The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

'Miranda' Mimosa Cake Auto

3 years ago
3 years ago
16 Dec: Added the seed between 2 damp cotton wool pads in a glass bowl, labelled it, covered with cling film and have put in the grow tent. Temp 19C, RH 50%. Now, the waiting game begins 😀 18 Dec: Checked on her today and she has sprouted 😀 Tap root is only 2-3mm long at the moment, so will wait until its around 2cm and furry then plant her. 19 Dec: So the tap root is out now and long and furry 👍🏻 She’s also started to embed the end into the cotton wool pad, which makes them a real pain to get out 😫 Would have planted her today, but went to assemble my air-pots from the grow shop and they have given me the wrong size 😡 Will have to take them back tomorrow and get them swapped over. Have no choice but to wait until then, so hopefully she can wait another 18 hours. Annoyance level 5/10 😤
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
6.35 cm
20 hrs
21 °C
67 %
19 °C
22 °C
21 °C
13 L
0 L
83.82 cm
20 Dec (day 1): Start of week 1. I've been back to the grow shop and got the right size airpot now (12.5L) and they have been assembled and labelled. I've filled them with BioBizz light mix and made a little hole with my finger for the seed to go into. She's grown overnight and the tap root is even longer now. She's also shed her seed shell which is barely attached, so I gently removed it. I've used a pair of sterilised tweezers to lift her off the cotton wool pad and transfer her into the soil. I put the tap root into the soil with the top of the seedlings leaves just above the surface. I have a watering can with water that I filled up yesterday and left overnight to de-chlorinate. I then added Biobizz PH down to adjust the PH from 7.8 to 6.5. The temperature of the water is 19C. I filled my 500ml syringe and the sprayer with the water and will use these for the next few days. I added water around the seedling in a circle using the syringe. Not much, just until the soil was wet as they don't need much water at this point. I then sprayed around it with the sprayer. As Orla and Wanda are still drying in the main tent, I have cleaned out my smaller tent as a temporary home. Its a 60 x 60 x 90cm cool grows tent and I have hung the Spider Farmer 100W light. As the tent is not very tall, I have hung the light as high as possible but its still too close. I have therefore dimmed it to 20% and will see how they go. Timer is set on a 20/4 light schedule. I have no room to put in the heater or the dehumidifier, but I have added a small fan for air circulation. Temp is 21C and RH is 80%. 21 Dec (day 2): Checked on her in the morning at 10:37am and she is growing nicely. Checked back at 3:32pm and I swear she has grown again already! Looking good and growing SO quickly. Topped up water with the syringe. 22 Dec (day 3): I trimmed Orla and Wanda last night and put them in jars for curing, so the main tent is now free. I gave it a hoover and spray with antibacterial agent (just in case)! Hung the Spider Farmer 450W light up and moved her into the tent. I know from my last grow that the light is MEGA strong and gives off a lot of heat when its at 100%. I don't want to fry the girls so have left the light at 34 inches from the plants and dimmed it to 20%. I will have to take it slowly and up the light as I don't want them to stretch either. Extractor is on minimum, light bird is set to 22C and the mini fan is on. RH is a bit low at 45%, but hopefully that will increase when I close up the tent. Topped up water with the syringe. Happiness level 8/10 😌 23 Dec (day 4): She looks great today and has grown overnight by at least 1cm! Her leaves are opening out nicely now too. Topped up water with the syringe. Temperature is a steady 22C thanks to the light bird, but the humidity has not increased. I have a bluetooth thermometer and it captures all the data so I can review it and enter it into my tracking spreadsheet 😇. According to the data, the humidity hasn't reached above 47% and I need it to be 80% for the girls. Looks like its ANOTHER trip to the grow shop for a humidifier 😩. Went for a 5L humidifier in the end which didn't cost too much and have now set it up. I asked my pal at the grow shop if I should use the dehumidifier as well to keep the humidity level steady and he said it wont get above 75%, so I have kept the dehumidifier switched off. I have set the output of the humidifier to maximum and am now heading out. Hopefully she will soon have the environment she needs 😀 24 Dec (day 5): Happy Christmas Eve all 😊 I've checked on her this morning and she is looking great and getting bigger again, another cm of growth I reckon! I know they are called "FastBuds" but MY GOD they are fast! So much quicker than my previous Dutch Passion seeds by comparison. I noticed the humidifier was off and it seems the water has run out. My pal at the grow shop said it should have lasted a couple of days...hmmmmmmm. I checked the data on the thermometer and the humidity climbed to 99%!!! FFS - so much for not getting above 75% 😡 I must have set the output too high when I put it on max and it used up all the water too quickly. I filled it up again and this time set it to a very low output. Will keep an eye on the levels today as I am at home and not going anywhere. Either way, she is looking pretty happy so I'm not panicking (too much 😰). Topped up water with the syringe. Increased light level to 30%. An hour later the RH level is 76% so I'm happy with that. May turn it up a little later when I check on the water level. Stress level 5/10. 25 Dec (day 6): MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄She looked well today, leaves are getting bigger. Gave her a little water and filled up the humidifier tank. Forgot to take photos for the diary as was rushing round for Christmas Day 🙈 26 Dec (day 7): End of week 1. She’s doing really well. Continuing to grow higher and her leaves are getting bigger. Can’t believe how big she is at the end of the first week! Environment is all good and the soil still looks damp, so won’t water her today. Her leaves are ‘praying’ upwards too, so I know she is hydrated. Great first week
