LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 53 years ago
Nice looking room man. Clean setup. I remember when I designed and grew my own under current systems in a bedroom conversion. What is your PAR on the plant tops ? Lights might do better to be a bit closer. Having a therm gun or light meter helps a ton to maximize your growth knowing exactly how far you can push it. 77 for veg is a bit cool. Cannabis plants love heat and humidity. It is the buds that hate it. You would be more than comfortable to go up into the low to low mid 80s. Keep your day and night temp gaps within 10 degrees while in veg or early flower. Whats your humidity at ? Ever grown shoreline before ? I have been interested in it for some time.
Overall great room man love the setup ! Just trying to help out with some pointers thats all
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