I smell Dogshit 💩
Connoisseur genetics Dogshit deadhead haze
21st December 2021
This week was especially Hot here and looking at the forecasts there will be no relief for awhile yet. 😐
I had to cover up all of my garden with as much shade cloth as I could get my hands on ,
not so much to block sunlight but to try to keep away the effects of the Hot easterly winds plus low humidity
which is playing havoc by literally burning the foliage on several of my plants and even citrus trees.
The use of Seaweed can help with heat stress too so I have used that in the evenings .
I topped all of the deadhead and as you can see tied her down 👊
Cheers for stopping by 👍
😃😃I had a stretch of around 400% with my SoloCup Dogshit......
this is going to be a freakin' tree🌳🌳 with lots of Dogshit in it😅👍👍
Good luck for the rest of the way Mate..
Did you seriously step in dog shit on purpose for this grow!? Hahaha that's devotion. I stepped in puppy turd one time last week and I almost lost my shit and returned him! Jk he's too cute..but if anymore turds wind up on my sneakers he's in seriously big trouble!
Wow man, that does suck.😕 I'm just wondering, after that hard rain you were talking about earlier in the grow, in week 20, is that pm (powdery mildew) all over that girl? I noticed it because that's what I'm dealing with right now on an inside grow.
@Nordynllc, the white stuff is Diatomaceous earth mate I sprayed it everywhere because the Grasshoppers and Catterpillars are driving me crazy
this Plant unfortunately is Dead now I gave up on it .
Yep. I remember you saying something about it now.☺️ I've got pm in my head.😵 Having nightmares😧 Well, sorry to hear about this plant, but thanks for clearing up my pm, on your girls.😊 Now, I've got potassium bicarbonate coming today to clear up mine.😂 Happy harvests my friend.😄✌️