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
8.26 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
71 %
19 °C
22 °C
23 °C
13 L
0 L
83.82 cm
Nutrients 5
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 1 mll
Dec 27 (day 8): Start of week 2. She’s looking great today, getting taller and her second set of true leaves. She’s thirsty though as the water has dried up on top now. I gave her more PH balanced water from the syringe in a circle around the seedling. No nutes until the end of week 2 as the soil will have enough to keep them going until then. I’m really pleased with how well she is growing. Dec 28 (day 9): She's looking good and still growing. First set of true leaves are looking lovely and very Sativa shaped (long and thin). Gave her a bit more water. Dec 29 (day 10): Looking good, growing fast and a lovely colour. Leaves are getting big and her second set of true leaves are coming through 😀 Dec 30 (day 11): More growth but mainly on the leaves. Her second set of true leaves are getting bigger and taking shape. Gave her a bit of water with the syringe. Still having to refill the humidifier daily, even on its lowest setting but thats ok. The environment seems stable and RH is averaging 75-80% and temperature is consistently around 22C. Dec 31 (day 12): More growth and looking really healthy and a gorgeous colour. Her second set of true leaves are showing 3 fingers and her third set are starting to come through. She's leaning a bit to the right though and so are a couple of the other plants. My best guess is that the light is on too high. I am going to turn it down a bit from 40% to 30% and see if they straighten up. No water required at this point. an 2 (day 14): End of week 2. Cannot believe she is only 2 weeks old as she is SO big, she has grown 1 inch this week! Am really pleased with her progress, her second set of true leaves are nicely formed with 3 fingers, one set of nodes is beginning to take proper shape and the second set are growing. She was due a water today and definitely ready for it. Now 2 weeks have past and she has likely used up all the nutrients in the soil, I am starting her on week 1 of the Biobizz nute schedule, adding a preventative dose of calmag and microbes (which I will add once a week). Its difficult to know how much water to give at this point, so I checked out the FastBuds site and they suggest 300-600ml every 2 days during Veg phase. I prepared 2 litres of feed as its a nice even number to calculate from and thought I would see how much she would take. I gave her 300ml to start with and she drank that very quickly and easily, so I added another 100ml. She also drank that down quickly, so I gave her 100ml more which made a total of 500ml. I got a tiny bit of run off, but I am fairly happy about that as it means I know she got enough water. With my first grow, I was underwatering quite dramatically and didn't find out until well into the flowering stage. It seriously stunted the growth of my first two plants Ophelia and Wendy, but I managed to get Orla and Wanda back on track as they were 10 days behind. As its the end of the week, I have exported the thermometer stats and entered them into my spreadsheet. This way I can calculate the average weekly temperature and humidity. Average temp was 23C and RH was 71% which is improved from week one as I got the humidifier. Some of the plants are still leaning slightly, although two have straightened up a bit since I turned the light down. Have turned it down to 20% to see if the others straighten up. Out of all the 4 plants, it seems the indica dominant plants are slightly ahead as Gertie and Kelly both have fingers on their third set of true leaves. All in all a good week and I'm hoping the onward path is similar 😃
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
17.15 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
67 %
19 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
0 L
78.74 cm
Nutrients 6
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 3 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 3 mll
