Gelato 41 saw a couple of success stories on here so thought i would join in on the fun! Any tips comments or advice are always welcome. Im very active and focused and will reply to every comment or message!
I love gelato strains they always have a top shelf option locally and ive seen them come in all sorts of crosses and potency 3a 4a 5a . Im doing a version of subcools living soil mixed with kryptonite soil. Using all organic gai products for most of the ingredients.
I use this soil as base for my supersoil closes thing to roots organic here in canada
per 1.5 cuft soil ( 1 bag Kryptonite )
8.5 once Worm Castings
4.5 ounces fish bone meal
8.5 onces Bat Guano High Phosphorus
8.5 onces Blood Meal
4.5 onces Bone Meal
5 tablespoons 1 teaspoon Oyster Shells
5 tablespoons 1 teaspoon Kelp Meal
5 tablespoons 1 teaspoon Alfalfa Meal
1 tablespoons 2.5 teaspoon Epsom salt
1 tablespoons 2.5 teaspoons Dolomite Lime
3 tablespoons 1 1/4 teaspoons Azomite
3/4 teaspoon Powdererd Humic Acid
add 8 onces bottle clonex or great white mycorrhiza
remember you can never mix never soil enough
put it in garbage cans give soil 1 to 2 gallons water let sit 6 to 10 weeks
forgot to mention to feed soil with coconut water every 2 weeks for web of life to thrive
it looks like mold don't worry its beneficial microbes
put 1/3 at bottom pots fill rest with Kryptonite soil.
I will also be using some products from biofizz as well as a hibrix molasses!
I cannot stress enough the importance of temp and humidity. If flavor and smell is your main goal invest in a quality way to control it(humidifer/dehum/fan) to put it where you think is best. Be careful with some of those mist sprayers if you put tap water it will leave a mess all over your tent!
Welcome all to week 1 of Gelato41 by Glasseye19
Gelato is extremely tasty and super easy to grow! Remember to feed it a lot!
Sweet hugs from us ❤️❤️❤️
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Chilling_Racoons 👨🌾👩🌾
Thanks for the warm welcome i checked out your runts its almost ready looks delicious! Please visit back to see how how we progress! 🕵️♂️🕵️♂️
Hey homeboy! Im almost ready with the living soil just a week or 2 left of cooking! Also im almost ready to transplant so this will be interesting as i will be giving it the dynamyco at the roots! Cant wait to see her blossom💃