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Organic Tropical Cheese (first grow)

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 8-11, 13-15, 17-26
weeks 7
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Worm castings
Grow medium
Chicken manure
Grow medium
40 l
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 4
4 hrs
Light Schedule
No Smell
4+ conditions after
Commented by
Tropicalstorm Tropicalstorm
3 years ago
After the transplant I really thought she was dead, but I still sprayed some alg-a-mic (biobizz) to help. Another rainy and cloudy week, no sun and the plant lost vigor from the fungus. I also noticed some white spots on the leaves, probably mildew, along with root rot. At the end of week 4 I found some trichoderma growing in the yard and tried adding some (as I read it feeds on root rot). Applied silica (diatomaceous earth) on the black stem, as well as on the leaves, and added to soil.
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Grow Questions
Tropicalstormstarted grow question 3 years ago
I want to top my plant and then be able to clone the tip. My sweet cheese is finishing week 6 (but had no sun for 2 weeks, so it's a bit delayed), when would it be best to top her and get a decent clone?
Setup. Clones
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
When you are cloning cannabis their are a few things to keep in mind. The tip or top growths of the plant do not close all that well because they have different hormones in them vs the bottom of the plant where clones are normally taken from. When you do take clones you want to do it before you feed the plant its weekly feeding. You only want to take clones from established healthy plants that can take the loss of a few branches. With out the plant betting in good health this can leave it open to stress and disease. Topping refers to taking just the tip or sometimes a small node off the top of plant, normally less then a finger nails length. Clones will need more room to root and become successful. I have once taken off the entire top 3 nods on a more mature plant and it took them forever to root and establish themselves. This was done because the part of the plant got damaged in some LST training. not because I wanted clones. Side note, if you plant has had not sun for two weeks it needs some sun and time to recover from that dark period. Overall its not best to clone the tips, and you want your plant to be bigger before taking clones from the lower growth. Best Of Luck and Happy Growing!
Tropicalstormstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hi! I'm starting the 6th week of flowering and I'm noticing a lot of leaves yellowing. Is it normal? She was a bit nutriend burned so I was giving a lot of water over the past days. Thank you.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
GrowCNanswered grow question 3 years ago
Some plants stay green all the way to harvest while others can develop a lot of yellow. I even have some tomatoes that will continue producing fruit late in the season after most of the leaves have fallen. A plant's number 1 goal in life is to live long enough to reproduce. Everything supports that goal so a plant will put their last bit of energy into producing flowers/seeds even to the detriment of the plant itself.
Tropicalstormstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hi! I'm finishing up flowering and I was wondering what happened that made her tips turn purple. Nutrient burn? Deficiency? Cold (she was exposed to 3 C for a few days)? Genetics?
Buds. Other
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
The cold would do it, anything below 15C starts to affect the plant and stunt it's growth. Purple can be caused by many things and temperature is one of them. Also genetics play a major role., Cold temperatures will hinder the plants ability to uptake/process potassium so the leaves start showing sign's of a deficiency. But the soil has enough in it, The plant was unable to use it so no action is needed. Happy Growing

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KingSalomonsWeedcommentedweek 243 years ago
Wenn du ihr 2 Wochen gibst, wirst du viel mehr ernten. Die Qualität und Quantität wird besser.
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@KingSalomonsWeed, I believe you, I'll definitely wait. Thanks mate!
KingSalomonsWeedcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, ich weiß wie es sich anfühlt, wenn mann warten muss. Versprochen, es lohnt sich. Die Buds werden größer fester und knallen mehr.