Jan 3 (day 15): Start of week 3. Looking good today following her first feed yesterday and is still hydrated. More growth on each of the leaves and nodes. She has straightened out now, but Gertie and Melanie are still leaning to the sides a bit. I've noticed as I am writing this that the two plants at the back of the tent have straightened out, but the two at the front are leaning. Perhaps I need to centre them under the light differently, it's an odd coincidence otherwise. Jan 4 (day 16): Looking good still and I cant believe how much she is thriving (touches wood profusely). More growth both height wise and on the leaves and nodes. She's growing seriously fast. Soil still looks a bit damp around the stem, so will likely water tomorrow. I'm not going to make the same mistake I made with my first two plants and LST them too early. I did the second set of plants a little later on and their end shape was SO much better, so am leaving well alone until I get some bigger branches! She seems pretty straight now too, so thats good. Jan 5 (day 17): Still looking fabulous today with more growth on height, leaves and nodes. Third set of true leaves has 5 perfect fingers and set four looks to be forming nicely. Nodes are developing perfect little fingered leaves and they are separating from the stem and taking shape as branches. All the plants are all thriving and I couldn't be happier. I noticed a slight smell when I opened the tent door today which I thought I must have been imagining at this stage, but no....when I rubbed the leaves, there it was. I have the extractor on pretty low to be fair as the smell isn't problematic at the moment and I like it. In the later stages when I open the door and the smell slaps me across the face I will turn it up 😂 Saves on electricity of course too! I rubbed the leaves of each of the plants and they all had an individual scent which is one of the exciting things about growing different strains. It's also another reason I name each of my plants as they all have their own little identities. I measured the distance from Gertie to the light (she is the tallest of the four plants) and it was 30 inches. I raised it up to 32 inches and turned up the power from 20% to 30%. The soil looked dry on top and she hasn't been watered for 2 days, so I mixed up 500ml of water with week 1 of the nute feeding schedule. I watered them via the large syringe this time (rather than the jug) and it gave me a nice bit of control. She drank it all down and there was no run off. I had an enormous sense of well being whilst watering them all today. It's such a lovely process to watch something grow and care for it. I'm going to enjoy every minute as I know that at some point during flowering I will be stressed, confused and tearing my hair out again! Happiness level 10/10 😁 Jan 6 (day 18): Continuing to grow on strong 💪 Growth to leaves and nodes and still looking nice and healthy. She seems ok and still hydrated after yesterday's feed. Still leaning to the side a tiny bit, so I rotated the pot a bit in a bid to keep her growing upwards. She looks very sturdy, even in these early days. Her stem is nice and thick and she doesn't look to have stretched looking for light. I was looking at pictures of my first grow on day 18 and there is a big difference. In fairness, they were Dutch Passion seeds, so another reputable seed breeder so I won't blame genetics. I think it's mainly down to experience and getting the environment right from the start. Jan 7 (day 19): Looking well today and lots more growth height wise. I gave her a quick measure and she is now 6 inches tall 😧 7 days ago when I measured her last, she was 3 and 1/4 inches, so has nearly doubled in size! I guess when looking at them every day, you don't realise how much they are actually growing....CRAZY! Bit more growth on the main leaves, but the nodes is where I am seeing the quickest growth now. She's looking pretty straight, so didn't rotate the pot today. She was ready for some water, but I have moved the feed up to week 2 of the nute schedule as I think she will benefit from adding the Fish Mix given her size. Gave her 500ml of water and week 2 of the nute schedule. Jan 8 (day 20): Looking amazing again today. Latest set of leaves have grown overnight, nodal branches are getting longer and their leaves are getting bigger. Some new nodes as well. Feed seems to have gone down ok, but always hard with organic growing as issues don't show up straight away. She's still looking healthy and happy which is the main thing and I am still shocked as to how big she is at this stage, its incredible! Jan 9 (day 21): End of week 3. Seems like its been a great week and the main feature has been the amount of incredible growth! She's grown 3 and a 1/2 inches in one week 😲 On top of that, there have been a few sets of new fan leaves and I'm now seeing the classic 7 fingers. Nodal growth has exploded with several new branches and good development on their leaves. The soil looked drier on top today and I was pondering on whether to water her. No drooping leaves, so I felt like she could go another day pretty comfortably. Even so, I put my moisture meter in to take a reading near the main stem which said 'normal'. So she's not 'dry', but not 'wet' either 😐 Moisture meters aren't always the most reliable, so I also tried the 'stick test' and put a wooden skewer into the soil to see how much soil surrounds the stick when you pull it out. Next to no soil stuck, so I decided to go ahead with the feed. Gave her 500ml of water and week 2 of the nute schedule, along with the weekly dose of calmag and microbes. I've realised after the event I have given too much calmag and it was supposed to be 0.15ml not 0.3ml 😳 How annoying. Hopefully its not enough to cause an issue and I only give it once a week anyway. She's still leaning a bit, but has continued to straighten out so I'm happy enough. Overall, a very good week and I am super happy with her progress. Happiness level 10/10. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the total amount of nutes given during the week.
