watered they drinking faster now
On feeding:
Every other watering I take out the biobizz (sugars) so they dont build up in the soil.
That is all I take out, big bloom, cal-mag, kangaroots remain
1/8 fish mix replaces grow next feed
transplant at first opportunity
1/9 fed and watered in prep for transplant
Ok transplant sadness or what we consider so
These photos did much better than the autos in the tent
Something is wrong with our method keep getting too much transplant shock have a plan in mind for future grows
Foliar feed again with 5ml/gal cal mag all plants
Fed and watered as shown
All have picked up and look to be growing
Continuing to foliar with cal-mag until its obvious they dont need it
See how things go from here
That super skunk is such a nice smooth smoke , I grew it a while back and was surprised it didn’t smell that “ skunky” but the high was real mellow and it tasted the best . Nice diary