Started germinating her in a paper towel on 8 Aug and taproot was out on 10 Aug so moved her into the humidity dome and jiffy pellet and she was up and out today.
Day 1 - I moved her into her 3 gallon pot and the tent today. Gave her a light foliar spray and misted the soil. Just letting her do her thing for now and waiting for her to start developing her first set of leaves.
Day 2 - All looking well, her first set up serrated leaves have formed and just letting her continue on. Just giving her a light daily foliar spray and a light mist of water on the top layer of soil.
Day 4 - All going good and she’s looking gorgeous. Just continuing with a light foliar spray and giving the soil a light mist.
Day 5 - All going good still and just gave her another foliar spray and misted the top layer of soil. No issues so far but is getting a bit leggy so lowered the light just a bit.
Day 6 - Still nothing to speak of today, seems like the stretching slowed a bit, that’s what I was looking for. Just gave her another foliar spray and misted the soil a bit.
Day 7 - The end of week 1 and getting a bit stretchy again so lowered the light just a bit and gonna add a little more soil to the pot tomorrow.
@Ganjafarmer420flowers, first grow was pretty decent overall but had a few screw ups and stunted her a bit but loved the smoke. Figured it was time to give her another run.