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
21 °C
68 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
13 L
0 L
78.74 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 4 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 4 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Jan 10 (day 22): Start of week 4. What a nice start to the week, she has pistils which have literally grown overnight 😍 She's looking really well with lots of growth on leaves, branches and new nodes. She's looking so beautiful and well developed for her age. I may even be on track to hit flowering phase next week which is insane, given my last autos went for 14-15 weeks! Jan 11 (day 23): Holy shit! So I believe that pistils mark the start of 'the stretch' but this is ridiculous. Today I noticed that her stem looked much thicker and she was much taller. I decided to measure her to check if I was imagining things, but no, she's now 9 inches tall! That means she has grown 2 and a 1/4 inches in TWO DAYS! The second set of branches is also now pushing through to the top of the canopy! I have gently tucked the bigger fan leaves underneath the branches to get more light to them. Growth is literally EXPLODING! Tonnes of new nodes coming out and a second set of tiny pistils! All the plants are growing at a ridiculously fast rate, but Gertie has been the tallest plant to date. Not any more...Miranda the Monster has shot up and is now the tallest plant, which you can see in one of the photos. Top of the soil is dry, but a little moist underneath so will let her go another day. Jan 12 (day 24): I did a little watering experiment today as their growth is so quick that I want to make sure she is getting enough water. I mixed up a litre of water with week 2 of the nute schedule. I also added microbes as you can give them twice a week when they are having a growth spurt (which its very safe to say she is having)! I then watered her until run off and monitored exactly how much she took. I've been feeding 500ml up to now, but she took 1L which is double the previous amount and the most out of the 4 plants. I will up Miranda the Monsters amount going forwards. Loads of growth again on all fronts. I tucked some of the fan leaves under the new branches again to get some light to them. She's still straightening up and looking better, so rotated the pot today to keep her even. The watering process for all 4 plants took a whole hour today, so by the time I had finished the light had gone off on the timer 😤 Hence, the photos are pretty crap quality today as the light was off. Jan 13 (day 25): Looking well today and hydrated. More growth on all fronts again and tucked some of the fan leaves under again to get more access to the new branches. Didn't get a chance to take photos today. Jan 14 (day 26): Still growing crazy growth wise and she is thickening out FAST! She can go another day water wise, so won't be feeding her today. She's still living up to her name of Miranda the Monster, so have decided to give her a bit of light LST today. I am trying out a method where I am adding sticks and clipping the larger fan leaves to them to keep them tucked underneath. This will prevent me from defoliating and potentially stressing her, so the smaller branches can get light but I don't need to lose the larger leaves completely. I've also used some of the soft bendy wire, but its much harder to use when working with the sticks so I've have ordered some large clips from Amazon. I've also gently started to lean the top cola to the side in a bid to get an even canopy. Ideally I will get her into a nice candlestick shape and each major branch will have its own space and plenty of light. I'm going to see how the method works out and I can then apply it to the rest of the plants if it does. Jan 15 (day 27): Ready for her feed today and more growth as always. Fed her 1L of water and week 2 of the biobizz nute schedule with a preventative dose of Calmag. She looks fine post LST, her canopy is a nice block of green now, so she is trying to even out. Jan 16 (day 28): End of week 4. Cant believe it's the end of another week already. Turned the light up a bit to 50% as there are no signs of heat stress, so I think she can take a bit more light and should have the nutrients to take it. The new trial method of LST seems to have benefitted her, so I will apply it to the other plants today. Clips have arrived from Amazon so I was able to remove the bendy wire and use them instead. Exiting the week 14 inches tall, so has grown 7.25 inches this week, which is over double her previous size! Another good week with lots of green growth and a full canopy. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the total amount of nutes given during the week.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
53.98 cm
20 hrs
21 °C
61 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
