Despite growing in the shadow of the unruly Strawberry Dawg Pie, the Cake Stomper is stomping.
Buds are getting fatter and frostier every day. The main cola looks like she'll be impressive. She also reeks. Like sour, dirty dish rags - but in a good way 😉
About 4 more weeks til the finish me thinks. Looking forward to the finish line.
Thanks for tuning in ✌️
Looking good mate!
How you like Remo’s VeloKelp? Particular kelp beneficial contains ascophyllum kelp and it is reported to work as a biostimulant also can be used as a ”natural PGR” in higher doses.
TLDR; have you noticed the difference if plants growing more compact and bushy when supplying Kelp?
@Verbalist, Greetings! Funny you should mention the VeloKelp...
I visited my local hydro supply store to refill on nutes the other day and the person I was talking to really discouraged the use of VeloKelp in DWC. She said the potential harm it can cause outweighs any benefits - there's stuff in the mix that can't be absorbed in DWC and the fallout that clings to the roots can attract nats, promote mold/fungus, etc. I'm going to stop using it.
TLDR; to answer your question, no I don't notice the plants growing more compact and bushy using VeloKelp. 😀