* Light 700 PPFD, 20/4
__// NPK: 7-7-7 //__
* Nutrient: Autoflower Super-Mix // 3,0ml / Liter
* Nutrient: Coco-A // 0,6ml / Liter
* Dried mushrooms // 2gram (to raise the phosphorous)
** EC/IN: 1.8
** EC/OUT: 1.5
If you like to try this fantastic nutrient lineup from BIO NOVA, here´s a -25% discount code for you to use: GREENQUEEN25
* Humid: 60-70%
* Temp: 25-27C
* Leaf/Temp: 27-29C
* CO2: 700-900
+ Keep raising the PPFD with a (100) each week until we reach +800 PPFD.
+ These beautiful dark purple almost blackish, spreading from the top of the flower sites and smearing of color to the surrounding fan-leaves...What a beauty! 😍
@xWAWx, Hi there friend, Thank you so much!! =)
We used just one plant. The wet weight was weight in at 476g, and the final dry weight was wight in at 72g. 😊
Thanx, Yes I really love these darker purple coloured strains...
and LSD-25 is definitely one of them......Purple Punsh is the next one on the list to check ✅