Day 15 - Starting week 3 and overall still looking good but a slight droop going on and looks like she’s ready for some actual water instead of foliar sprays so gave her about 2-3 cups pH’d to 6.7. We’ll see how she’s doing tomorrow.
Day 16 - She was looking a hell of a lot better today and standing tall so decided she was ready to start training. Tied her down tonight and we’ll see how she recovers tomorrow.
Day 19 - Continued with the LST today and gave her half a gallon of water with Cal-Mag, pH’d 6.7. All going well, just hoping her lower stuff starts getting good growth now.
Day 20 - Did a little more LST with her today and removed one fan leaf. She really seems to go through some nice growth spurts right after a watering.
@Ganjafarmer420flowers, first grow was pretty decent overall but had a few screw ups and stunted her a bit but loved the smoke. Figured it was time to give her another run.