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"Ane Nova" by Ane-sia Seeds.

Approved by Anesia Seeds
3 years ago
The Living Room Grow Tent by Hydrotek
The Living Room Grow Tent by Hydrotek
Room Type
weeks 11
2 Day Dark Period
weeks 18
weeks 3
weeks 7
weeks 7, 11
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This diary is for Nova OG by Anesia Seeds Indica Dom Flowering time- 8 to 9 weeks Height - Med to Tall Yield - High THC- some where between 22% to 32% THC Average would be 27% with %5 + or - That's a big swing. Might not be as stable as I hoped it to be. But I think that's where the strong mutant plants come from. I hope it's as strong as I want it to be. Taste - Very sweet, fruity taste with peppery hints. Aroma- Coffee with lemon undertones Effect - Focused, uplifted cerebral high which is followed by a deep body relaxation. Indoor/Outdoor Medical properties - Yes. Top genetics - OG x unknown strain Special features - High THC Strain. Is a perfect plant for SCROG, and needs a large amount of food. I got new 5x5 grow tents and new Spider Farms lights SF 4000. I've got them set on 50% till see how the plants like them. I've read about the new lights but they are new to me and it might take a bit to get used to. But I got experience on my side😃. Chuck.
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. We are in veg at the moment. These plants are indicia's. Looks like they are going to be short and bushy. I let them grow in these cups for another week and then I bought some clothe pots I'll transfer them to. I've never used clothe pots before. New tent, new lights, new clothe pots, new strain. I'm sure this old dog can learn some new tricks.😉 Showed some pictures of where I am in the ventilation. I hope to go through the window this week if I can get the material that I need. I want to go up the side of the chimney to the roof and vent there. I need a backdraft damper to stop the cold air from coming back in and harming the plants. Also showed the electrical that I put in a few weeks ago. The timers are on 15 amps breaker and the middle is on a 20 amp breaker for heaters and dehumidifiers. And there are a few wall plugs that I'll use for the power bars to run the fans and pumps and such. I'll be training these plant more when they go in to the clothe pots. See you then Chuck.
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 2 of veg and the beginning of week 3. These plant are growing compact with not much space between leaves. So I can see another 3 or so weeks before going over to flowering. I bought some 1ft. x 4ft. hard plastic trays from Amazon but were produced by Botanicare for hydroponics. So I hope to get these plants into pots and on 2 trays for a flood table and reservoir system in the next couple of weeks. The plants are doing good. I just topped them this week. I put a heater and dehumidifier in the room with the tents to keep it a bit warmer for these cold months. The weather has been harsh. Cold and wet so I didn't get through the window with the ventilation like I wanted too. I had to pick the middle of winter to put in the ventilation. I picked up 2 backdraft dampers and I will use them at the window to stop the cold air from going back into the grow tents. Till then. Chuck.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 3 of veg and the beginning of week 4 of veg. I had a problem with one of the plants that I diagnosed with phosphorus deficiency. I gave them a big feeding and the trouble has stopped advancing on the leaves. I also gave them another shot of friendly fungus from Advanced - Piranha, and some calcium and magnesium and silicate from Wollastonite - Brand name It's supposed to help with powder mildew too. I've finished cutting and bagging the main grow room and I will spend the next week getting it going again, after that I will repot these plants and do some mainlining on them then. I'll get back to the ventilation after Christmas, just when the weather channel said we will get a big blast of cold Artic air with snow and wind. The dehumidifier is doing a good job keeping the rh around 60 for now but I will need to have the vent ready before too long. Best Wishes for the holidays. Chuck.
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 4 of veg and the beginning of week 5 of veg. Over the holidays I got a little lazy and didn't give the plants very much food so the plants don't look as good as they should/could. I also wanted to repot them but the cold front hit and froze the unheated greenhouse and froze the potting soil. I just finished cutting down my main grow room and put the pots out in the greenhouse because I didn't want the fungus gnats getting into the other room. Now the clay pellets are frozen. But that is a good thing because the fungus gnat larva will be frozen too!😃 I put some pictures up of the -8 c weather we got. This is really unusual weather for a island on Canada's lower west coast. Vancouver broke a 50 year record for the coldest night of -15.8. Poor little humming birds. I've got 2 heated feeders going. One in the front and one in the back so one male humming bird can't control both feeders. It amazes me that a little, few gram bird can survive the frozen night hanging on a branch in a protected tree and go into a kind of deep trance called tuped to lower the heart rate and breathing so the little bird won't run out of energy through the night. How they can wake up on cold mornings is a puzzle. Just amazing. Till next week. Chuck.
