The plants have seemingly survived the transplant shock and the wavyness of the leaves has not continued. New growth seems to be fine, even though a bit light colored. One girl's mutated/stunted leaf is apparent and she won't be in the running to become America's Next Top Mother Plant.
All of our plants had grown to at least 5 nodes so we decided to FIM them. They bounced back almost immediately and are much bushier! 😍
We put the Smart CO2 bags on the floor because that's where our air intake is. The lights were turned to 60% intensity.
We finally installed our Autopot/Flexitank setup at the end of week 3 (after some silly delays). Our exhaust fan's integrated temperature control is keeping our environment very close to optimal 🙌. Also, we are considering getting a third light to fully optimize our lighting conditions.
We started seeing some strange discoloration on the foliage. Additionally, we are noticing a bit of "clawing". We figured it is either magnesium or potassium deficiency, or possibly nutrient burn. Maybe the 1.4 EC solution was too much for our girls to handle? At the same time we haven't been watering them consistently (or almost at all), so it's probably that. They are still growing fine, so we are trying not to panic...
The thrips situation is better. Still, around 2 per day can be seen flying in the grow area. We haven't bug sprayed the plants again because we want them to get settled better before that. All other plants next to the grow area have been evacuated to different premises where the problem continues. Annoying little critters.