(01/09/22) - Just did Defoliation on all 4 plants. to clean them up a bit and get them spread out.
(01/12/22) - Big changes for these guys. With finishing up my 1st project so the 4x3 space was reduced to put up the barrier, so now dealing with 3x3 space. They will still have 2 LED 100w on them and the extra space hopefully will encourage more growth!
(01/15/22) - Noticed some marks on the lower leaves of the plants, did a pH/fertility soil test and everything looks good 6.5-6.6 and 3-4 on fertile level. Clipped one leaf to exam and it was thrips and looks like all 4 plants were exposed. I cut the infected leaves off right away and getting neem oil spray.
Did a simple watering. Next watering will be a feeding. I think I going to feed them Ca/Mg mixture as well, since this is about when my last project was running into issues.
Blueberry - (01/09/22) - Everything is on track, heavy defoliation on the lower branches. (1/10/22) She is looking very good with 4 nicely space tops growing now. She showing signs of entering into pre-flowering stage. She only showing hairs at the moment. (01/11/22) Did another round of heavy defoliation...might have went too far.
Glue Gelato - (01/09/22) - She compact but I was able to do a decent job defoliating her. (1/10/22) She has 2 nice tops with 2 below, hoping the below one start reaching for the light and sync up with the top 2. She showing signs of entering into pre-flowering stage with a pre-bud starting to form. (01/11/22) Leaving her alone for now.
Sweet Gelato - (01/09/22) - Very light defoliation, did more LST tie-down method on her. (1/10/22) I'm seeing 6 tops right now though she does need a little more clipping but I'm waiting on that and it seems like I'm doing this tie-down method correctly. One thing I'm learning about Sweet Gelato is she is very strong plant and has lots of will. She was the first to start showing signs of entering into pre-flowering stage and is starting to from a pre-buds on couple of her tops. (01/11/22) Just did some tightening of the tie-down, nothing was really done.
Vanilla Frosting - (01/09/22) - Everything is on track, heavy defoliation on the lower branches. (1/10/22) She is looking very good with 4 nicely space tops growing now. She showing signs of entering into pre-flowering stage but definitely the last to start showing her hairs. (01/11/22) Did another round of heavy defoliation...I stopped a layer less than Blueberry.