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 5 of veg and the beginning of week 6 of veg. I gave everybody a bigger cloth pot. They are supposed to be 5 gallons but might be a bit short of that. With these cloth pots I sure could smell the potting soil in the basement for a few days, I don't mind though. I made clones from the clippings I took when I transplanted. When transplanting I like to bury the stock up to the first branches. Cannabis, like tomato's, will grow roots out of the stock if it's covered by soil. Outside you can take a handful of wet peat around the branch and cover it with plastic wrap for a easy way to make clones. Keep the peat moist and cut it off when you can see roots growing in the peat. I wanted to make a hydroponic watering system but decided to just grow in soil. After all this grow is to find the best plant out of 6, and then clone and grow that one. So I don't have to get to fancy to find the best one. I'll be doing some mainline training when I cut and strip some more copper wire later this week. Till next week. Chuck.
1 comment
Week 7. Vegetation
3 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 6 of veg and the beginning of week 7 of veg. I switched the tent beside it to flower 2 days ago and I will switch this tent to flower at the end of this week. That will give me a week between harvests and these plants can use another week of veg. Everything is going good. I got some copper wire trimmed and I got 1/2 of the plants tied over and the other 1/2 tonight (I hope). I found a old Pot Puzzle Book and will be adding pictures of jokes, puzzles and crosswords and a week later post the answers. I'll start with the cover and credits of the book. There's alot of them so I can see this going more than 1 diary. Something fun and cannabis related. I hope you enjoy. Chuck.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the start of flowering, Week 1, and the end of veg. With 6 plants in the tent I don't want the plants to get too big before going into flowering. I don't think the clones of plant #3 are taking, so I'll take a few more clippings and then switch to flower. I think I'll get another small fan for this tent to stir up the air a little more. There's a crossword for you this week. I'll post the answer next week with another Pot Puzzle. Chuck.
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
27.94 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week1 and the beginning of week 2 of flowering. I can start to see the beginning of stretching going on with a few white stigmas from the preflowers at the new bud sites. I like to leave the plant alone the first couple of weeks after switching to flowering. So no plans to do anything to the plants this week except watering and feeding.
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 2 and the beginning of week 3 of flowering. These plant are moving into flowering nicely. I plan to do my final prune/trim this week so the plants can heal before resin production begins. After looking last night, there are a lot of sucker branches to be removed. The plant are growing well and I'm seeing some stretching as they go into flowering. I can start to see the white stigmas of the flowers as flowering picks up now. I gave each plant a big spoonful of Wollastonite last night and watered in. From the package-- This rarely-occurring earth mineral is only found in a few places worldwide and it provides the plants with a good source of plant-available silicate, carbon neutral calcium, magnesium and many other beneficial trace elements and micro-nutrients. Guaranteed Analysis: Si02 55% CaO 29% MgO 3.1% K2O 1.4% Fe2O3 .65% Mn2O3 .60% if that helps. Till then. Chuck.
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 3 and the beginning of week 4 of flowering I did the last trimming/pruning till harvest this week past. The plants have recovered and are going into resin production now. I have stuck my nose in the tent when I first open it after the dark period and I hardly get any smell. Just a bit of a citrus/hash smell which is interesting because this is supposed to be a strong strain, which in the past has meant a strong smelling strain as well. Makes you go Hmmm isn't that interesting. This weeks puzzle is a maze. Feel free to print it off and solve it. Please don't write on the screen or it might come off if you use one of those dry erase markers. but printing is better😂 Answer next week. It's been a quite wood splitting week for me. Keep growing straight. Chuck.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 4 and the beginning of week 5 of flowering. Everything is going good this week. It is a little hard to get in the back of the tent to water so I went outside and got a 2 inch plastic pipe about 3.5 feet long to get water back there (washed it before I used it). I twizzle the pipe through the buds and pour the water through it to get water to the soil. I wanted to do some hydroponics but would take time and I just wanted to get going so I chose soil instead. And really this is to find the best plant of the bunch and grow that one through clones. And it's not always the biggest buds that wins, it's the plant that gets me the most blasted that wins and gets regrown. I can see the resin production is kicking in now and I can see that some of the buds are going to be big. There is still not much smell when I stick my head in when I open it up after the dark period. But if I touch the buds I get a strong citrus smell Thanks for looking in on me. Chuck.