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@KingSalomonsWeed, I don't mind waiting, I was just afraid too many trichomes would turn amber if I took too long. Thank a lot for the tip, I'll let her ride the two weeks!
amazongrowcommentedweek 233 years ago
opa, irado hein! os trichs tao lindos, deve ser uma strain fortíssima... o verde dele ta lindo, sem excessos.. vc acertou a mao! as folhas amarelas sao normais a partir dessa semana.. vao começar a subir debaixo pra cima.. ta linda! parabéns vi seu comentario sobre os 3 principios da adubação la... que nao achou o link. Segue outro mais ilustrativo: - Abraços e boa sorte! Vai dar muuuito hein
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, eh.. assim tem que começar bem devagar com as doses e ir subindo ate que ela reclame.. ai vc ja sabe a dose. plantar é observar, nao tem jeito, nao tem formula magica... observe a planta, deixa ela te falar as coisas hahaha.. boa sorte! bio heaven vale cada centavo.
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, bio heaven eu vou comprar em breve, ainda bem que peguei poucos ml do root juice fracionado, não achei lá grande coisa também mas já que tenho eu uso kkk o alg a mic eu curto pq ele realmente ajuda a resistir ao calor. O solo de veg eu coloco só um pouco de humus e um pouquinho de esterco de galinha impregnado de trichoderma pra ativar, alem de compostos inertes. Na flora eu já uso yoorin e ekosil, dois adubos orgânicos bem fortes, um pouco de gesso (calcio) e magnésio também. Enfim, eu pesei um pouco a mão talvez kkkk vou ficar esperta.
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, pois é, nao é só npk que faz excesso. ta tudo conectado. esse papo de estimulante, root num sei o que o que lá pra mim é balela.. rsrs.... mas a partir de um momento que ela tem umas 4 folhas.. pode começar de leve.. o bioheaven é ótimo nesse tempo! cheio de enzimas.. elas adoram! =) seu solo é inerte, vc começa com ele zerado ou tem algo já? se tiver, principalmente.. =) Enfim, feliz em contribuir Boa sorte!
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KingSalomonsWeedcommentedweek 203 years ago
Ich wünsche dir viel Sonne und Glück. Outdoor ist irgendwie wie Glücksspiel. Schöne Pflanze.
KingSalomonsWeedcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm,danke sehr, wieder was gelernt.
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@KingSalomonsWeed, the ground is not that much of a problem, but if it rains on the last weeks of flowering and you can't protect the buds, mold can take hold and destroy a lot. Luckily we don't have much rain on fall and winter.
KingSalomonsWeedcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm,erklär mir das mit dem Regen bitte. Zu starker Regen das er die Pflanze kaputt macht? Oder das die Erde zu nass wird?
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amazongrowcommentedweek 213 years ago
nice trichome pics!
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, we all do! haha =)
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, I love my cheap chinese microscope 😂
amazongrowcommentedweek 123 years ago
The ladybug has found her home for sure, trying keeping her on and on.... super awesome! Plant is still getting better everyday! congrats! Tchau!
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, yeahhhh! try making it her home so she never leave your garden! awesome!
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, thank you! Hopefully they'll leave eggs on my girl, the larvae is just as good eating harmful bugs. But yeah, she's so happy the sun's shining every day, thank you for visiting!
amazongrowcommentedweek 223 years ago
Getting bigger
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, some girls are bigger than others 😂
cricricommentedweek 193 years ago
bel cultivo amico complimenti ,purtroppo qui da me è ancora presto per outdoor
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@cricri, it's a shame we have one of the worst cannabis laws in the world, yet one of the best climates for it. I can grow all year round. Good luck when it warms up up there 🙃
ZoobZoob_farmZcommentedweek 183 years ago
Super travail 🙏👌👏👊😜
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@ZoobZoob_farmZ, I actually thought it was a lot of fun to keep bending all those branches! Love LST (and D 😂)
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 53 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds very rough start, but your plants are tough! Hopefully I'll have a nicer diary in a few months, definitely growing your seeds again.
amazongrowcommentedweek 243 years ago
Bonito, bonito, bonito... parabéns!
amazongrowcommentedweek 183 years ago
strange but awesome shape! all the canopy is on the same height! congrayts! flowering awaits
amazongrowcommentedweek 173 years ago
Way better! Congrats! Eu deixaria crescer alguma altura agora..... vai ficar gigante rsrs
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, jiffy nao presta.. ja perdi semente com isso. to fora. rsrs. boa sorte com os teus, cuida bem deles!
