Alright a interesting week indeed... Learnt PH in the Pot Reservoir was close to 7ph so turned the system off dumped all that fertigation and reset the fertigation and ph down to 5.7 while adding in a PH stabilizer an line cleaner Flying Skulls Z9 5ml to 19L
Checked the pot reservoirs next day ph raised to 6.2 while main reservoir tank stayed at 5.7 so lowered the main reservoir ph to 5.1 and dumped the pot reservoir fertigation again hoping it raises to a ph of 5.5 - 5.7 range in the pot reservoirs... Disappointed in myself on not realizing this 2 grows ago, live & learn, just ph checks on daily routine be checking tds and tracking & monitoring the 2 now while dialing in the system for optimal results... Next auto run should be better knowing this
Added in 1ml/l of Remo supercharge line up excluding Magnifical, seeing this was a PH issue be best to have everything available will bump up feed amount .25 to.5ml more next fertigation change
@Exotic_Seed, would it be possible to get best TDS/EC range for this cultivar, wanna push them as far as possible without causing lockouts or excess nutrient burn