Whats the issue here? Been feeding once a week but increased to twice a week thinking she was hungry. PH 6.5 water.
In Pro-Mix HP Mycorrhizae which has no nutrients in it.
Picked off the dead yellow leaves before I increased food.
Tienes la medición de la escorrentía? Si no la tienes aun, trata de regar con 2 litros de agua a pH 6.2 y 260ppm y mide los valores del agua del drenaje. Ahí sabremos si es poca o demasiada comida. Buenos humos! 👌
Started Early Indoor, Soil( Pro Mix, no nutes ) with a bottom layer of Miracle Grow Potting( ya I fucked up lol) in a 3.5L airpot. Noticed toxicities from MG with this plant and another(no diary) so I just let her go until I planted in the ground. Hoping it would get better.
Hi chow mate. She looks a lot better outside then she did inside. I'm sure your diary said she was in 2L pot when inside, bet that was a pain being in such a small pot. Looking at your plant she does look hungry to me. Definitely looks like it want N.
@m0use, I was going to go for height. See how tall I can get her by keeping Apical dominance with the main shoot. Its all going to be made into CBD Oil.
@m0use, Thanks, I got lucky that I had a high CBD strain started. It's eventually going to make it outside once the last frost hit's. I figure it should be around day 100. Gonna try to make a tree.
@Northern_Ent, Agreed. My area is notorious for teenagers to go backyard hopping for weed. I can usually ward them off, but my camera's didn't detect him as a "Person" so I was not notified of him in my yard.
@GanjaReaper, Yep it was stolen, well 99% You can see in the one picture 1 small bud was left. Nothing yet. Posted the picture around different social groups and once I get a police report I was going to print it and post it around the area.