Week 10, Day 70...
-Watered and measured runoff at 1.5, 2 and 3 gallons. Usually water at 2g, but wanted to rule out any kind of lock out for the few leaves that were spotting a bit. Overall the plants looked pretty good when I took 'em out of the tent, and I think any issues might just be from the transition to flower and maybe me not jumping on transitioning the feed. Runoff ended up being 850ppm at first check and down to about 500ppm by 3g.
-I did buy a ZeroWater filter and will run our system softened well water through it though, that will remove both sodium and any hardness.
01/27/2022: Day 74:
-Feeding day. First time through with the ZeroWater. Haven't decided if I'll use it 100% or if I'll cut our well water with a 50/50 mix in the long run. Either way, this time it was 100% filtered and reads at 1ppm (.002EC). With all dissolved solids removed, the pH drops to 5.2, so plenty of pH UP needed. Each bag got its usual 2g of fluid. Cut back a bit of the nutrients but the ppm was still up around 730 since I did drop 3ml of Ca/Mg into each gallon. I'll cut that back next round I think.
-Overall, I'm pretty happy with the plants. Yes the Tangerine Dream #2 looks funky and sad, but it's doing not bad. not really losing any leaves and still progressing. I assume that given my experience last grow with the same-ish pheno/seeds the genetics are a little funky and the stress of supercropping just twisted her up a bit and will remain so. The TD#2 has burned tips but otherwise is a powah-haus...it continues to gain mass and develop and doesn't show any kind of deficiency issues.