
The First Go-Round: Auto and a Photo

3 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
riplets riplets
3 years ago
Already a few weeks into the grow but posting things here after just discovering the site. Here's the breakdown to date: Tent conditions: - Consistent at 73 degrees with 55% humidity. - As seedlings, temp was at 78 degrees with 75% humidity. - Light was initially 36in above seedlings but has since been lowered to 24in above plants as canopies develop. - Currently utilizing just one fan blowing up from below the plants. I need to get at least one to mount above them but I haven't had any mold, pests, or similar issues develop yet (knock on wood). Northern Lights auto: - Planted the seed directly into the soil on 1/20 after the first two seeds failed to take off in a wet paper towel. Took 8 or 9 days for the seedling to sprout. - Significantly bushier leaves than the CJ, I've removed a few of the particularly wide fan leaves in an attempt to get more light to lower areas of the plant. The photos posted from this week show it after it bounced back from the defoliation with no issues though there are a couple other large fan leaves blocking light still. Considering removing them, but I'm going to hold off a few more weeks just to see what happens. - Initially added some LST but it didn't seem to do much in terms of evening out the canopy. I'm thinking that outside of a little defoliation, I'm going to let this one continue without additional LST just to see what happens. Candy Jack photoperiod: - Received as a clone and transplanted into the 5gal smart pot when it was at the same height as the Northern Lights. - Consistently lighter and narrower leaves than the NL. Wonder if it has something to do with the Ruderalis in the auto? Not sure but it doesn't seem to impact it and has taken well to the soil. - One LST tie-down currently in place. It's done a good job at evening out the canopy and will likely add another one if one part of the plants begins to rise above the rest. All in all, very happy with how things are progressing so far.
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LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 53 years ago
Congratulations on getting into growing, looks like you are doing a lot right. If you haven't already I recommend learning about VPD and how it relates to cannabis. I also recommend a PAR meter and a thermal laser temp gun to get better temp reading from the top of your plants and get the max potential from your lights. Also if you're interested I am in the making of a YouTube tutorial series for all growers to utilize. You can find the link on my grow diaries page. Happy Growing!
LegacyMarketFarmcommented3 years ago
@riplets, That is for sure! I am always more than willing to help anyone out. Once you get down to it, You are spending electrical costs & money on nutrients in the end with some small effort & basic understanding of the plant life cycle and how to manipulate certain genetic triggers within it, We can optimize our value from our grows and make sure we are making every penny count! Please do not ever hesitate to ask if you should have any questions!
ripletscommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, I'll look into all of this! What I've quickly realized is this hobby can be an absolute rabbit hole and that there's always something else to learn and try.
love_2_growcommentedweek 53 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
ripletscommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, Definitely the grow lights. Didn't see the growdiaries heads up about taking photos without the grow lights on to avoid the plants looking pale. While the photo is a slightly lighter green, they are both a very healthy green when the grow lights aren't washing them out. :) Fresh Fox Farms soil and pH balanced water..nutrients should be good. Stay tuned for next week's update and I'll include photos without the grow lights on.
love_2_growcommented3 years ago
@riplets, It is an exciting hobby for sure :) BTW your girls look quite pale. Maybe it is just the pics, or maybe you have a nutrition issue. It could be worth checking in to before it gets worse.
ripletscommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, Thank you! Excited to the see the results of this. Happy growing to you as well!
Kynarethcommentedweek 63 years ago
good luck buddy
ripletscommented3 years ago
@Kynareth, Thanks!
Kommandant666commentedweek 133 years ago
Looks fantastic man! May your buds be strong and plentiful 🎉🌱🌱
ripletscommented3 years ago
@Kommandant666, Thank you! 🙏🏻
Seedsmancommentedweek 53 years ago
Thank you for choosing our strains! Good luck and we hope you like it. If you have any issues, please let us know. 😀💚
ripletscommented3 years ago
@Seedsman, Thank you! The Northern Lights from you guys is working very well. As mentioned in the description of this entry, 2 seeds failed to germinate in wet paper towels BUT they might've just been older. Not sure. The one however has picked up a lot of speed ever since it got a few leaves on it and is looking stronger by the day.