Sorry, I am missing a few days of photos. Was not feeling well.
But that's the beauty of growing in soil like this, the plants don't ask for much.
Watered Thursday, 2/3gl of rain water.... that is it.
She stretched 9" in 1 week.
I need to re mount the light as it is as high as it will go presently. 😋
As not to burn/light stress her the dimmer is at 60%.
No complaints.
Not much else to say, more or less in cruise control. 👍
A lil more Garden shorn included as usual... 😂
Check out the colors from the Purple Haze Auto in the Aquapod.
Thanks for looking.
@sdoyle, yeah the vigor is crazy.
Will be updating later tonight.
It gets me excited for my Zkittlez x Afghani cross that I made at the same time as the Gelato x Afghani.
Thanks for looking.