companies promise a lot... be wary of them without an overabundance of evidence from a different source(s).
just to make sure irrigation habits are good. You should get a little runoff in soil to ensure you have fully saturated the substrate. i see you cut your soil with 50% perlite? that'll be great for the ffof. It'll still be full of nutes for 4-6 weeks or more. it's pretty hot soil.
so, in general allow top 1" to dry, give or take -- even better to familiarize yourself with the weight of a 'dry' pot... it'll be a more consistent point, if you do. you'll need same volume to get that weight back up + a little runoff to be safe.
with a 50% perlite mix, it'll be virtually impossible to overwater your plant. if you ran 3, maybe 4x as much water as necessary, it might cause a droop at some point, but even that should clear up quickly. if you try more frequent irrigaitons at 50% or 75% of original weight, just make sure to enact some preventative measures for pests.