8/31 - Returned home to monsters! The Earth Box seems to be working great. Looked like the reservoir was dry but the soil is still moist. I could see some roots down the water tube so they've grown down to the water. I topped off with about 2-1/2 gallons of spring water before it overflowed. I super cropped and bent branches down some and pinched a few of the lowest suckers off the lower branches. I also pulled the lights up higher and added the 2nd light, just been running one so far but they need two now to cover the veg.
I'm headed back out of town again. When I get back I'll move into a larger 2x4 and then I'll add SCROG netting.
The tent will start getting hotter. I've got the air con set warmer while I'm gone and the addition light will get pretty warm. The new tent and cooler lights I've got on the way will help a lot.
Any insight on what may be causing the yellow edges on these seedlings?
I'm reusing FF Ocean Forest that I used on my last grow. I didn't amend the soil in these containers as I didn't expect they'd need anything before it was time to transplant. pH was good at last harvest.
Would you flip these to flower now or fill out the tent more first? I have a feeling these will be a little stretchy but I've also got good vertical space to work with.
Personally, I'd flip within a week, two max.
In the end it's up to you, as they will inevitably stretch; and the flowering time will remain the same either way.
Depends on your goals- do you want two weeks worth of nodes of bud? Can your light supply the energy needed for those extra nodes?
Just discovered these little black bugs. I don't think they're flying. They're mostly on the soil. Some were on the stalk but they don't seem to be on the leaves and buds. I'm growing indoors in organic soil. Not sure if these are a problem or if they'll regulate themselves.
Let there be light and then bam life of a new born😳😳i know she broke ground now 🤔🤔good luck with your grow👍 and have fun with the grow buddy.and your harvest
Looking really good for all that neglect...lol... I baby my 2 till I feel it is time to leave them alone... just finished running the 2 into a mainline. going to post a diary in a couple of days...
@theWilly, yeah man you have the right idea to get a predator in there to control them, i'm all for that sort of thing... because it works. most other types of remedies dont 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks. I'm using an Earth Box so it's watered from below. The top inch is usually pretty dry. I have watered it some from the top at times when adding compost and Bokashi to help with the natural composting. The bugs showed up after using a new compost product, I think I watered it in too so there must have been eggs in it. I'm getting them under control now and ordered Neoseiulus Amblyseius Cucumeris mites, they should be here tomorrow. I'm still not positive on the ID of the bugs though. I'm thinking they may be some species of thrips. They do fly and they're very very small. From my photos I see why others said they're earwigs but they're not, they're just so small my camera can't get a good pic. They don't have pincers and I'm familiar with earwigs, these aren't them.