FullTankGardenscommentedweek 33 years ago
Hey man if I could suggest a couple things I do to try and help u out with your girls?
So, as you know, seedlings love warm humid moist environments, but they can also be overwatered too easily if not careful. By the way the pictures are looking it looks like they might be a little over or underwatered by the leaf drooping. Also how far away are your lights? I only ask because it looks like your plants are stacking great! Also I notice, unless I'm counting wrong, you topped her a couple of nodes too early. I have made the same mistake in the past and you will miss out on a lot of growth and Bud sites if you top it in the wrong place. Other than that man she has a beautiful deep lush color and she squatted nice you're doing great!
P.S. these are just my personal opinions and how I take care of my plants and how others have taught me with great results. The great thing about growing at home is that you don't have to follow the rules you can do whatever technique whatever lighting whatever lighting schedule whatever grow medium whatever pot hell you can use a solo cup for a pot if you want. You don't have to follow the rules man you can find what works for you so I definitely encourage you to find what works for you, and if one of my tips can help you find your niche, been awesome I'm glad I could help. Happy grows my friend.
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