Most of Week 4 was unattended growth, since I was out of town for 5 days. Found some long, healthy roots in the reservoir, along with some springtails; hopefully, they cleared up any dying roots from the reservoir almost being empty. The springtails seem to have died after a refill.
Really impressed with how even the canopy is, since there's been no LST and only some leaf tucking. (Seems similar to the official Forum Stomper and Sour Stomper strain descriptions since the primary cola is pretty even with the others and the overall plant size will probably be medium). Still stretching and will be adding Big Bud and Voodoo Juice this week.
👉🏽Day 28 (12/26): Filled the reservoir to the max level and did some more leaf-tucking. Removed some lower and inward-facing flowering sites.
👉🏽Day 32 (12/30): Accidentally overfilled the reservoir--it was bound to happen eventually!--but all is good. Next time, I'll wait until the float gets to level 1 before filling up to level 2. Added the first dose of Big Bud, as well as another treatment with Voodoo Juice (ending around Day 40). Did some minor LST on Day 31 in order to expose more bud sites; there are 11 sites exposed pretty well, and the canopy is staying level. Removed lower bud sites on all stems and some of the larger fan leaves that weren't getting much light and deteriorating. Will remove inward-facing leaves soon.
👉🏽Day 34 (1/1): Happy New Year! All's good. Showing about 1" growth per day since Day 32. Healthy and happy, with more roots than ever peeking out of the bottom of the pot. Looking to notch up the Big Bud dosage for the next refill.
Next reservoir fill: Sensi Bloom A&B (2 ml/gal), CalMag (2 ml/gal), Big Bud (2 ml/gal), Voodoo Juice (1 ml/gal), Mammoth P, and Orca.
Thanks for dropping by! 🖖🏽🌿
3gal your going to fill more during flower they drink alot try an auto fill system if your gone for a long time...worth the money. I do 6gal with refill and it's great.
@Mr420, I heard that they get thirsty during flower, and I think you're right. May actually try four 3 gallons with the auto-fill and scrog to get four autos in my 2x4. I'm becoming an Octopot believer! 😎