Faroutmancommentedweek 93 years ago
Ah those cannabis specific nutrient companies, with all their not-so-optional extras …It’s a clever business model isn’t it?!
Putting the Hydrocrop nutrients in pH 7 water and not adjusting it down afterward will cause some precipitation. If you do try using them again, you need to mix the feed to whatever EC you want, then add pH down - I use phosphoric acid - until the pH is around 6. You shouldn't need much pH down because the nutrients themselves are fairly acidic. I’m sure that will resolve the issue (unless there is something strange in your tap water!).
The only time I have had any problem with precipitation is when I completely forgot to adjust the pH after mixing the feed. It worried me until I realised what I had done. I threw the feed out, made a new batch, adjusted the pH, and everything was fine thereafter.