Nutes finally got to a happy medium this week. Fortunately it seems despite their genetic differences, in Veg the critical mass and LSD don't mind similar nute formulas. Started Flowering 12/12 cycle yesterday Feb 17th. Haven't changed the reservoir yet since seedlings, but I will change out and do a good rinse with RO water before filling up the new reservoir. Using the single 40 gal reservoir so far has been great. Much less complexity than the recirculating DWC setup I used in past. The smell finally hit and I had to hook up the carbon filter. Smell was gone in 20 min.
Se las ve sanas con un verde radiante, suerte con lo que te queda y feliz cultivo!
Si tienes un minuto puedes visitar mi Mr Nice G13 X Hash Plant en mis diarios.
They look like they could use another 2 weeks at least, in my opinion! It's gonna be a great haul, don't cut yourself short by chopping early. Just some friendly advice and my 2 cents 😊