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FastBuds LSD-25

Approved by Fast Buds
9 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
9 years ago
18 hrs
23 °C
55 %
Nutrients 1
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
1st LED grow with Fastbuds LSD-25, and second grow ever. I'm using the P300 Advanced Platinum LED 3 Gal smart pot, recipe 420 organic soil
Week 2. Vegetation
9 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
41 %
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Week 3. Vegetation
9 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
42 %
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 4 mll
Seen alot of growth in the few weeks and started 1/2 strength Fox Farm Nutes on day 15, seems to be liking it so far. I also started to tuck a few leaves to give more light to her side branches.
Week 4. Vegetation
9 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
62 %
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 4 mll
Still feeding half strength Fox Far nutes following their online feeding scheduel The LED light is still hanging 24 inches and running both bloom and veg switches. My Ph is a little high going to try and adjust it on my next watering. For later on i just received some AN Mag just incase she satarts to show a defficiency. If u can see i started to do a little leaf tucking to try and exspose more tops, it's working pretty well as the outside one is almost as tall as the main and the others are starting to catch up.
Week 5. Flowering
9 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
46 %
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 4 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Day 28, I think she is still in her stretch, and is currently at 20.5 in. I started to give her some CAl/MAG about 2mL to 2.5L and still running 1/2 strenght FF notes and added 1/8 tsp of open sesame, Im also alternating RO water in between feeding. I think i have some nute burn on the tips of my older fan leaves, but im just trying to push her in the stretch. My LED light is still at 24" per factory specs. Day 35 The LSD-25 has reached her top hight and is now starting to switch her energy into the buds, which are starting too look amazing. I am still following the FF feeding schedule, and alternating PH'd water with 3ml of AN sensi CAL MAG Xtra. She has started to get really thursty as I am watering her everyday with 1.5L. This week I am thinking about uping it to a full 3L, and giving her a flush with Sledge Hammer. I got the soil PH to finally stabalize at 6.8.
Week 6. Flowering
9 years ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 4 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1 mll
Week 7. Flowering
9 years ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 4 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1 mll
Week 8. Flowering
9 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 4 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 0.5 mll
Day 49 Still keeping to the same feed cycle as last week. debating weather or not to start her on cha ching, or another week of the beastie bloom.
Week 9. Flowering
9 years ago
68.58 cm
18 hrs
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 4 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 4 mll
Cha Ching - Fox Farm
Cha Ching 0.25 mll
Day 58 I flushed her last sunday and have only been giving her RO water. I was thinking about harvesting here in the next few day, just not too sure if she is ready or not. Harvested Her on Day 60 And the Final wet weight is..........536g (not sure it this is good or not for a wet weight or what to exspect for dry weight) what i can tell you is, these buds are very dense and i had to stop numerious times to clean my trimmers becuase they kept stiking together.
Week 9. Harvest
9 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 64 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
136.08 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Berries, Diesel

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
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WeirdBeardcommentedweek 99 years ago
The Rhino Ryder is on my list also, that and the West Coast OG.
WeirdBeardcommentedweek 99 years ago
Yes your math is right, i smoked some buds throughout the curing process to see the different in the weeks of curing. I do beleve the longer the cure the better the buds. I currently have one curing for 2 months now cracked to seal and WOW, very smooth and alot better of a tasting and smelling smoke then when i first started smoking it at a 3 week cure. And thanks the_Elvis that means alot coming from you.
WeirdBeardcommentedweek 99 years ago
The final weight came in at 125.42g!! As for the smoke report, here we go in real time. Using my pax2 vaporizer on the second setting, the hit is almost berry like mixed in with some skunky diesel. Already I can feel it starting at the base of my skull creeping towards my eyes and bam with a full on head numbing sensation................... After spacing out for a few minutes I feel my body relaxed and not wanting to get out of this chair. This is going to be some great night time/ movie smoke!!! Great genetics @FastBuds, cant wait to get the Blackberry started!