13 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 2 mll
Jan 17 (day 29): Start of week 5. Another new week and I'm in pre-flower 😃 so going to add this as a flowering week. Very exciting, but also scary as I know flower is when the issues can occur 😰 She's looking fantastic, lots of growth on all fronts and responded well to the LST. Jan 18 (day 30): Looking very thirsty today, so have fed her 1L of water and week 2 of the BioBizz schedule. However, as she has gone into pre-flower, I am substituting the Fish Mix for Bio Grow. Last grow I had an email from BioBizz advising that for autos, I should only ever use 1ml of Bio Grow per litre MAXIMUM. It seemed to work well for Orla and Wanda, so am going to continue with that advice. I will start them on bloom nutes once the flowers are a little more established. I also think I need to up the watering to every two days now as she is dry on day 2 and looks pretty sorry for herself on day 3. Tinkered with the LST. Turned light up to 60% as no signs of heat stress and going into flower. Jan 19 (day 31): Looking happier after yesterdays feed. More growth and the branches I have done LST on are growing now they are getting more light. Flowers have established themselves now and are growing bigger and opening out. She's a beauty thats for sure! Jan 20 (day 32): Looking very thirsty again today, so I am definitely going to move to a 2 day watering schedule. Fed her 1L of water and week 3 of the BioBizz schedule. I am starting her on the bloom nutes now as the flowers are a little more established. I do feed nutes every watering, but as they are organic this seems to work well and just maintains the microclimate. She's only watered 3 times a week anyway and it seems to be working for now. Tinkered with the LST. Turned light up to 70% as no signs of heat stress. Have turned off the humidifier and set the dehumidifier to 50% as I need to drop the RH in the grow room now as she is in flower. Jan 21 (day 33): Well Miranda the Monster is definitely living up to her name! Her branches are really shooting up now they have access to more light and are nearly even with the top cola 😲. Increased the light to 80%. Flowers are getting bigger and she seems happy enough with the increase in light and decrease in humidity. Main cola has exploded with life! Looking happier from her feed yesterday too 😎 Jan 22 (day 34): Looking happy today and ready for her next feed. Fed her 1L of water and week 3 of the BioBizz schedule. I have also decided to defoliate her a bit as she is coming into flower. She has a lot of foliage which is blocking light to the lower branches and likely restricting air flow. I know there is a lot of conflicting information on whether to do this to autos as it can stress the plant, but two of my last plants benefitted from it and were fine. I have been gardening for many years and autoflower or not, she will putting a lot of energy into keeping those leaves alive when it could be going into her flowers instead. I took off a lot of the lower fan leaves and others that were blocking light to the plant. I also took off some of the lowest branches that were starting to grow. As they are so low, they won't get a huge amount of light and will be very small flowers. I would rather that energy go into her main flowers. I also did this with my last two plants and she ended up with huge colas. I have kept the leaves and put them into a grove back to use at a later date. I was also advised by a friend that its good to place the leaves on top of the soil, an inch away from the main stem to keep moisture in the soil and allow the nutrients from the leaves to go back into the soil. She looks very different now and her leaves are drooping a bit, so I cant help but worry that I have done the wrong thing. However I know the science makes sense. I have turned the light right up to 100% as she seems to be coping with daily increases. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Stress level 5/10 😐 Jan 23 (day 35): End of week 5. Very relieved to say she has perked up really nicely post her defoliation and I already have growth on the new flowers which are benefitting from all the extra light and airflow. I did forget how much bloody heat the light kicks out when at 100% though! The temperature has increased from 22C to 26C. I have dropped it back to 90% and increased the humidity to 60% to compensate for the extra heat. Not surprisingly she is thirsty, so fed her 1L of plain PH balanced water. Exiting the week 21.25 inches tall, so has grown 7.25 inches this week. Even so, Miranda the Monster has lost the top spot to Kelly the Kraken who is now the tallest plant of the four. Another good week with lots of green growth and flower development. Been brilliant to watch them transition into flower. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the total amount of nutes given during the week.
