Unicorns are doing great. I'm finished tucking under the net and now they can just go up and flower away.. fingers crossed I've left enough space. It's my first scrog so we will see. I have learned a few things I will not do next time so as far as learning goes it's been a good few weeks. I have a thrip invasion atm. But between the mites and the sprays it seems to be manageable for now.
Lamps running at 80% and the canopy is getting average of 880umol I'm happy with that.
Nutes are being upped a bit to aid her push into flower with the addition of the bloom. EC is around a 1.2 going in which w will push to 1.6 over the coming 2 weeks. There is still
@Inganjawetrust,always appreciate you stopping by growmie.. I think I will go at least 3 more weeks.. I go away to work for 15 days on the 25th. 🤞🏼They are ready then..😂😂
They look sweet
My Unicorns took their time to grow .
I feel they are quite slow comparing to other strains, but they are superworthy the Time
yours look fantastic and vigor
@Mrs_Larimar,thank you very much. This does mean alot from you. Thanks very much.. in fact it's because of you I have these beans so double thank you... 🌿💚👍🏼
@Mrs_Larimar, no purple pheno. The 2 I planted are identical I think almost from the same mother.. i split 1 of the plants main stems in the first weeks of flower. This plant has smaller buds but they are much more frosty.. 💚🌿