autumn came early this year 😉
auto's are like that: when it's time, it's time.
there is nothing to do to stop their senescence, and once it is over, removing the leaves is child's play 👌
the topping technique leaves me with 16 buds that will dry for a week; I don't think the harvest will be abundant, but the nuggets are quite dense, I hope the quality will be there
weighing and smoke test in 10 days 👍
(and harvesting my lil' guerillera, which I give an extra week before cutting)
I once threw a seed outside because it wouldnt germinate. It was cold outside but It warmed a little one day and then cooled back down the next day and the seed sprouted! After about 4 weeks of no signs of germinating.. even dried back out.. but It was around 10°C for about a week that time and she is still growing strong! I have faith in your outdoor seedling!
Thank for the journey, love your diary! Just ordered royal cookies seeds from queen as well. Can wait to grow them. And even more cant wait to roll a fat joint and go on a walk with it.