I only have a 2x2 currently so I’m starting this seed in a solo cup with weep holes and a plastic bin for runoff. Not sure if I am going to keep this in the solo cup or not. I am waiting for my order of 1-gal AC Infinity fabric pots. Will probably transplant into 1gal to fit a few plants in on this run. I put a tiny bit of each nutrient in to see how the plants would react. Fingers crossed.
@DonPeyote, yeah I don’t have much experience growing this plant so I’m taking what I know from other species and experimenting with this one. I had some extra seeds and not a lot of room so I just hope it works out! Haven’t seen any negative signs or symptoms yet so I think they’ll all do great! Experimenting to see what works for me. I went from 0 to 100 the second she hit 3 nodes hahaha. Thanks for the encouragement for sure! Will keep this one updated with a lot of photos