(99 cm - 128 cm) broken top 84 cm
This week flushing with pHed water.
Harvest day 89 after 10 weeks flowering.
Buds are not super homogeneous.
Pheno 1, 4, 5 have rather small compact and dense buds with a nice amount of trichromes.
Pheno 2, 6, 7 looks much more sativa, buds foxtail noticeably and are much more elongated and airy.
Pheno 3 finally is a weirdo with compact bud with very small calyx, lot of leaves and not much trichromes
Overall main colas are rather impressive (especially pheno 2 and 7) but most secondary stems have rather small buds.
smell like candy with a citrus hint.
@HerbalEdu,Yes I saw it. I don't comment to comment. When I comment on something it is because I want to encourage the person, I like the technique used or I simply like their style of grow... Anyway, it was just to encourage you, since I see the category of grower that you have, you should know that it is not bad bad as you say and you have checked... anyway, I say the same, it looks good and keep it up.
@Afrogerweed, The join did not happen. You can see a nice crack in the trunk after 8 days. However, growth above seems to be finally picking up. The growth of the secondary branches was clearly favored during these 8 days. Not so bad after all. 🙏
That said, I spotted a male in the meantime 😑
I switch to bloom nuts already one week before I turn them to 12/12. In my experience this makes for a much faster flower development in the first 2 weeks of blooming.
But anyhow, since you switched them to 12/12 after 3 week of vegging, make sense they take a bit longer to show proper blooming.