* Light 400 PPFD, 18/6
* Nutrient: RQS Easy Boost // 5ml / Liter Soil (coco) // organic fertilizer, keeps the plant feed 10-12 weeks
* Stimulator Bio Nova // Roots // 0,5ml / Liter
* Stimulator Bio Nova // BN X-Cel // 0,5ml / Liter
* Stimulator Bio Nova // The Missing Link // 0,5ml / Liter
** Powdered: Banana peal for the transplant/repoting
* Humid: 55-60%
* Temp: 22-23C
* CO2: 600-900
+ Keep raising the PPFD with a (100) each week until we reach +800 PPFD.
+ Repot to the final medium
+ Beginning of the LST.
@PeppaWutz, Best Peppa, were using a mix this time, just to get the active soil life.😉
10% Clay pebbles
20% Perlite
20% Soil
50% Coco
The final pot size will be 3-4 gallons or 11-15 liters.