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 5 and the beginning of week 6. I opened the tent a couple of days ago to see some buds of plant #5 laying against the tent sides so I'll need to get in there and tie up the buds. I decided to get my tomato cages from the garden and cut off the lower ring and put them in to tie up the buds to. I took out plant #5 by the door and put the tomato cage in the soil and tied up the buds to it. Plant #6 was next Then Plant #4. After putting in the cage I noticed some white powder on some of the leaves. First thought was powder mildew, but no that wasn't it. The powder moved when the leaf was jiggled and came off very easy. As I was tying up the buds I was thinking what I could have spilled on the leaves when I was watering them it kind of looked like sulphur powder which I use on plant cuts but it didn't have a smell. I turned the plant to tie up the next hermie branch. Fuck!!! That is what the yellow powder is.😞 It always makes me feel bad, like I did something wrong and was punished when shit like this happens. But after talking to myself and telling myself it probably wasn't my fault because only one plant went hermie. If I overstressed them I would have found more plants with male flowers. So I will continue for now. Remember this is only to find the best plant out of 6 nope 5 plants and regrow that one. I have had hermie's like this before and only got a few seeds so fingers crossed. The plant description said 8 to 9 week to finish flowering but I grow everything to 10 weeks. Keep growing straight. Chuck.
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 6 and the beginning of week 7 of flowering. I think I've finally figured out what this strain smell of- Have you walked into a laundromat or laundry room to smell dirty wash water with citrus undertones. That's what I smell when I open the tent. When I touch the plant and smell my fingers I get strong smell of citrus with wash water undertones. I'm wondering what it will taste like? I'm not offended by the smell but it might be a interesting taste. I see that plant #2 (the tallest) has a bit of a deficiency, but it's so far in to flowering that I'm not going to try to figure it out. It also is showing it's sativa side with big fluffy buds I'm liking plant #3. It seems to have the densest buds and the most smell on my fingers. I'm still seeing a lot of white stigmas in here. With finding the hermie last week I've been looking at if, or how fast the stigmas turned brown. When pollinated the plant will turn most of the stigmas brown. That would mean the plants have been seeded. But I'm still seeing a lot of white in here which means to me that I probably wasn't heavily seeded. I will probably find some seeds though. OK. Be good. Chuck.
Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 12
Reindeer Natural Plant Food- Liquified Canadian Kelp 0.2 mll
Enzymes Komplete - A Natural Garden Healer. 0.05 mll
 Big Bud Powder - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder 0.1 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 7 and the beginning of week8 of flowering. Everything in this tent is going well. It's getting near harvest and some of the plants are starting to pull nutrients from the leaves that are turning yellow. I saw in our local under ground paper these adds and articles and thought you might enjoy them. Nothing else for today. Chuck.
Week 16. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 1
Tap Water Flush 100 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 8 and the beginning of week 9 of flowering. This week I will start flushing for 2 weeks. The breeders description said 8 to 9 weeks of flowering, But I found I like to grow everything to 10 week of flowering. I find I like nice mature buds a little past, what some people call, prime conditions. Now that I have a number of flowering areas I might put 1 to sativa use and start flowering 12 to 18 weeks or start some sativa at 12/12. But first I have to get through about 1 1/2 years of bought seeds I have sitting here all 10 week of flowering or less. I would like a good stable of prize females, and then I'll start making my own fem seeds and seeing what new strains I can come up with. The smell is mostly citrus now with some earthy/watery undertones. Keep Growing Straight. Chuck.
1 comment
Week 17. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 1
Tap Water Flush 100 mll
Hello. This is the end of week 9 and the beginning of week 10 of flowering. I'm flushing this week and harvesting the next. I'm still seeing a lot of white stigmas in here so I think 1 more week. I getting a very candy lemon smell from most of the plants now. Plant #2 still has a dirty water under tone that's interesting. There's some really big buds in here. Plants #2 and #5 have huge buds that are fairly dense. Plant #3 has rock hard buds and has the best and strongest smell. Can't wait to try it. Hope it's strong. I like tasty too. That's what I payed for. Chuck.
