03.04.22start of new week
04.04.22 ok she is a hungry one she already use the N in the leafs maybe its time for some nut´s but i will wait till flower so she can use it up so she hasnt so much to do in the last 2 weeks
07.04.22 i started feeding with advanced nut and she looking better look next week
Good luck with that little lady!
Are the pods better than just soil, or are you moving it to a different medium?
Also, why are you keeping it at low temps? 66 Degrees at night?
@1tuffmuffin,i think about 20°C is perfect the pots are good because its easy to put them in larger pots lower the stress u just dig a hole and put the pod in then i think about it its like normal then the roots hold the soil together but with pods they dont have to