Total of days - 74 / Flowering days - 32
Hey there, good evening.
This week I started with a small flush with Flora Kleen, and added GHE Ripen to help those buds to get fat and juicy :) damn!!! Humm, I think I'm on my way to end up with a small and cute bonsai, she is not growing that much now, and don't think she will have a grow spike.
I don't want to draw any conclusions, she has still a long way in front of her, but, it seems to me that main-lining was not the best option with this plant, but let's wait.
Temps and RH always the same, 1lt of water with nutrients every 3 days, and that's it.
Thank you so much for those who check out this grow. If you have any advice or ideas or new technics please let me know.
More info in 7 days.
I remember that Cheech and Chong bit. No stems no seeds that you don't need, Acapulco Gold is........bad ass weeeeeeed 😁 Best wishes, I'll be following along.
@bypado_farm,hey hey there!!! thank you so much for checking my grow :) yes she seems to be doing fine, her leaves are very healthy indeed, no lack of nutrients or too many nutrients so far! Can't wait for harvest :) it will also coincide with the beggining of summer, so, many high strolls
@Sour_D, hey there my friend!! thank you so much for your support and to keep checking my grow! Your energy is most welcome. If you want to throw some advice or ideas, feel free :)
@BigDaddyK, hey there friend! yes, I also thought the slow growth had to do with overwatering. So lately I have been careful with the water. I think I have been too severe with the main lining. I had grown another plant and she took the training like a champ, the more I took, the faster she would grow. But yeah, all plants are different. I'm gonna give her break for a while. But, thanks again, and please keep checking my grow and giving me advice, it is most welcome!!!