Started lst, day 22-23,using a combination of string and soft garden ties. I’ve bent the main shoots over and supported their base,. Going well I think, spending time on it everyday. I hve concerns about using string, it’s soft but worried it cuts into or stops the stem from thickening, I like thicc bois.. Any advice? With flowering a week or so away I want to maximise but not stress it too much..
For your string, you can use cable ties to provide a loop around the stem then tie the string to the cable tie rather than the stem. I use hemp twine instead of string because it's not going to damage the stems and if any fibres get stuck stuck to the plant and end up getting smoked, it's only hemp instead of nylon or other man-made material! I also use bonsai wire instead of garden ties. No reason for this other than it's what I had originally so I stuck with it!
Hope this helps, good luck with your grow - their leaves are looking lovely and lush!