Week 18. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 1
Tap Water Flush 100 mll
Hello. This is the last look at Nova OG after 10 week of flowering with the last 2 weeks were in flushing The plants look and smell great. A candied Lemon smell with woody undertones is what I smell. Plant #4 went hermie so I'm expecting some seeds. Oh Well! There is some big buds in here. I hope it's strong too! I cure using paper bags. With everything dried and cured and in jars, in about 2 weeks. I take some tester buds and let them dry aside. They are dry after about 5 to 6 days. Although the buds are not cured they give me a good feeling as to how strong they are. So I should have a smoke report in about 2 weeks. See ya then. Chuck.
Used techniques
2 Day Dark Period
Week 18. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Hello. This is a review for NOVA OG by Chucky324. This is a nice strain by Anesia Seeds. There were lots of big buds in this tent. I started all 6 seed and they all sprouted. They grew without problems. About 1/2 way through flowering I found some branches leaning over and I had to put in tomato cages to hold up the big buds that were forming. The branches were not strong enough to hold up it's big buds. I had very sticky fingers for a couple of hours after that. 1 plant - #4 went hermie and was pulled out quickly. After that I looked for the next couple of weeks and there was still alot of white stigmas in the tent so I knew I was not heavily pollenated and continued to grow and finish the diary. The smell was mostly citrus but it had a strange undertone to it. My pallet smelled it as, used clothes washing water that had soap with citrus smell in it. When it was finished the undertone switched to more of a cedar or woody smell to it. The buzz is strong but not overpowering. My best guess for THC strength is 18% to 22%. The buzz is both head and body. I can do things for a while but then I just want to take a break. 5 out of 6 looked the same. Light green in color and wide leaves but 1 had narrower leaves and was darker in color and had more of a smell with the rub test and it had the densest buds. It is that one I will regrow. With the seed discerption saying up to 32% THC I'm a little disappointed these plant weren't stronger. So I am giving 9 stars. Overall this is a good strain. You get lots of big buds that will get you stoned with a sweet citrus and wood taste and smell. Thanks for looking in. Chuck.
Show more
Spent 127 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
906 g
Bud wet weight per plant
130.8 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Depression, Stress
Medical effects
Citrus, Diesel, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Hello. This is the end of Ane Nova OG It was fun and I got a lot of big buds that get me pretty high. Plant #1 Wet weight final - 795 g Dry weight - 95.5 g Around 22% THC and it had some grape jelly undertones. Plant #2 Wet weight - 962 g Dry weight - 158.5 g Around 19% THC It was this plant that smelled like dirty laundry water with citrus smelling soap. Plant #3 Wet Weight - 920 g Dry Weight - 138.5 g Around 21% to 22% THC. Has a nice sweet hashy taste and smell. Densest buds. I choose this plant to regrow in the main grow room to see how it does. Plant #4 Beware! Went hermie and was cut down. I went in one day to water to find some yellow powder on some lower leaves and to find open flowers above. Plant #5 Wet weight - 939 g Dry weight - 129.5 Around 21% THC and has some grape taste in it too. Plant #6 Wet Weight - 914 g Dry Weight - 132 g Around 18 % THC and has a sort of citrusy type of taste. Over all it was a good grow. Lots of big buds to get me high. I was hoping for some stronger smoke out of this strain. The plant description said up to 32% THC and a High Times write up said that this strain was the mutant stuff that super strong smoke could be grown from. Oh well. I got what I got from the seeds I had. Chuck.


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DrNickerbauckercommentedweek 23 years ago
Best of luck 🍀
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@DrNickerbaucker, This strain is supposed to be strong😃 But smells like cat pee when I open the tent. Chuck.
excessedcommentedweek 13 years ago
Good start 👍
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@excessed, Thanks Friend.
Cannabeast40commentedweek 13 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 💪👊😎🙌
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Cannabeast40, Thanks for think of me friend. Chuck
ueonocommentedweek 13 years ago
Happy growing, i follow for see later 💪👌
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@ueono, Great, thank you Friend. Nice to see you. We'll have some fun. Chuck.
