Week 14 // Dec 4 - Dec 10
- Dec 10th puts us at day 96 from seed and everything is going smoothly for the most part - but they still need to mature a bit more.
- i'm definitely seeing the difference in the phenos; one plant going yellow and another is going purple.
- Sage #2, the smaller plant, really hasn't shown me any issues and is fading out to purple and still looks great today.
- Still running beneficials and enzymes: Microbial mass every two weeks and Orca twice a week and Z9 once a week.
- Plants are eating and drinking as top off is dropping daily and PPMs dropping as a result.
- I'm still alternating Overdrive (15ml) and AN Coco Bloom (10ml) and shooting for a high target of 750ppm each dose.
- I'm giving a dose at about the 690ppm mark. The dose brings ppm back up to 750ppm. I've been doing this daily with a top-off bucket with plain RO maintaing the water level.
- I'm checking trichomes daily, just getting milky now on the calyxes (bracts). But, I'm still not seeing much amber yet and still lots of clear trichomes on the lower growth.
- Sage #3 leaves are getting pretty brittle. The RH is way too dry for a rust fungus issue and would have spread by now to the other plant (Sage #2) I'd imagine. I don't know if it was salt build-up or calmag deficiency in early flower with a combination of nute burn, but now I'm leaning toward nutrient burn and CMH light burn even though it was the bigger plant of the two. Sage #2 doesnt have any issues. Balancing the needs of two phenos in RDWC can be challenging. - I'll admit I did push the ppms for a bit of tip burn, but it is weird why the bigger plant would burn if that is the case. - Either way, the upper sugar leaves have on Sage #3 are rusty, breaking off, and brittle on the top of the flowers. I need to figure it out so I can correct it next time. Plenty of PK between overdrive and bloom, calmag really isn't needed in late flower so the deficiency shouldn't have progressed if it was a calcium or magnesium issue in the early flower.
- RH is dry enough I'm not too worried about any rot and trying to clean up any dead leaf matter when i see it.
- I'm not rushing anything for the sake of harvest, but I do need these plants need to finish up... I'm worried I may in trim jail on Christmas after a 10 day dry.
- Expecting to harvest any day, but who knows at this point could be another 10 days until mostly milky and I feel the THC content is optimal.
Thanks for checking out my diary!
@mangolinux420, Hey thanks for the inquiry. I did not upgrade the pump on this run, and I haven't even regretted it yet. The 250 is working great for a two-site setup! Thanks for checking out my diary! Happy growing!
@Blessed_With_Knowledge, Thanks for the encouragement! I find it's the one type of training I often doubt the most. There are so many moves that can be made during the training!
good to see you back at it! totally understand the 'time being a commodity thing. starting a new NightOwl grow as well (just popped today). happy growing friend 🤙
@MyWeedAccount, hey friend! lol yes! at least we will get that extra hour of time next weekend! 👊
i just checked out what you're growing next and I'm excited to see how they turn out! I grabbed 5 packs on the Halloween drop, including the SSB but I'm fully regretting not getting the QB and may have to pick it up at the banks.
Keep keepin your grows fun!
What a diary mate! You did a perfect job!
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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Chilling_Racoons 👨🌾👩🌾