Ladies been responding well to the increase amounts so upped the amount again to give them what they need to thrive, added in Nature's Candy for Carb & Velokelp to aid in uptake while adding need N since Grow is gone
Feed amount hold positive results in this weeks fertigation will continue for another wk before tweaking
Strawberry Cola really looking forward to this cultivar 2nd one showing primordial & inflorescence development more stretching with 2 compared to 1 that flowered earlier as to tighter node spacing. Not knocking 2 that added stretch made training her easier to make for a more even canopy an spacing, compared to 1
Guesstimating end of June harvest for smoke 🤗
So 2 has been LST and upper new fan leaves removed, lower fan leaves leaving on just cause
1 slowing down on PK deficiencies mainly P hoping the added Purpinator Micro Bloom as to the Velokelp & Nature's Candy is efficient to meet what's needed while not burning them roots
@Exotic_Seed, would it be possible to get best TDS/EC range for this cultivar, wanna push them as far as possible without causing lockouts or excess nutrient burn