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, por ora vou ficar só nas duas que já tenho, se tiver algum galho que nao pegue sol vou tentar fazer, mas quase todos tão tendo seu espaço em cima. Eu tinha feito os clones em jiffy, aí transplantei pra um copo com solo quando saiu raiz. Talvez foi o jiffy, ele apodrece rápido e absorve muita umidade. Ou isso do ar também. Folha to deixando todas, uma ou outra arranquei sem querer mexendo no plastico que segura os galhos. Agradeço a ajuda, hoje ela já começou a ir pra cima.
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, deve ser fungo ou mofo no ar / agua. coloca 20% de agua oxigenada na agua em um copo plastico preto e tira ao menos uns clonezinho.. deixa num canto e espera pegar. vc clonou onde e depois que botou num copo? nao entendi... enfim, devem ter uns branch debaixo q nao vao pegar mta luz... melhor q tirar folha... nao tira folha antes de ir pra flora =) so remove esses galho pequeno da canela se for plantar semente pode molhar com agua misturada com oxigenada tbm q mata tudo...
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KingSalomonsWeedcommentedweek 263 years ago
Tolle Ernte, schöner Rauch bericht. 35 g hmm. Ich weiß ja nicht wo du wohnst, aber evtl zu wenig Sonne? Oder zu früh geerntet. Die legen in den letzten Wochen noch Gewicht zu.
KingSalomonsWeedcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, ah ok, @ least good smoke. Very fine.
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@KingSalomonsWeed, well I can't get more than that, but it was close to 10 hours. The days are shorter here now in winter. 10g wouldn't have made that much difference, I'm still a little confused...oh well, at least it's good smoke
KingSalomonsWeedcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, nein, ist ok wenn die Trichome amber werden solltest du ernten. 9 stunden direktes Licht ist allerdings auch wenig. 2 Wochen mehr hätten vielleicht 10 g mehr trocken gebracht.
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amazongrowcommentedweek 143 years ago
dont take thatt much leaves during vegetation.. she will need it to grow in the beginning of the flowering... take small branches, not big leaves, at least try to. you have to know where to cut. you get that in time... just be careful not to take her out of the growing flow... =] when you cut all fan leaves, she will stop growing toppings and put her energy back into growing fan leaves! they are neeeded so muuch! but I like the green in the leaves.. looks like you got your hand right for the ferts now! congrats! I would not take more leaves until around day 21 in flower!
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, you have a nice week too, bro!
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, that makes a lot of sense! Thanks and have a nice week bro
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, The leaves need sun. Not the topping. The larger the leaf is, the greater is the area she can absord the energy from the light. Toppings = small area. Fan leaves = largest area. Good luck and happy growing!
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amazongrowcommentedweek 63 years ago
hey bro! i will follow to see how she grows! looking good so far! best of luck! tchau!
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, opa, coisa boa! logo mais ja vai ser o 4o, 5o... perde as contas! qq duvida maior ai só falar, manda um chat... boa sorte!
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, é meu primeiro, to emocionada kkkk e aprendendo tambem. Termina sim, eu acho bem legal ver a evolução das plantinhas
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, opa, tamo junto! vou acompanhar ai! vaaaleu! meio sem paciencia ja pra fazer os diários.... é bom pra aprender no começo mas depois meio que da uma preguiiiiça... mas bora ver se finalizo mesmo com menos detalhes e fotos! =)
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smoker420commentedweek 263 years ago
Great job pal im guna try mainlining outdoor for first time any tips?
smoker420commented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm,thanks pal will be using this for the more sativa genetics and yea the more time u put in the more you get out keep it up bro respect
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@smoker420, thanks mate! I'd say be very patient and make a loooot of ties for LST, after topping (I only did it once). Every new shoot you tie down, until the last 2 weeks before flowering, keeping an even canopy. I literally sat down in front of her and spent a lot of minutes tying them all down. If you have less than 12 hours of sun every day you can keep her in veg by using a common household LED with at least 10W after sunset. Any other questions feel free to ask!
amazongrowcommentedweek 163 years ago
strange but efficient shape. same height for all canopy. maybe two more weeks and then blooom? =)
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, its kinda ok. Wait to the branches get at least 3 nodes each and the you can go to flower.