nicknackpotsackcommentedweek 67 years ago
hey did you just use foxfarm ocean for your soil if so do you have to fix the ph of the soil before growing and how would i do that
WeirdBeardcommented7 years ago
@nicknackpotsack, no, I didn’t use fox farm soil, never had. If your using LED’s a little extra CAl/Mag never hurts. I would have to see what fox farm uses as their base of the soil. An easy way to make sure your ph doesn’t drop mid grow would be to amend it with some Dolomite lime. I get it off amazon and make sure it’s powdered. I only use 4 tablespoons per each square foot of soil. It buffers the pH and supplies the plants with all the cal/mag they need. Also make sure you mix the soil and water it, let it sit for a couple of days before you plant. This will ensure the lime has leached into the soil. Also I would introduce some microbs And would inoculate the soil the same time and water with buffer RO and a tablespoon per gallon of molasses.
WeirdBeardcommented7 years ago
@nicknackpotsack, sounds good man... you can ask me whatever you want, my goal with starting this was to learn and to help other produce their own quality medicine! I have learned a lot through these grows, and made a lot of mistakes along the way so don’t hesitate to ask me questions.
nicknackpotsackcommented7 years ago
@WeirdBeard, okay thanks so much for getting back to me. I will be will be using your diary as a guideline hopefully I get the same resaults
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love_violetcommentedweek 97 years ago
Thanks so much WeirdBeard! I'm getting one of those full spectrum Morsen LED 80 watt grow lights with the red/blue/white/IR & UV, delivered by Friday. I'm feeling cautious about running big watts here so I'm hoping this highly rated 20=80 watt spotlight bulb will work with this one plant. I'll wind up with about 75-80 total actual watts that equal about 400 incandescent watts, and I'd like to keep using both led and cfl. I sure hope that's enough light for my little 2-ft x 3-ft growing space in the closet. I decided to call this plant Purilla since it's purple gorilla. She got about twenty earthworms from my garden today and I mulched her with pine needles to hold her sturdy, cause I think that four-inch stem is a bit of a stretch. I'll probably earth-up an inch or so. Day six since sprouting, and I can see the very beginnings of that second set of leaves, so there's still hope. Thanks again! :)
WeirdBeardcommented7 years ago
@love_violet,I o and post some pics for us!!
WeirdBeardcommented7 years ago
@love_violet, good thing about CFL’s is you can put the really close to the plant. Just watch for bleaching. As long as it’s not ticking her your good to go!!! That will also help stop her from stretching
love_violetcommentedweek 97 years ago
I need help with my set up. 300 watts of LED brought forth a gorgeous single LSD-25 plant, indoors. I need to know, 1) how many bulbs were used to total 300 watts? Were those 300 equivalent watts or true watts? 2) Were purple grow lights used, or more like the white-light Sun Blaster? I'm growing a single purple gorilla plant with 7 smaller watt bulbs - white LED and CFL, with true wattage ranging from 6 watts LED = 50 (5) , and a couple of CFLs with true watts ranging from 12-30 = 60-100 equivalent watts, each. (In my closet with a heavy black/gold[specks of hematite] virgin clay organic soil/compost medium. I added compost, perlite, crushed egg shells, and coffee grounds. My soil is very alkaline.) My seed sprouted and stood up within 48 hrs after planting directly in a 3-gal pot. It's been five days since it sprouted, now, and I'm looking for the second set of true leaves. I'm a bit nervous because the first set opened up two days ago. I'm concerned that maybe I don't have enough light. ... (the stem is 4" tall and sturdy, and other little sprouts that popped up have also stopped growing, California poppies and probably lupins) ... but I did notice in some You Tube diaries last night that several growers experienced a growth-pause at this point. Is this normal? I was planning on getting a set of 4 or six 5=40 watt LED grow spotlights with red/blue/UV & IR cells after I get paid tomorrow, ( ) and use them on flexible extensions, ( ) but now I wonder if I'd do better to just buy a single higher watt bulb. I can afford to invest about $30.00. I've already got 2700 and 6500K going in LED and CFL, Should I go for the colorful growlights to add to the bunch and fill in a few missing spectrums? ( ) Or would it be better to just stick with the white lights in a particular Kelvin? ( ) Sorry for the lenghty post, This is my first grow. ... Also, where can I get LSD-25, Jack Herer, and Green Crack seeds in CA? I poked around all day & night last weekend, and I'm still pretty confused about Fast Bud distributors for my region, even though they say they're from Los Angeles... ? Help!!! This purple gorilla seed came with some bud I got a few months ago, and I'm really glad it sprouted, but I don't know if it's male or female yet... I'll appreciate your guidance, Thanks, love_violet
love_violetcommented7 years ago
@WeirdBeard, Wow! That's a beautiful light! Thanks for that. It's on my wish list now. :)
WeirdBeardcommented7 years ago
@love_violet,The 300w where true wats and it was a single platinum led p300 grow light. I would say that it is normal to exsperiencrnaome sort of grow pause at this point, as long as the leave look good and you not over watering you should be fine at this point...I would go for more light however I would start playing with UV and shit like that until you get you medium and nutes down. As long as you have full spectrum light your girls will grow.
