(01/16/22) Sprayed down all 4 plants pretty heavy with Bonide neem oil and cut the lights out for 4 hours with the fans turned up max for ventilation. We will wait and see what happen in a couple days...the infestation is very light and caught it right away so I have hopes for a quick recovery but I'm worried about stunt growth at the moment. The amount of leaves I had to cut off the plants was a lot though they still seem to be doing well.
(01/17/22) Still seeing some of those dirty little bastards under the leaves but was reading that I need to wait 2-3 days to see improvements with the neem oil. I did a full feeding on all 4 plants 1/4 gallon water each with Tiger Bloom added.
Blueberry - (01/16/22) Pre-flowering signs but not as defined as Sweet Gelato
Glue Gelato - (01/16/22) Pre-flowering signs but not as defined as Sweet Gelato
Vanilla Frosting - (01/16/22) Pre-flowering looking good, white hairs are really starting to come in.
Sweet Gelato - (01/16/22) Pre-flowering looking best of all 4, white hairs looking good on all flowering points so far.