Transplanted into some really wet soil and they've been overwatered and stunted since.
Haven't watered them since Transplanting, today they look like they're finally drying out a bit so hopefully tomorrow they'll be ready for some water.
Temps have been low 60-65 F and will be for the next week since I'm using the room to dry also so that will keep their growth rate down a bit too. Very disappointed in myself but just a minor setback in veg.
Got a little drunk last night and gave each plant an ounce of water out of drunkenness. Looks like they're perking up though! Also the meph bean has just popped through the soil. Started a seperate journal for that.
Alright day 27 finally looks like we can pick up where we left off a week ago at transplant hopefully!
Hey, from reddit.
I just wanted to say that I have 2 other seeds that I planted about 15 days ago so about the same age as yours and I just transplanted them to 5 gal fabric pots since the roots were getting root bound. Maybe a good idea to check? I had holes in my cups so that's how I checked for my roots. Anyways things look good. Happy growing
I looked through some of your grows. It appears to me that every time after a heavy ozone treatment the plants r too stressed and turn into Hermaphrodites.
Se las ve sanas con un verde radiante, suerte con lo que te queda y feliz cultivo!
Si tienes un minuto puedes visitar mi Mr Nice G13 X Hash Plant en mis diarios.