021522-D30V23- Unreal how much they grow once their roots get established. I wonder if Landrace strains grow like this or if they're a slower go of it? Regardless, onward! They drank a gallon betwren the three of them over two days. Topsoil was dry on Her Majesty and Dr. Leary. The Man of Mystery and Dr. Leary shall hereby be known as Janice Joplin and Vanessa Kensington. I forgot, yet again, these are all ladies. My face and palm vacation together often....
021622-D31V24- Janice is a tree, groovy. Vanessa's leaves are wide, indica like, but I know that sativas hit a growth spurt and stretch, so we shall see. Her majesty looks beautiful. The symmetry on all of them is beautiful!
021722-D32V25- B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Toppin' worked, Ms. Kensington is next, yea baby!
021822-D33V26- I let em dry out a lil over the last two days, figure it'll hardy them up a bit. Kerping the circulating fan off seems to be helping, and some podunk CO2 goes in on Monday. I grow in honor of her majesty's platinum jubilee! Nah, just kiddin, we whopped those redcoats so I don't have to care about royalty or autocrats!
021922-D34V27- Did you know Tuesday is 02/22/2022. 200 years from now, on 02/22/2222, someone will contemplate what it will be like to have lived in the now. Your welcome 2222er's, the PDRB keeps it real for all of you! I wonder of we all use fake light in the future...on account of the robot war apocalypse that blots out the sun, that I have been led to believe is the future. Nah, the future is goona be amazing. How? Not a clue on this I have but I can't wait to see where it goes...
Too infinity, and getting high! 🚀📦
(Also, I topped Ms. Kensington! OH BEHAVE! [Growllll, growllll, hand claw] [Awkward trailing laugh])
I wonder if anything of consequence ever happened on 11/11/1111?
2/20/2022- so. Many. 2's....
[Death gasp]
[Fade to kaleidescope of weed leaves]
D35V28- Gave these gals a sip o' the H2O. All is well in the box, except I need to get my humidity up somehow....
@2highforu, it might be...no personal experience on the matter. Logistics wise, seems like a nightmare, but I guess that's dependent on how dehumanizing you are. I couldn't do it. Accounting seems more legit, odd chance you're a Ben Affleck character-like type. Or auditing, like Bob Odenkirk in Nobody. You know, a more respectable career in murdering "bad guys" seems like it would be substantially harder than pimpin'. All that said, thanks!