I started by leaving the seeds 24h in glasses of water, when i remove them already notice the seeds opening. For germination i used Jiffy Coco pellets (as I'm going to use coco I thought it made sense).
On day 3 noticed some seeds with problems, one of them growing upside down, and other rolling in the growth medium. Carefully I've opened the pellets and reoriented them. The White Widow 2 was having some trouble growing, and I had to gently remove the shell, this one is noticeable less grown than the rest of them.
On the 4th day all the cotyledons have emerged, except for WW2. Also noticed the seedlings were stretching and I've removed the dome and lowered the lights to about 60cm at 20% intensity.
On day 6 I moved the plants to small pots, at this time I'm watering them manually. Also at this period I started to add nutrients to the water (Canna Coco A + B and Rhizotonic).
I've used Canna coco slabs (66%) mixed with perlite (34%). The coco was rinsed to remove the peat, and double buffered with Canna CalMag at 1.5ml/l for 8/10h per buffer.
Couple of difficulties I'm facing, due to lack of preparation:
As I'm waiting for the EC and PH meters to arrive, I'm using chromatic test for PH (I'm a bit colorblind so this is tricky) and a multimeter for EC.
After I removed the dome and increase lighting to 50% I'm having trouble keeping humidity at good levels. Currently I'm having 30º C with 50% RH during lighting periods and 24º C with 70% RH during dark hours (this seems ok). I've already ordered a humidifier and a grow tent fan to handle the issue.