Hi there! Thanks for stopping by the first week for this young seedling. Things are going good. Just been keeping her in my dome for the past 7 days. I have been removing the dome everyday for an added hour each day until it's off for good. I do this to help the young seedlings adjust to there new environment slowly to not stress them out with the fans circulating the air in my grow room.
This TSW 2000 from Mars Hydro is at 80% power and 28 inches away from the young seedling. I am absolutely loving how my new light is performing and can tell by the lack of stretching the seedlings are doing that they are getting PLENTY of light even 28 inches away.
The TSW 2000w comes with a 3-year warranty which is amazing. This light has no built-in fans for cooling. It does not need them because it is a solid unit that emits very little heat. Grow lights from just a few years ago would need fans to cool them down. Check Mars Hydro out on Instagram: @marshydro_aliexpress2