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
60.96 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
65 %
22 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Jan 24 (day 36): Start of week 6. Noticed signs of a calcium deficiency this week, so have increased the calmag to a total of 0.7ml per litre this week. Jan 30 (day 42): Good week this week. Lots of growth and she responded well to last weeks defoliation. I did a little more in the middle of the week as so much foliage grew back so quickly. Exiting the week 24 inches tall, so has grown 2.75 inches this week. Looks like growth is consistent and is slowing down now that flowers are getting bigger. Another good week with lots of green growth and flower development. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the dosage of nutes given at each feed during the week.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
62.23 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
56 %
22 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Jan 31 (day 43): Start of week 7. Feb 6 (day 49): End of week 7. Exiting the week 24.5 inches tall, so has only grown 1/2 an inch this week. Looks like growth is consistent and is slowing down now that flowers are getting bigger. Another good week with lots of green growth and flower development. Seems to be getting over the calcium deficiency, so hopefully I caught it early. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the dosage of nutes given at each feed during the week.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
62.23 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
52 %
22 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Feb 7 (day 50): Start of week 8. Feb 13 (day 56): End of week 8. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the dosage of nutes given at each feed during the week.
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
62.23 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
58 %
22 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Feb 14 (day 57): Start of week 9. Feb 20 (day 63): End of week 9. No growth to height this week, so assuming all energy is going into the flowers now. Good growth on the flowers. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the dosage of nutes given at each feed during the week.
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
62.23 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
52 %
22 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
Feb 21 (day 64): Start of week 10. Feb 27 (day 70): End of week 10. No growth to height this week, so assuming all energy is going into the flowers now. Good growth on the flowers. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the dosage of nutes given at each feed during the week.
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Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
62.23 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
41 %
22 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Feb 28 (day 71): Start of week 10. Mar 2 (day 73): Started Flush. Mar 6 (day 77): End of week 10.
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
62.23 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
22 °C
13 L
6 L
55.88 cm
Mar 7 (day 78): Start of week 12. Mar 11 (day 82): Chopped plant.
Week 12. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This is a great Sativa dominant strain and certainly packs a punch. I've only baked with her so far, so haven't completed the smoke report yet.
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Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
This strain was probably the hardest out of the four I have just grown and yielded the least. I found she needed a lot more Calmag than the others and had to give her extra. Knowing that now, when I give my second seed a go I think I should be able to get her bigger as I will give extra Calmag from the start. She was a beautiful plant and smelt amazing.
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homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Fast_Budscommentedweek 63 years ago
Hey there! Thanks for running this diary, Good choice in genetics 😉 Excited for your harvest, Happy Growing!🌱
Wackytabacky_420commentedweek 03 years ago
Best of luck and Happy Growing!🌱💚😎💪💪
MarryJuancommentedweek 123 years ago
Wow smoking 🔥🍀
greenhousegrowgirlcommented3 years ago
@MarryJuan, thank you 😍
KAPT_SAVE_Da_HOEcommentedweek 73 years ago
Awesome grow! Can't wait to see how yours turns out! I'm growing fastbuds too! Unfortunately my Mimosa Cake started growing pollen sacs and had to remove her.
greenhousegrowgirlcommented3 years ago
@KAPT_SAVE_Da_HOE, thank you and so sorry to hear that 😢 FastBuds should give you a replacement seed at least.
ZoobZoob_farmZcommentedweek 43 years ago
Good grow !!💯👏👊
greenhousegrowgirlcommented3 years ago
@ZoobZoob_farmZ, thank you very much 💪
XII_XII_EarlyRavercommentedweek 103 years ago
She is looking healthy bro, keep up the good work mate!! 🤤
Kynarethcommentedweek 53 years ago
nice grow and nice genetics
GangbudsGenesgdlcommentedweek 03 years ago
Buena suerte y feliz crecimiento 👊 😎
Y0inkcommentedweek 03 years ago
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Good luck! 👊🏽💪🏽💚
KAPT_SAVE_Da_HOEcommentedweek 123 years ago
They sure are coming along! I'm trying to decide whether to try topping her or not. I'm only in 2nd and she's a bit behind what she should be. I still have awhile to decide. Always keeping up with your grow.
greenhousegrowgirlcommented3 years ago
@KAPT_SAVE_Da_HOE, thanks mate. Well behind on this diary and trying to update it. I’ve harvested now and she is curing. She was the hardest of the 4 strains and yielded the least. I also found she needed extra calmag. I wouldn’t top if I were you, she might not recover as she wasn’t a forgiving strain in my opinion.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 123 years ago
Hey there, Really lovely photos, thank you for sharing this diary :) We hope that growing our genetics was a nice experience for you and that you enjoy the harvest!
cannapassioncommentedweek 63 years ago
Looking great good Luck for the futur 👌💪
the end.
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