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, why 2 weeks? I sorta lost control of things up there, my only goal has been bending to even the canopy, since I have no idea what I'm doing 😂
amazongrowcommentedweek 113 years ago
She loved the new pot I guess, right? Looking way better now. Congratulations! Parabéns! =]
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, I saw. I don't like them but they are ok. Bigger, better. =)
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, thank you! Jah bless felt vases 😆 agora vai.
amazongrowcommentedweek 73 years ago
so agora vi seu feeding... 3ml/l de biogrow acho que é muuuuito, cuidado, to vendo umas pontinhas nas folhas meio que reclamando... ja usei biobizz e recomendo muito cuidado com o biogrow.. ja dei muito over no começo com ele... geralmente começa com 1/4 e vai subindo cada semana mais 1/4.... ate ficar em uns 2ml/l por litro no máximo.. enfim, fica de olho nos sinais ai de over... já os restos dos ferts, na flora entao, da pra começar com 1/2 e rapido chegar na dose completa... =]
amazongrowcommented3 years ago
@Tropicalstorm, o melhor pra começar da Biobizz é o Bioheaven, disparado! pode comprar que vale muito, principalmente no começo a na flora!!! é show de bola, sutil mas elas adoram! Biogrow só no começo e 1/4 e tbm no começo da flora nas duas primeiras semanas... .1/4, 1/2 no maximo da dose.. sempre checa o verde da folha, se tiver muito escuro, pode cortar que tem muito N já... o verde bom é o verde claro!!! mas suas folhas tao bem de verde, só as pontinhas que tem que se ligar se começarem a queimar é ela reclamando de fert... ou ficar muito verde.. geralmente o verde fica escuro antes de queimar a ponta.... acho que pode continuar com o Biogrow, mas corta pra 0,5ml por litro... e a dose que eles recomendam, é pra aplicar fert uma vez na semana!!! eu faço assim, uma vez na semana, acho melhor. mas vc pode distribuir em todas as regas, caso queira dar fert sempre... porém, recomendo uma vez na semana e depois só agua... qq coisa, é só falar!
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, é verdade né, ele é organomineral entao capaz de ser mais suscetivel a queimar. Eu vou usar só alg-a-mic agora por um tempo, agradeço muito a dica! Comecei baixo com ele mas capaz que subi muito rápido kkk é que esse solo também é quase só perlita e pó de fibra de coco.
amazongrowcommentedweek 263 years ago
- "If someone knows what I did wrong, I'd appreciate the feedback." I can't exactly say it but that is what I would guess upon: 1) Limited by pot size, despite growing outdoors 2) Lots of problems in the vegetation (including too much nutrients, right?) 3) Not enough light 4) No regular light schedule 5) Plant seemed to be more of the sativa type, which would require more weeks of flowering. 6) When mainlining or spreading the plant like you did, you have to wait for her to get a little tall (like 3 branches or more) before flowering... at least most of the times (can't tell how you did it here, just remembered this fact) 7) Harvested too early, the last weeks are the ones they would gain lots of weight and ripeness Oh, there is another factor which is very important: genectis. Some do good, others not so much. A good formula would be: - Good Genetics aimed at Heavy Harvests, A Good Start, Healthy and Long Vegetation, proper pot size according to what you expect to harvest, good nutrients, proper lighting and PATIENCE. Climate helps but it can be managed. But hey, she did look great and the buds most feel amazing... congratulations!
Tropicalstormcommented3 years ago
@amazongrow, thanks! Vc resumiu bem, talvez tive todos esses problemas mesmo 😂 aprendizado ne, outdoor nao da muito pra prever também (esse ano foi muito atípico). Vou sempre tentar melhorar tendo os aprendizados daqui em mente!