Started Flush 5 days ago, leaves are just starting to spot. Trichomes are stuck on "slightly cloudy" so we'll see if they actually turn. Hopefully they turn in 3-5 days and then I can switch to 48hrs of darkness and harvest 1 week from today. The fox-tailing on one of the LSD plants is quite apparent now. I'll need to try and figure out what I did to cause that.
Se las ve sanas con un verde radiante, suerte con lo que te queda y feliz cultivo!
Si tienes un minuto puedes visitar mi Mr Nice G13 X Hash Plant en mis diarios.
They look like they could use another 2 weeks at least, in my opinion! It's gonna be a great haul, don't cut yourself short by chopping early. Just some friendly advice and my 2 cents 😊