LittleJohncommentedweek 63 years ago
Good luck💚🙏🏻Happy growing😎🙌🏻
Y0inkcommentedweek 33 years ago
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Good luck! 👊🏽💪🏽💚
CrazyHorsecommentedweek 83 years ago
Nice bush 😇 Happy flowering mate 😇 💪 🙏
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@CrazyHorse, Thanks Buddy. Chuck.
GangbudsGenesgdlcommentedweek 53 years ago
Buena suerte y feliz crecimiento 😎 💚 👊
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@GangbudsGenesgdl, Thank Brother.
Sour_Dcommentedweek 133 years ago
Nice looking buds there Chuck, you're gonna have a great harvest! 😎
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Sour_D, Thanks for looking in on me friend. Chuck.
Sour_Dcommented3 years ago
@Chucky324, that's an interesting and descriptive way to describe it, I know exactly what you're talking about. Enjoy brotha! 👊
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Sour_D, Hi Buddy Thanks for all the likes. It's always nice to get a lot of likes at once. Make me feel good. Thanks. Something funny: when I open the tent at lights on the smell was not very strong and I couldn't quite place it but when I touch it, it has a strong citrus smell. I finally recognized the smell. Have you walked into a laundry mat or laundry room and smelled that dirty wash water with citrus undertones- that is the smell when I open the tent. And now when I rub the plant and smell my fingers I smell citrus with dirty wash water under tones.😄 Chuck.
cannapassioncommentedweek 123 years ago
Jolie canopée 👌🌱
cannapassioncommented3 years ago
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@@cannapassion, Thanks Friend.
cannapassioncommentedweek 93 years ago
Looking great good Luck for the futur 👌💪
cannapassioncommented3 years ago
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@@cannapassion, Thanks friend.
kizdogcommentedweek 123 years ago
Girls are looking really nice fam. Best of luck with the rest of the grow!! 💚🙏🏻🌱💪
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@kizdog, Thanks for the cannalove friend.
GODSGIFT_2005_JMcommentedweek 83 years ago
Excellent veg bro! Super healthy 👍 Check out my GARDEN OF GREEN’s BLUE DREAM pls. Thanks! 👍
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@GODSGIFT_2005_JM, Thanks Mate.
ThePuffingprincess17commentedweek 183 years ago
sweet diary & description of the taste etc nice weight too , enjoy the smoke 😎
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@@ThePuffingprincess17, Thank you for your kind words.
DaGrowQueencommentedweek 183 years ago
Very nice diary, congrats on your harvest.
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@DaGrowQueen, Thank you. I worked hard on it, but I liked doing it.
Foxylove420commentedweek 183 years ago
Sexy foxtailing 😍
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Foxylove420, Thanks for the Canna love!
Eauderaycommentedweek 183 years ago
Awesome big buds! Well done! Enjoy!
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Eauderay,Thanks Buddy, Your the best.
Jknjkncommentedweek 183 years ago
Sick grows going growmie..your jar collection has to be impressive
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Jknjkn, Thanks Buddy. It's sorta like the rich dude that has a wine room and after much contemplation he chooses a wine that he would like at that moment. I have a cupboard just like that. And after opening and contemplating, I choose to get blasted. Have fun. Chuck.
Endemiccommentedweek 173 years ago
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Endemic, Thanks, I think.
GODSGIFT_2005_JMcommentedweek 153 years ago
Beware of ANESIA guys—-i’m in EU, bought imperium x & blackberry moonrocks directly from them and received nothing! Stopped communication & ran away with my money! They even deleted my profile on their account which I made to buy the seeds. I’ve all emails showing that i’m telling the truth.
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@GODSGIFT_2005_JM, Hey Brother, I remember seeing a question on the questions page about Expert seeds. It asked if anyone else has had problems with expert seeds. In one of the answers they gave a phone number and said that if you call this number your problem will go away. I don't know if it was fake or the real thing but it won't hurt to try and post the emails from them in your question. Have you tried to see if there is a Anesia seed rep on this site and complain to them? You might shoot Grow Diaries a message to see if they could help? Just trying to give you some options that you might not thought of. Chuck.
the end.
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