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
Absurdcommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, Cheers Apolo, it's my pleasure! She's been good to me so far despite the abuse, really looking forward to flowering.
Ferenccommentedweek 103 years ago
That's very promising mate!!!! @Absurd
Greenwolvesfarmercommentedweek 54 years ago
Genial! Te deseo lo mejor para ti y tu jardín ! Buenísimo trabajo ! Felicidades
TeknoRangercommentedweek 44 years ago
wish you best of luck and happy growing 😊🙌
DreamITcommentedweek 44 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🙌🦄🍀
Trixxcommentedweek 34 years ago
Good luck and happy grows my man 🙏
spydercommentedweek 34 years ago
good luck with the grow....enjoy.
Cannabeast40commentedweek 34 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 😀👌🙏
DevilsBudcommentedweek 163 years ago
Congrats on your harvest looking very good enjoy when you can 👌🏻👌🏻
DevilsBudcommented3 years ago
@Absurd, good on you buddy it's always great to be enjoy your own grown buds best feeling ever keep it up buddy 🤘🏻🤘🏻
Absurdcommented3 years ago
@DevilsBud, thank you so much! Enjoying it right now 👌 Testing and analysis for my upcoming smoke report 😜
ManicMinercommentedweek 153 years ago
Awesome plant, branchy and lots of fat colas, well done👌 I start the counting from day one of 12/12 by the way😉
ManicMinercommented3 years ago
@Absurd,ahahah just a month more then bank date, almost like and outdoor! Its a learning process, but nice Lst anyway👌
Absurdcommented3 years ago
@ManicMiner, thank you so much! Have to give most of the credit to genetics though. This pheno grew just right for training in a bubbler bucket without trellising, see my other plant for a horror show of training 😆 Ooof, I'm chopping today so counting from 12/12 I'm at the end of week 13 of flower and it's only ~80-90% cloudy 😑 think sweet seeds says 9 weeks on this one.
Fredddcommentedweek 113 years ago
Coming along well, a bit of leaf stress is not a big deal at the top. I agree in turning the lights down, or even better putting them further away if possible instead. I am finding an improvement since I've raised my pH, used to keep it around 5.7 to 6, but now I'm in the range of 6-6.2
Fredddcommented3 years ago
@Absurd, yes, both my seedsman and seedsman#2 grows have been getting an average higher pH, I too hesitated for ages, I've heard some rational explanation why it's 6.5 in soil but 5.8 in hydro, but while 5.8 won't harm them, neither will 6.3 and higher is better if it doesn't harm the plant, and it doesn't. With the light, I go by my cheap lux meter now. 50k LUX for flowering is fine, and also on both my grows I have kept the lights at a decent distance, especially so with the QB96 because it's 185W and compact, with a flat panel light 14" would be fine.
Absurdcommented3 years ago
@Freddd, ~33cm high seems to be nice even canopy coverage (~ 60cm x 50cm) with these panels, I know they pump more spicy photons in the direct center but seems like a win if I can get similar dli to raising them, but with less electricity and heat. I keep thinking I want to try >pH 6 with these, my purple haze responded well to that late in flower, and now it would help me drop the P concentration which would be nice. Certainly worth a shot if this plant keeps getting that kind of necrosis, but that could have been a few other things. Are you seeing improvement on all your plants? or was that how you finished the lemon pie?
Fredddcommentedweek 163 years ago
Superb job!
Absurdcommented3 years ago
@Freddd, thanks bud! SUPER happy with the results, now I just need to not fuck up the cure 😅
Kitties_and_Colascommentedweek 133 years ago
Great shots!! 👊😺
Absurdcommented3 years ago
@Kitties_and_Colas, thank you so much!
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 113 years ago
Looks great 👏Beautiful👍
Absurdcommented3 years ago
@SegaYGriega, thank you!
the end.
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