12/5 - Day 36 - Adjusted her LST a bit today. Otherwise looking happy. Nothing else to report here.
12/6 - Day 37 - Adjusted her LST a bit again today. Still looking happy!
12/7 - Day 38 - Not much to report here. Looks fine.
12/8 - Day 39 - She was thirsty so I provided her with 32 ounces of pure water. Still looking good. I didn't need to adjust the primary LST yet. It seems like she has started focusing on other parts rather than her main stem.
12/9 - Day 40 - Looking good again today. Adjusted the LST a bit. I feel like she might be a bit small. But I don't rightly know. Will see how things go over the next few weeks.
12/10 - Day 41 - Nothing really to report. Still looking fine.
12/11 - Day 42 - She was dry, so I gave her another 32 ounces of water. She appears to be doing fine. Really nothing to report.