nicknackpotsackcommentedweek 67 years ago
thaks you i just planted them last week i wont be doing a journele
WeirdBeardcommented7 years ago
Oyzipharcommentedweek 98 years ago
Beautiful colors. Really nice to see. I love'm.
WeirdBeardcommented8 years ago
@Oyziphar,thanks a lot! She was a beautiful plant!
GrimbolTheDruidcommentedweek 98 years ago
Dude I want to grow this strain so bad. I just love all of the different phenos. Super interesting. Great work.
WeirdBeardcommented8 years ago
@Grimbol,it was a great grow!!! I would recommend it!!!!
Tedcommentedweek 98 years ago
Beautiful flowers!!
WeirdBeardcommented8 years ago
Yes sir! It was an amazing strain to grow, one of my favorite night time smokes.
Finsfancommentedweek 97 years ago
I'm about to grow these same seeds. Do you suggest topping or leaving it alone?
love_violetcommentedweek 97 years ago
Thanks, WeirdBeard! Purilla is coming along! Tomorrow, Thurs 4/12 will be it's 21st day after sprouting, so hopefully I'll have indications of sex soon. It's got two sets of three leaves now, and the next set is sticking up from the center. It seems to be taking about two days for each new set of leaves to unfold. I wonder when the 5/7-pointed leaves will appear? There's an Awesome webinar finishing up on healing properties of cannabis called "The Sacred Plant". This last episode has really great info on the healing properties of terpenes and personalized treatment methods for serious illnesses (down to the genetic level of the person and the plant). Here's the link: Enjoy! It'll be up until Fri/13th at about 9:00 pm EST. If you miss it, just let me know. I was able to download it, but I just haven't uploaded it to my Google Drive yet... Peace & <3
Blablablacommentedweek 98 years ago
Nice colors, can't wait to see mine.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 98 years ago
Beautiful as usual, Weirdbeard. You rock it! Thanks and congrats!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 98 years ago
Thanks, Weirdbeard! Awesome lady and nice smoke report too! Yes, LSD-25 is so special! Very nice pictures too! We hope you'll have a great time with her! Enjoy growing faster!
Barbaracommentedweek 99 years ago
Excelent report & great shooting! Do you think the LSD-25 strain is easy to grow?
mrcropcommentedweek 99 years ago
Nice grow! The lsd-25 is one of the best locking autos i´ve ever seen and the smoke is really good, but personally, my favorite is Rhino Ryder. But i´m still waiting to try the new fast buds releases....😬
the_Elviscommentedweek 99 years ago
For a 60 day autoflower 536 grams is amazing!! even wet.. FYI If you take 536 -70% for water weight, you get 160 grams dry.. thats fantastic !!! is my math correct??
the_Elviscommentedweek 49 years ago
Very nice veg growth.. they look great!!
DonFazoolcommentedweek 98 years ago
Awesome grow man. I just started the same one. I hope i can pull it off !
WeirdBeardcommented8 years ago
@DonFazool, I'm sure you will, this one is very resistant to pH fluctuations and really is a hardy plant!!! Good luck with your grow, I'll follow along!
the end.
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