SHE'S ALIIIIIVE!!! I honestly cannot believe this. Thank you @gottagrowsometime for all the help, I'd totally share a joint with you if I could.
After my last post she wilted more and gave up on the main shoot and on all leaves but the one on the picture. Could this be considered topping? Anyway when I thought all was lost, she started growing a new tip on the only place she could find. This tip's now growing very fast (pictures are one day apart) and I also noticed the stem thickening quite a lot. Maybe she'll come back even stronger from this! 🤩
Sorry about my rant last week, some weeks are worse than others. All's better now, I'll have prime OG Kush in a few months, very excited! I believe root juice and spraying alg a mic on her helped too, great investment.
Lesson I learned: as long as it's not damping off, a seedling can be saved.
Thank you for visiting and see you next week.
@Tropicalstorm, the start is still the hardest part for me after almost two years don’t worry lol . They’re are their most delicate at that point . You got this 💪🏾
Hey brother.. al magic will do fine. If you have a root stim then give that to her. Is it preloaded soil or light mix? If it's Biobizz it needs calmag straight away and root stims is a given for soil, your a missing out if you don't have a batrica/enzyme?
DM me brother.
Hahaha I think soon it will be possible to smoke via internet online together😂😂
With the VR glasses from ps5 😂😅
But if the world keeps going like this, looks like we'll all be robots soon.
no we, no joints 😂😂😅👍
No!, dont give her NO FERTS yet! ZERO! UNTIL SHE has at least 4 leaves and can handle it!
And because you have a little molld and mildew ... I would water with hydrogen peroxide mixed water at least for a few days when you water all the container she is in, because doing that you will get rid of any pathogenes that might get in the way during this first stage.
Mas serio, zero fert pelo menos por uma semana. A terra ja tem alguma coisa, deixa ela usar.. a semente também. Usar fert mesmo que pouco nesse estágio, a meu ver, atrapalha mais que ajuda...
Quando ela tiver 4 folhas vc da o Bio heaven (bioheavens é cheio de enzimas como disse o camarada ai no outro comentario) e olha ela explodir!!! ai mais uns dias começa com 1/8 de biogrow e vai subindo cada semana 1/8, 1/6, 1/4,. etc comecou a ficar mto verde a folha, vc achou a dose (anterior)
abraço e boa sorte
@amazongrow, I was only giving then once a week because of the shock, thought maybe it could help. Começo sempre infernal pqp kkkk agora ta indo melhor
opa, da uma lida aqui...,Lei%20do%20m%C3%A1ximo,-Extra%3A%20Lei%20da
essas 3 leis ai é bom de conhecer.. um adianto na vida rsrs. das plantas heheh
nao sei se vc ja conhece... mas mando mesmo assim.. =)
Lei do Máximo
Na lei do máximo é observado que o aumento ainda maior de doses de um nutrientes faz com que os rendimentos da produção comecem a cair. Nesse caso, o excesso limita ou mesmo prejudica a produção.
Foi com base nisso que André Voisin enunciou a lei do máximo. Os excessos de um nutriente reduzem não só a eficácia de outros, mas também atrapalha o rendimento das colheitas. Isso não foi previsto, por exemplo, pela lei de Mitscherlich, sendo considerada a região C.
ou seja.. se ja tem um começo no solo. .qualquer outra coisa, prejudica.