So as you may see of the nutrient info I have decided to experiment with the remo line of nutrients. I was given a sample at the Lift Expo and it was a small kit. Maybe good enough for one plant. So I decided to do an experiment. One Sweet Deep Grapefruit will get the remo nutrient line Plus Cheto Sal at 4ml per Gal and Microbial Mass at 4ml per Gal as well. The other SDG will have the regular emearld harvest line along with the fish shit every once in a while. Over all most of the plants have been growing at a decent rate. I'm liking that the square pots don't have me watering as much as the fabric ones. Don't get me wrong fabric pots are nice but they dry out quick. The PFP's are coming in very strong and will receive a healthy dose of the emerald line along with a boost from the Emerald Goddess additive that I decided to give a try. I will be doing many experiments this grow and I have to say I'm gonna have fun doing it. The new light is humming along great and is keeping my tent very cool. I recently upped it's intensity to 60% by the end of the first week from 40% when I first installed. My two blurple lights my temps would be hitting 80 but so far mine only peak at 75 when the furnace is going. Still doing LST and cutting off certain fan leaves. My only disappointment has been GGC 3. It's not really growing at a decent rate as the others. I might just toss it in the next week or so if it doesn't reply to a upcoming feeding. It's ok as it's regular seed and I got it for cheap.